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INSIGHT: Who turned off the lights in Maynard’s head?

BAHAMAS Electrical Utility Managerial Union (BEUMU) president Paul Maynard unleashed a fiery rebuke of the Bahamas Power and Light (BPL) management last week when execs at the utility company said they would be downsizing, effectively making 233 people redundant over an 18-month period.

VIEW FROM AFAR: Liquified gas - a life saver

Finally! Electricity generated from Liquified Natural Gas is on its way to Nassau. It is already being used in Jamaica. The cost benefits have been substantial by reducing the price of electricity. Substantially larger generating capacity is currentl

WORLD VIEW – For a change: Welcome World Bank advice

ATTENDING a World Bank meeting on April 16, I was shocked to hear a senior official of the organisation say that, in addressing fiscal deficits, Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries should not make “shock adjustments”.

POLICE ADVICE: Men are victims of abuse too

IT’S hard for some men to say “I need help”. While the majority of domestic violence victims are women, abuse of men happens far more often than you might expect. Typically, men are physically stronger than women but that doesn’t necessarily make it easier for him to escape the abuse or the relationship. Whatever your circumstances, you can overcome these challenges and escape the violence and abuse.

Hard questions which demand answers

University of The Bahamas Northern Campus has hosted its first Sustainable Grand Bahama conference drawing people from many walks of life including the ministry of Tourism, Environment and Bahamas National Trust, as well as private sector agencies and companies.

INSIGHT: Finding a Bahamian at The Pointe is like playing ‘Where’s Waldo?’

LAST week’s revelations into the lack of native labour representation at New World One Bay St have created quite the punchline. Many concerned citizens across the nation are understandably irate and bewildered as to what the phantom Bahamian labour component is doing on The Pointe’s construction site.

GAIN AN EDGE: Steady hands and a leap of faith

It’s not every day one hears the story of how an undergraduate Bio-Chem major – in pursuit of a career as a cardiothoracic surgeon – is not the optimal choice for the ambitious young heroine, but the story of Candilaria Thompson is just such a story. It’s a story about jumping off cliffs. It’s an adventure story.

INSIGHT: Time for a radical overhaul of our tax system

Bahamians continue to suffocate under the weight of hefty utilities bills, an unnecessarily high cost of living and daunting bureaucratic hurdles to making their own way in the world. The last thing they want to hear is the government intends to oppress them further with the burden of new taxes.

INSIGHT: Welcome to beautiful Cabbage Beach

LARGE piles of bottles, discarded poles, and general trash mar the entrance to Cabbage Beach near the Riu Hotel on Paradise Island.

INSIGHT: The God’s honest truth

One month shy of the current administration wrapping up its first year in government and thus far, there have been few surprises. Many of his critics saw Dr Minnis as ineffective in his capacity as Opposition Leader, both inside his party and the public sphere. Somehow though, he was able to scrape by, barely maintaining control of a party that was miraculously able to galvanise itself at the eleventh hour and win an election that was theirs to lose.

INSIGHT: When what looks like a crisis can become an opportunity

In the Bahamas, the irregular communities that we disdainfully refer to as shanty towns are looked upon as a regrettable nuisance, a shameful stain on our national image that must be ‘eradicated,’ as one cabinet minister recently put it.

WORLD VIEW: Trade wars in no one’s interest

THE Government of the People’s Republic of China wrote to the Chairperson of the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) on April 4, registering a dispute with the Government of the United States of America over duties that would be applied by the US only to China’s products.

GAIN AN EDGE: Breaking the mould - Natalie shows a bit of girl power

Natalie Smith initially wondered how she was perceived. As a Construction Technology major, she stepped into many predominantly male classes at the Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute (BTVI). The reaction and comments from a few peers were indicative of the stereotypical view of certain careers.

INSIGHT: Ignorance isn’t always bliss

OBAN Energies has been the talk of the town for well over a month. Certainly, more grey hairs must be popping up all over the prime minister’s head as what he thought would have been a huge win for an administration struggling to endear itself to the Bahamian people. Prime Minister Minnis beamed like a teenager on prom night sitting on the right of the now infamous Peter Krieger on the fateful day the Oban powder keg fuse was lit to explode.

INSIGHT: The truth about shanty towns - part 1

To many Bahamians, the informal communities that exist on New Providence and Abaco and some of the larger Family Islands are evidence of an invasion; signs of a hostile takeover or aggressive plague that must be eradicated by any means necessary. Meanwhile, the people who live in these communities are spoken of as if they are hostile aliens, dangerous social contaminants, hardened criminals who should be shown no mercy.

WORLD VIEW: External interference in Caribbean elections is real

BEFORE getting into the thrust of the serious and threatening matter that lies at the heart of this commentary, I declare that I was an integral part of the management of the campaign of the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP) for the March 21 General Election, and I managed its communications campaign.

INSIGHT: Why the cherry switch is a lot scarier than the tamarind switch

In the recent heated and vituperative public reactions to my Human Rights advocacy against the continued victimisation and abuse visited by the Government of The Bahamas upon our Haitian ethnic minority - and the vocal threats on my safety and life - I was moved to react to a particularly savage attack upon me in a voice note circulating widely on social media by a Mr Bannister, a self-proclaimed “True Born and Bred Bahamian”.

INSIGHT: Navigating the steep learning curve of leadership

AS we rapidly approach a year of Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis being the nation’s leader, the landmark only a little more than a month away, we have seen a plethora of moments that made us want to cover our eyes in fear of what he would say next. However, this past week, while he should have still been feeling the bumps and bruises of the beating he took in the media for his egregious missteps on the Oban Energies deal, he is receiving something that has been largely unfamiliar thus far as prime minister – praise.

GAIN AN EDGE: The perfect career is within your reach

You have big dreams – that’s why you’ve been thinking about college. You’ve discovered a secret that many don’t know. You’ve discovered graduating from college is key to unlocking career doors in this rapidly changing world.

INSIGHT: Don’t fool yourselves - we can see through the smokescreen

THE Bahamian political playbook must have tattered dog-ears on pages revisited by politicians old and new – “when in doubt, distract the Bahamian people with something the previous government did!” Its predictability and overuse has become so exhausting in our culture.

INSIGHT: Oban's another bitter pill for us all to swallow

The rapid fall from grace of this FNM government is becoming painful to watch.

WORLD VIEW – The OECD: A robust response required

SMALL states, including those in the Caribbean, are justifiably troubled by the continuous efforts by the member states of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to cripple every initiative they take in the financial services sector.

How you can play a part in helping to fight crime

Crime prevention is everyone’s responsibility, not just law enforcement. One of the best ways to take an active part in crime prevention is to become more alert and aware of what is going on around you.

INSIGHT: Oban could make billions. We don't event get a few cents on the barrel.

ANY number of pronouncements made by the prime minister can be pointed to when trying to assess what has caused the rapid deterioration of the goodwill he’s had with the Bahamian public. Whether we look at the use of superfluous campaign rhetoric that has come back to haunt him, or careless use of speech on a few too many occasions when we needed to hear from a coherent and composed leader.

INSIGHT: Why ‘Get papers or get out’ is pure political nonsense

The policy of ordering irregular migrants to either “get papers or get out” is a glaring example of utter political nonsense. There can be no other term for it. This harebrained dictat is not only illegal; it is also completely irrational, totally hypocritical and fundamentally flawed in just about every way.