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EDITORIAL: Public consultation a duty, not an afterthought

ON December 10 the upper chamber of government withdrew a bill it anticipated would zip through without so much as a challenge.

EDITORIAL: It’s a wonder the Bahamas has any viable business

A RECENT Industrial Development Bank survey reports that the functional capacity of The Bahamas’ civil service scores 19 out of 100 on the charts, showing “that the Bahamas has significant room for improvement”.

EDITORIAL: From the ruins of the Soviet Union Putin strives to revive the Russian superpower

The passing of former US President George HW Bush reminded many that we are approaching the 30th anniversaries of some of the most critical geopolitical events of the second half of the 20th Century.

EDITORIAL: If PMH is best – God help the rest

WE were very interested in a statement by Dr Marcus Cooper during the recent consultants pay dispute at the Princess Margaret Hospital, in which he explained that it was because of the personal and professional sacrifices of these same doctors to improve the quality of services in our public system that The Bahamas “is able to boast the best public healthcare facility in the region”. Dr Cooper is president of the Medical Association of The Bahamas.

EDITORIAL: We've had the warnings - but what are we actually doing?

Three years after the Paris Agreement on climate change and global warming there is renewed focus on this controversial issue with a major United Nations conference now taking place in the Polish city of Katowice. This is the first such meeting since the landmark report in October by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change which declared drastic action is required to avert a world disaster precipitated by climate change.

EDITORIAL: Tiger burned bright but we missed an opportunity

If you turned on the TV any time toward the end of last week or on the weekend, you were likely to see a welcome face in a familiar place, Tiger Woods at Albany.

EDITORIAL: May's down to the wire with storm clouds on every side

Britain’s departure from the European Union is once again top of the international news agenda.

EDITORIAL: Money not the only issue in Minnis juggling act

IT’S hard to know what was likely to come out of Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis’ meeting with unions this week.

EDITORIAL: The Bahamian work force is today’s challenge

IT WAS indeed a below-the-belt blow to learn from the World Bank that it is easier to do business in the war-torn West Bank and Gaza Strip than it is to do business in The Bahamas.

EDITORIAL: Time for Mr Culmer to start listening

IT is a rare thing in politics to be able to please all of the country – but if ever there was a statement seemingly designed to annoy everyone it was the one made by FNM chairman Carl Culmer.

EDITORIAL: An American degree - it may have lost its lustre

Parents want the best for their children. Parents in Paraguay, Uganda, Cambodia, Fiji, Pakistan, Haiti and Bulgaria want the best for their children. And parents in The Bahamas also want the best for their children. Perhaps the best gift a parent can give to a child is education.

EDITORIAL: Now the counting's over what lies a head?

It’s no coincidence that many men and increasing numbers of women follow politics and sports. The two activities do have a lot in common, starting with the fact they both eventually produce clear winners and losers. And, as tantalising as they can be, near misses and close losses are still defeats.

EDITORIAL: Cameras, strong measures must be deployed to fight corruption

On Monday, November 5, this newspaper published a front page story revealing a two-year investigation into alleged bribery and corruption at the highest levels of the Bahamas Immigration Department was now an FBI matter.

EDITORIAL: Importance of remembering the fallen

REMEMBRANCE Day, also known informally as Poppy Day, has special significance this year because it marks the centenary of the end of the First World War.

EDITORIAL: Overcoming Legacy Issues, Bahamas Vulnerability to Financial Pirates

In recent days, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Peter Turnquest has come out strongly in defence of The Bahamas’ position as a willing and compliant partner in the war against money laundering and nefarious attempts to use tax-friendly jurisdictions for offensive, or even illegal, purposes.

EDITORIAL: US holds its breath for Trump's first electoral test

Tomorrow’s American mid-term elections will serve as a referendum on the tenure so far of US President Donald Trump. For months, political pundits and observers have reminded us the first mid-term elections under a new president can serve as a stinging rebuke. The opposition party often racks up big gains at the expense of the president’s party. The most recent example is most often cited. In 2010, the Republicans wiped out the legislative gains Barack Obama had helped to achieve for the Democrats two years earlier.

EDITORIAL: How work permits are helping this country move forward

RECENTLY Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis declared that something had to be done to decrease the “thousands” of work permits annually approved by the Immigration Department.

EDITORIAL: Bahamas, Gun Laws and Lessons of the Pittsburg Massacre

At 9:57 on Saturday morning, gunshots shattered the peace of Tree of Life Synagogue in a quiet section of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Within minutes, in one of the oldest houses of worship in the United States, 11 people would be dead including a 97-year-old man who, determined to thank God for life, made it to the temple where he would die as he prayed. Police rushed into the line of fire. Four were injured as they captured and arrested 46-year-old Robert Bowers, a man poisoned by hate and armed with three Glock handguns and an AR-15 assault rifle. “I just want to kill Jews,” he screamed.

EDITORIAL: Another chance to be presidential and Trump blows it again

When the US Postal Service delivered over a dozen potentially lethal pipe bombs to public figures last week, Americans were immediately reminded that all of these intended victims, from former President Barack Obama to former CIA director John Brennan, have been frequent targets of the demagogic rhetoric of Donald Trump.

EDITORIAL: The right step towards universal healthcare

THERE is a painful tradition in The Bahamas that perhaps, at last, the time has come to bring to an end.

EDITORIAL: There isn't a rug large enough to hide our record on human rights abuses

What happened to Jean Rony Jean-Charles should never have happened to anyone, but it did. A man born in The Bahamas, picked up in an immigration raid, deported to Haiti, feared missing or the victim of an accident or worse, located weeks later (by a reporter for this newspaper) living in the bush in the country where he knew no one, had no papers, could not work and was more terrified than ever, his story is disconcerting to a point of alarming.

EDITORIAL: The alarm's ringing but is it already too late?

Mexico Beach is a small beach community with a population of 1,072 situated near the Florida panhandle’s so-called “Redneck Riviera”. The area’s wide sandy beaches have always beckoned landlocked visitors from neighbouring Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama, accounting for the nickname. Mexico Beach sits so directly astride the dividing line between the Eastern and Central time zones that drivers heading west from the town’s eastern boundary will gain an hour on their watches before reaching the western town line.

EDITORIAL: Changing mindsets to give us our pride back

Nassau is dirty. Except in rare meticulously maintained areas like Baha Mar Boulevard, the lack of respect for surroundings hits us smack in the face at nearly every turn. Litter-strewn sidewalks. Overgrown vacant lots dotted with abandoned vehicles. Old fridges and used mattresses tossed in bushes. Random snipe signage in the ground, hand-scrawled cardboard signs begging for business nailed to trees.

EDITORIAL: Another log thrown on to the Middle East fire

Early this month, a 59-year-old Saudi Arabian journalist walked into the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, presumably to pick up documentary evidence of the dissolution of his previous marriage. Jamal Khashoggi was planning to marry again and friends said the normally sombre Khashoggi was uncharacteristically ebullient.

EDITORIAL: The climate clock clock is ticking even louder

THE release earlier this week of a new landmark report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) makes grim and gloomy reading. This United Nations body has now declared time is running out to avert disaster precipitated by climate change unless drastic action is taken to phase out fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions.