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EDITORIAL: Poised to create her own legacy

WHEN Monique Pindling took the stage at the PLP convention in 2017, her words were a breath of fresh air.

EDITORIAL: Weigh criticism of projects against the need for jobs

TWO different developments in the spotlight today raise a weighty question – in the time of COVID-19, how picky should we be about the impact of projects?

EDITORIAL: No ifs, no buts - get breakwaters repaired

DON’T put tasks off when things are going well – because when things are going badly, they’ll come back to bite you.

EDITORIAL: Credit for action over wedding breach

WE would like to commend the police force, for taking action following the publication of yesterday’s Tribune highlighting a wedding held in breach of emergency orders on Friday.

EDITORIAL: There must be one rule for all

When photographs and videos from a wedding in Harbour Island went viral in July, the sense of hurt from people who had followed the rules and cancelled or delayed their weddings was palpable.

EDITORIAL: Rules inconsistencies still maddening

THE news about the end of the weekend lockdown might be good news – at least as long as it doesn’t reverse the downward trend of new COVID-19 cases – but it remains maddeningly inconsistent in many ways.

EDITORIAL: A steady hand at the tiller

THERE is not a soul in The Bahamas who does not want to see the back of COVID-19.

EDITORIAL: Just in time for Christmas

IT’S wonderful to report two pieces of good news today.

EDITORIAL: Horrifying statistics - and attitudes we must change

ONE in three University of The Bahamas students who answered a survey have been raped – either in the form of sex without consent or statutory rape.

EDITORIAL: It’s D’Aguilar vs D’Aguilar over policy

TOURISM Minister Dionisio D’Aguilar was adamant when he spoke up on Saturday about rapid antigen testing.

EDITORIAL: The silver lining on the cloud of debt

THE announcement yesterday that national debt is headed towards $8.9bn was an unsettling, yet expected moment.

EDITORIAL: Lockdown still here as we open the doors

If anyone was expecting major changes from Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis, they were soon disappointed.

EDITORIAL: Listen to those who offer a better path

SINCE he resigned his post as Minister of Health, Dr Duane Sands has been an increasingly vocal figure commenting on the government’s approach to tackling COVID-19.

EDITORIAL: Ellis offers criticism, but no solutions

BISHOP Neil Ellis was the talk of social media yesterday, after he took a break from rendering unto God to loudly condemn Caesar.

EDITORIAL: Time to breathe life into Downtown

WE don’t need to tell you about the number of rundown buildings in Downtown Nassau.

EDITORIAL: What do economic measures mean for you?

READERS may be forgiven if, after looking at the announcements made on extending the emergency powers and the recommendations for the recovery of the economy, they asked one question: What does all this mean for me?

EDITORIAL: If lockdowns aren’t working, what next?

OVER and over in the battle against COVID-19, we have said that our approach is led by advice from health experts.

EDITORIAL: Don’t gain short-term and lose long-term

LOOK before you leap. That’s the warning from union chief Obie Ferguson – and it’s wise advice in an economy that is a long way from being on the rise again.

EDITORIAL: What are we doing to protect women?

What would you do if you found yourself being stalked?

EDITORIAL: No easy answer over cutting off water

WHERE BPL has gone before, now the Water and Sewerage Corporation is seeking to follow – in cutting off customers whose bills remain unpaid.

EDITORIAL: Is this really the time for a battle with nurses?

IT seems like some disputes never go far away – even in a pandemic.

EDITORIAL: It’s not snitching, it’s saving lives

YOU have a weapon against COVID-19.

EDITORIAL: Paying now for missed opportunities earlier

PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis has made his move – and once again we prepare for a diet of curfews and lockdowns.

EDITORIAL: A bright idea to break the COVID impasse

JUST when it seems the government is fresh out of ideas – along comes the private sector.

EDITORIAL: What do we do about oil?

IS oil the future or is oil the past?