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INSIGHT: Will Dr Minnis still be driving the FNM train in 2022?

WHEN the FNM were sworn in to become the next government of The Bahamas on May 11, 2017, many were convinced that we lived to witness, arguably, a retirement party for the country’s worst prime minister. Though it was done by an unlikely hero, it still made the way for Bahamians to be hopeful again. Two and a half years later, while the title of worst prime minister may still be in the grasp of his predecessor, Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis is failing to win many friends in the electorate.

WORLD VIEW: Only CARICOM countries can divide CARICOM

THE meeting between US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, and the Foreign Ministers of seven Caribbean countries, gave rise to many questions, but the US seeking to “divide CARICOM” should not be one of them.

INSIGHT: What price are we paying for the cruise industry?

LUXURY cruise brands operated by Carnival Corporation & PLC emitted 10 times more air pollution in Europe than all of the continent’s vehicles combined, accorrding to an international study.

INSIGHT: Setting the ground rules for a marijuana industry

THE recent leak of the Bahamas National Commission on Marijuana’s preliminary report has brought the topic of marijuana decriminalisation back to the fore.

WORLD VIEW: Why CARICOM had no national for OAS top job

READERS of Barbados newspapers were exposed recently to the views of John Beale, one of the country’s former Ambassadors to the Organisation of American States (OAS), on the forthcoming election for the post of Secretary-General. Because Mr Beale served at the OAS and did sterling work, his views on the Secretary-Generalship of the OAS deserve attention.

SIR RONALD SANDERS: China, the Caribbean and the West: Serving whose interest?

CARIBBEAN countries are being warned by the government of the United States and American writers that they should limit their dealings with China. In the course of these warnings, several allegations are made, suggesting sinister Chinese motives and even corrupt relations between Chinese institutions and local politicians who get personal “side benefits”.

Well-intentioned but poorly executed and once again the public takes the hit

ONE would have had to be living under a rock not to sense the aggravation over the ban on single-use plastics. While no one can doubt the good intentions, the early results show a disjointed rollout of the initiative.

INSIGHT: Why all the rush? As a long-term user, trust me, there’s a dark side to marijuana

I smoked and inhaled my first marijuana joint in 1973 as a young adult. Prior to that I had a disdain for the same and all who were associated with it. No, I am not and have never been a prude nor an overt moralist. I simply do not and still do not believe in the ingestion of mind-altering, self-induced drugs or alcoholic beverages to the point of becoming incapacitated.

INSIGHT: Trump's raised the stakes through Iranian's assassination - what happens next?

The US men’s soccer team was supposed to begin a three-week winter training regimen yesterday at an impressive facility in Doha, Qatar, where the men’s World Cup is scheduled to be held in 2022. The trip was abruptly cancelled last Friday. This was one of the first announced consequences of the American decision to kill Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani in a drone strike on a convoy in Baghdad. It certainly won’t be the last.

INSIGHT: The clock’s already ticking - we can’t afford to be unprepared a second time

ONE of the best things about a new year is that it serves as a reset to the year before. We entered 2019 optimistic for an economic turnaround marked by a record year in tourism, and hopeful that our streets would be safer after experiencing the lowest murder rate in years.

WORLD VIEW: Contest for OAS Secretary-General

The contest for the post of Secretary-General of the Organization of American States (OAS) is now well and truly joined.

WORLD VIEW: A weak, worn out Caribbean will not serve its people in 2020

AS 2019 ends and the New Year dawns, the world faces a troubling period of uncertainty. This precariousness will affect international and regional organisations as some powerful governments pursue a policy of de-linking from the established international system, encouraging fragmentation of regional groups and imposing their own agenda through various methods of coercion.

INSIGHT: Promises and power cuts - BPL really is a deal breaker for a Minnis second term

AS the decade approaches its end, one would imagine many Bahamians’ Christmas wish was to have efficient and reliable power generation.

INSIGHT: ‘If Dr King could see Bimini now he’d shed tears of blood’

A recent trip to Bimini, Cat Cay & Ocean Cay, by a team from Save The Bays, has us asking more questions of this Government than we can find answers to.

POLICE ADVICE: We need to work together to make our society safe again

New beginnings, fresh starts, reaffirmations of love and promises for a brighter future all come to mind as we ring in a New Year. In this New Year, 2020, let us remember the safety of ourselves and others. Let us also remember to come together and create safer communities.

INSIGHT: We ought to acknowledge how much we’ve lost and make a special effort to cherish this holiday season a little bit more

JUST over three months after Hurricane Dorian, the resilience of thousands of displaced Bahamians struggling with tremendous loss is palpable.

WORLD VIEW: CARICOM finds its winning voice

IT IS a valid criticism of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries that they have more often failed than succeeded in coordinating their foreign policy actions.

INSIGHT – Abaco: Getting back on its feet, cay by cay

In the weeks since Hurricane Dorian devastated Abaco and parts of Grand Bahama priority has been on securing inhabitants safety and then slowly starting the process of rebuilding these shattered communities.

INSIGHT: What if McCartney had stayed the course? Perhaps it’s not too late . . .

LAST week’s spectacle in Parliament – a vote of no confidence becoming a vote of confidence in Prime Minister Minnis - was doubly disappointing. Not only did it serve as a sobering reminder of the political horror show that was the previous administration under then-Prime Minister Perry Christie, but it also reaffirmed the nature of Bahamian politics is the greatest impediment to our advancement as a nation.

INSIGHT: We need to build to cope with the new reality of the storms we are facing

In the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian, it is imperative The Bahamas adopt a climate change resilient Building Code to guide restoration rebuilding in Abaco and Grand Bahama, the construction of new buildings and retrofitting key infrastructures throughout the country.

WORLD VIEW – Withdrawal of Canadian banks: opportunity to remedy not repeat mistakes

THE untidy and muddled way in which Canadian banks are withdrawing from the countries of the Commonwealth Caribbean is a direct result of insufficient attention being paid by governments to the terms of their entry at the time. Commonwealth Caribbean countries are those that were former colonies, or are still territories of, the United Kingdom.

INSIGHT: Watch the pendulum swing as promises aren’t kept

HARKENING back to the election campaign which decimated the former Progressive Liberal Party government, a major talking point on the campaign trail was corruption.

WORLD VIEW: When it comes to foreign and local investment, why no level playing field?

THERE has always been tension between encouraging foreign investment and promoting local entrepreneurship. In many countries, local businesses are expected to pay a range of domestic taxes while governments exempt foreign investors from obligation for the same taxes in order to attract their money, knowledge and, in some cases their technological skills.

POLICE ADVICE: Spotting the signs can spare someone from a lifetime of abuse

Abuse occurs when one person in a relationship attempts to dominate and control the other person. Usually, the control begins with psychological or emotional abuse, then escalates to physical abuse.

INSIGHT: So, they think we’ve got problems

AS we approach the holiday season, many Bahamians have been travelling to the United States to celebrate Thanksgiving and partake in the Black Friday sales – with more likely to travel for Christmas to see family. But as our fellow countrymen and women embark on these trips, should the government consider issuing a warning to beware of gun violence in the US? Certainly, it is something that we should, at the very least, have a discussion about?