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INSIGHT: Sensitivity must be set aside as the government prepares for future superstorms

THREE weeks after the most traumatic experience The Bahamas has ever faced we are still picking up the pieces for what may be a years-long recovery and rebuilding process. The physical and psychological damage experienced by the victims, as well as other citizens that have listened to the many nightmarish accounts of surviving Dorian is palpable.

INSIGHT: Haitians are human beings - time to end discrimination

HURRICANE Dorian brought the many serious issues regarding shanty towns in Abaco into sharp focus. If ever doubted, it is now crystal clear that the residents of these communities are among the most vulnerable who live in our midst. It is also beyond question that these unfortunates remain victims of a brand of xenophobia so deep-rooted and persistent that not even a tragedy of this magnitude can assuage it.

WORLD VIEW: Cross-Border Climate Change refugees looming large

“HURRICANE Hell” and “The Bahamas is at war being attacked by Hurricane Dorian. And yet The Bahamas has no weapon to defend itself”, are two memorable expressions that emerged from the wreckage of the Abaco Islands and Grand Bahama in the chain of islands that make up the territory of The Bahamas.

INSIGHT: In our darkest hour, caring hearts are most needed

JUST over two weeks ago, the islands and cays of Abaco and Grand Bahama were devastated by the ruthless winds and rain of Category 5 Hurricane Dorian. Left in its trail of destruction, the stench of death and loss still permeates the air of two jewels in the crown of The Bahamas – completely altering the picturesque landscape of the treasured Bahama islands.

INSIGHT: Lessons from the Equinor oil spill

EQUINOR, formerly Statoil, operates the old Burmah Oil storage facility at South Riding Point in East Grand Bahama.

BUSINESS BITES: Joplin recovered from tornado - so can we from 2019 Dorian?

In the Tornado Alley states of the USA, tornadoes, large and small, are too frequent to be named. Only the worst are identified for the official records — like Joplin in 2011.

WORLD VIEW: Handmaiden to the tyranny of a minority

THERE have been many ignominious moments at the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) and many farcical decisions made, but they pale in significance when compared with the events of Wednesday, September 11, 2019.

INSIGHT: A mountain to climb – which we must do together

THE devastation left in the wake of Hurricane Dorian’s wrath has been absolutely unimaginable. As we braced ourselves for this monstrous Category 5 hurricane, there is no way we could have fathomed the trail of destruction that would be left behind. Footage depicting people’s lives scattered across Abaco and Grand Bahama in unrecognisable mangled pieces of debris have been plastered all over local and North American media outlets.

INSIGHT: This is not a time for partisan politics. It is a time for bigger thinking.

It’s pretty tough up here. I am lucky to be alive and thankful. There was no storm surge on the south of Freeport. There was minor damage to my home; water penetration, roof damage and huge landscape destruction.

INSIGHT: Juggling problems but BPL has to remain the priority

AFTER months of inaction on the country’s power generation challenges, the government’s recent focus on remediating the crisis has been welcome. Proclamations by the nation’s top brass - first the prime minister, and more recently, the deputy prime minister – while not completely making amends after months of nearly daily power cuts, have certainly been better than complete silence.

INSIGHT: ‘Yes’ to a higher minimum wage - but it’s all about timing

WHILE the nation’s power crisis has weighed heavily on the Bahamian people over the past nearly three months, we have somehow been able to shift our focus to another subject - increasing the minimum wage. It is four years since the last increase of the national minimum wage to $210 per week or $11,500 per annum – and since then the government raised value added tax from 7.5 percent to 12 percent.

INSIGHT: Shining a light on why we’re so slow switching on to solar

The Bahamas is one of the “solar capitals” of the world with more solar irradiation falling on our land than most other countries. In spite of this, the Bahamas has the least amount of solar integration compared with almost any country.

WORLD VIEW: How long with Venezuela remain a pawn in the game of global chess?

MICHELLE Bachelet is a torture survivor. She was arrested in 1975 by the late dictator Augusto Pinochet’s political police and detained in the notorious Villa Grimaldi torture centre. So, she knows much about the suffering of people.

INSIGHT: Forget power cuts, some of our neighbours suffer greater indignities

CRYSTAL Miller is a 30-year-old mother-of-two. In this modern Bahamas of luxury resorts shares and affluent tourists she, like many other ordinary people, still has to use two outside toilets along with five people at her home in Centreville.

INSIGHT: Are we being lulled to sleep on Carnival’s ocean dumping?

JUST four months ago, the nation was flabbergasted with the revelations of Carnival cruise line’s illegal dumping at sea.

INSIGHT: We should teach our children to enjoy the ocean, not fear it

Only one in 100 government school students can swim, according to empirical data gathered by Andy and Nancy Knowles, the co-founders of the Let’s Swim Bahamas programme.

WORLD VIEW: Trump’s new rules will reduce Caribbean migration to the US

US President Donald Trump’s new rule on immigration and nationality, published on August 12, is no different from the rules applied by Caribbean countries.

INSIGHT: Come on Mr Bannister, do your job

MUCH of what we understand about the world comes from the carrot and stick approach – do something good and get something good in return, or vice versa.

INSIGHT: ‘Four years on and I’m still waiting for police to apologise’

ON reading the complaint of the beating by the police of two women in Exuma last week and the promise by National Security Minister Marvin Dames that there would be no “cover up” if officers in the case were found guilty of wrong doing, a senior government employee reveals today that he is still awaiting the results of his own complaint against two junior police officers.

WORLD VIEW: Caribbean contempt of Haitians is shameful

THE response to Haitians arriving in Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries has been lamentable at best and contemptible at worst. They have been treated, for the most part, as pariahs particularly by the ignorant and bigoted.

WORLD VIEW: Boris Johnson’s homegrown can of worms

THERE were echoes of US President Donald Trump’s famous campaign slogan, “Make America great again”, in the first parliamentary statement of Britain’s new Prime Minister, Boris Johnson. “Our mission”, Mr Johnson declared is “making this country the greatest place on earth”.

INSIGHT: Does the PLP leadership have what it takes to form the next government in 2022?

AFTER the almost complete wipeout of the Progressive Liberal Party on May 10, 2017, many believed it would be the end of former Prime minister Perry Christie’s political career - and the end of the PLP’s relevance as one of the two major parties.

POLICE ADVICE: Simple rules for the road - they’ll keep you safe

Be responsible while driving and walking. For your safety and the safety of others, you must follow these rules.

INSIGHT: Loose lips sink ships. Just what was Brent Symonette thinking?

THE resignation of the former Minister of Immigration, Financial Services, Trade and Industry, Brent Symonette, has been far from the proverbial ride off into the sunset. Instead it has been mired in the usual controversy that surrounds the questionable decision making and sloppiness under the past two years of the Minnis administration.

WORLD VIEW: Name and blame the polluters

CLIMATE change is no longer a future event. It is here, now and real. Planet Earth, mankind’s common homeland, appears to be already locked into 1.5C of warming, once hoped to be the top limit of human-caused climate change.