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EDITORIAL: Pence talks tough for his boss on all-things China

WHILE major developments like Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the US Supreme Court and a new North American trade pact dominated the American news last week, several significant officials spoke publicly at the same time to offer their informed views on the globally significant issue of the evolving US-China relationship. The Trump administration helped to focus further attention on China when Vice President Pence delivered a major address on the subject to the conservative Hudson Institute.

EDITORIAL: No money for doctors - or anything else - until we wake up to reality

When doctors at Princess Margaret Hospital threatened to withhold services because of poor pay and, in some instances, deplorable working conditions, the public was aghast. How, they asked, could a doctor turn his or her back on a patient in need of urgent care or ongoing attention?

EDITORIAL: Why powers must be separated

TO many foreign observers, the ugly spectacle of the current US Senate nomination hearings for the Supreme Court being shamelessly politicised yet again makes a mockery of America’s democracy.

EDITORIAL: Goodbye, Mr Nygard – 34 Years is Enough

LAST Friday, Deputy Provost Marshal Tommy Sands accompanied by a team of police officers seized the Simms Point/Nygard Cay premises of Canadian fashion mogul Peter Nygard, ending a nearly two-day standoff that some called unprecedented and shocking. Those who were appalled that Nygard’s staff managed to defy the third highest-ranking security officer of the land for the better part of two days, refusing him entry despite an order from the highest court in The Bahamas, should not have been surprised.

EDITORIAL: A high stakes game with the Supreme Court the prize

WHAT is really at stake in the great political circus now playing in Washington, DC?


CRITICISM of the educational system in this country is never-ending.

EDITORIAL: A pawn in Washington's game

EACH day brings a new fusillade of advocacy and commentary about Brett Kavanaugh, US President Donald Trump’s historically controversial nominee to fill the vacancy on the American Supreme Court created by the resignation this summer of Anthony Kennedy.

EDITORIAL: Will Woodward’s words see history repeat itself?

Bob Woodward is 75-years-old. He grew up west of Chicago, the son of an Illinois judge and graduated from Yale in 1965. After five years in the U.S. Navy, some spent at sea, he turned down an acceptance to study at Harvard Law School to start in journalism. Although his application was initially deferred, he was later accepted as a reporter for the Washington Post in 1971.

EDITORIAL: As millions flee seeking a better life we must honour our laws

The outcome of the recent election in Sweden has provided fresh evidence that the rise of populism in Europe continues apace. The Sweden Democrats, a far-right party denounced as racist, won some 18 percent of the total vote and now, in a post-election deadlock, could be part of some form of coalition government even though other parties are so far refusing to do deals with them

EDITORIAL: Light years behind in alternative energy when the solution shines in our face

In yesterday’s Tribune, reporter Rashad Rolle explored incredible advances in the means by which countries across the world are producing power, many of them using floating platforms for massive installations of solar panels.

EDITORIAL: Historic day for Princess Margaret Hospital

AS one of the most widely admired and oft quoted world leaders, Sir Winston Churchill’s rousing oratory, wit, and steadfast leadership during the London Blitz held a besieged and frightened nation together, while his legendary tenacity and profound sense of conviction rallied the UK to victory against Hitler’s Germany.

EDITORIAL: Let this shocking crime serve as a wake-up call

THE truly shocking news of the murder of the Aide-de-Camp to the Governor General Inspector Carlis Blatch has truly rocked the nation.

EDITORIAL: In America’s ‘darkness’ Trump is a symptom not the cause

IT has never been clear why US President Donald Trump appears to so despise his elegant predecessor. Perhaps it’s because Barack Obama so epitomises everything Trump isn’t. Obama was inspirationally articulate. His election caused the United States to soar. Americans have seldom felt so good about themselves in recent decades as when they chose him to lead the nation. In stark contrast, for many Americans, Trump’s shocking victory in 2016 led to a profound despair from which they have not yet recovered.

EDITORIAL: It is now time for Bahamians to unite for country, not self

IT should come as no surprise that many Bahamians find the PLP’s criticism of public healthcare somewhat disingenuous given their record of unconscionable neglect of the country’s health institutions. It also causes the public to wonder, in view of their record, what all their fuss is now about as they claim contracts are being awarded to party faithful at BEC/BPL.

EDITORIAL: So far, so good but we still need to be alert

WITH Tropical Storm Gordon making landfall in countries on the Gulf of Mexico after passing south of The Bahamas last week, together with news of further tropical systems forming in the Atlantic, everyone in this country should be aware we are now in the middle of the most dangerous period of the hurricane season. Officially, it is from the beginning of June to the end of November but the incidence of storms is usually highest during the months of August, September and October.

EDITORIAL: It is time to finalise Shell NA agreement with BPL

AN IMF working paper, released in March, 2016, noted that about 25 per cent of Bahamian companies identified energy costs as a major impediment to business.

EDITORIAL: Will McCain’s funeral be another nail in Trump’s coffin?

JOHN McCain may be judged by history to be a transcendent figure in late 20th Century American history. Or not. In some ways, he was typical, even emblematic, of a social and political evolution away from meritocracy and toward nepotism. In other ways, he was an almost unimaginably stoical and heroic throwback to a revered frontier past.

EDITORIAL: Time for an end to the BPL mess

With a new board of directors in place at Bahamas Power and Light and its members having received from the Minister of Works clear and firm advice about their role and responsibilities, let us hope order has been restored. An official investigation into the events surrounding the earlier dramatic removal of the previous board is now pending, but that ought not to prevent the new leadership from getting on with the job.

EDITORIAL: Nixon packed and left - but not this guy

For virtually anyone else, the legal, moral and ethical troubles that continue to accumulate around Donald Trump would lead to introspection and serious examination of the ways and means to leave office with at least a scintilla of self respect and dignity intact.

EDITORIAL: Through the years of conflict Kofi Annan fought for peace

DESPITE the issuance of an official statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the death last week of the distinguished former United Nations Secretary-General and Nobel Peace Laureate Kofi Annan, there has been little media coverage here at home of his passing.

EDITORIAL: Who is going to fill vast chasms left by those who leave us?

Senator Telator Strachan. Dr Patricia Bazard. Dr Cecil Bethel. Cleophas Adderley. Bobby Symonette. E Clement Bethel. Ronnie Butler. James Catalyn. Sir Clifford Darling. Paul Adderley. Sir Clement Maynard. Norman Solomon. Basil Sands. Harry B Sands. David Johnson. Sir Durward Knowles.

EDITORIAL: Bully boy tactics and ‘hogwash’ denials

Government service in Western democracies is often coveted by citizens who seek a stable, secure position with a regular pay cheque and a sense of serving the greater good of the nation. Government service is also often reviled and ridiculed by those outside government who are supposed to be the clients of public servants.

EDITORIAL: A question of honour

Where does Bahamian pride stand today?

EDITORIAL: Where are the funds to be found for the PMH?

“WHY did they sign a contract with us when they knew that there were not enough funds to honour it?”

EDITORIAL: The truth behind the real property tax debacle

TOURISM Minister Dionisio D’Aguilar was right on two counts when he spoke out at the end of last week about the government’s decision to backtrack on a real property tax definition that had the luxury market in full-blown panic mode.