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INSIGHT: A People Far from God

THIS past week, the nation was overcome with widespread fear and anxiety of the potentially catastrophic landfall of Hurricane Irma. As we watched forecasts showing the storm increase in power in the days leading up to its first impact on the Leeward Islands, and the destruction it left in its wake afterwards on its way to Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and Haiti, we prayed for a miracle to happen.

INSIGHT: Parasites in Paradise

BAHAMIANS, like the citizens of young developing nations, place emphasis on the idea of national sovereignty. Gaining independence in 1973 remains a source of pride and our tourism industry continues to boast it is ‘Better in The Bahamas’.

INSIGHT: A Word to The Wise - Part II

DURING the last week, there have been multiple pieces in both major local publications covering the quiet storm that has developed following China’s new policy on outbound investments. What is concerning is the reaction to this new policy from the “people’s government” who would have us believe this would not impact the Bahamas, and generations of Bahamians to come in a serious way.

YOUR SAY: Time for the government to foster opportunity

A visionary and enlightened approach to economic policy would focus on the pursuit of “economic opportunity,” not simply “job opportunity”.

INSIGHT: The victim's tale

Domestic abuse, whether verbal or physical, exists everywhere. No home is off limits, whether from Lyford Cay to Old Fort Bay or our more grassroots ‘over the hill’ areas. It’s a subject we know exists but one we often chose to ignore, happy it’s not something which encroaches on our own lives. For the victims the abuse can be life changing, destroying everything. It is only by understanding their stories that we can begin to educate the abusers and begin to effect change.

INSIGHT: A Word to the Wise

IT has been over a week since the People’s Republic of China through its State Council issued a policy banning and restricting outbound investments by the state and its citizens around the world. The policy, which comes from China’s top economic plan

INSIGHT: A nation hit by crime

A damning new report paints The Bahamas as one off the most violent crime-ridden nations in the Caribbean. The report – coming on the weekend another man was shot dead in Nassau –shows the country is second only to Jamaica in some instances of crime

INSIGHT: Voter dissonance as the honeymoon ends

ON day 102 of the Minnis Administration’s tenure in governance, there is a growing feeling of voter dissonance throughout the country. No longer are they seen as the rockstars some crowned them to be on May 10, after the dust settled on their easily won battle – even though their win was secured because the Bahamian people desperately wanted the PLP gone.

WORLD VIEW: Lessons from India’s partition and Charlottesville’s strife

ON August 14 and 15, Pakistan and India, respectively, celebrated the 70th anniversary of their Independence from Britain, a country whose policies, as an occupier, fomented - and then bequeathed to them - the hostile communalism that led to their partition and their continuing antagonism. Religious dissimilarity, as Muslim and Hindu, proved more defining and more divisive than common ethnicity, common culture, common foods and shared history.

INSIGHT: Behind the violence - how one family lost three young men

THE death of a loved one is an experience everyone fears no matter what their age. Whether it is illness or old age the loss can be devastating, turning the lives of those left behind upside down. For too many families in our society today death comes through violence, a loved one shot dead in the street, a life wiped out in seconds. To most of us just a headline, a few pictures or brief video on social media, just another number to add to the ever-growing murder tally.

INSIGHT: A Meritless Reward

FROM the time when most of us were young, we learned the value of having to work for a fitting reward. If you got an A in school, your parents would take you for ice cream, a happy meal, or some other treat to reinforce how well you were doing. Similarly, we also knew if we did poorly in our studies, our best bet was to pretend to be invisible and work our hardest to get our grades up.

INSIGHT: A bitter pill to swallow

LAST week the entire nation got the opportunity to hear from its leader as Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis, as promised after winning the election, gave his first National Address as Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. Bahamians home and abroad listened intently to hear what cures the good doctor has in store to reverse the fate of a country that many feared was on the path to terminal illness under the previous administration.

INSIGHT: A bad investment - don’t you believe it

The Cable Bahamas (CAB) share price quoted on BISX has suffered a stunning fall of almost 40% in the last 18 months, from $6.50 to $4.00. EPS (earnings per share) dropped from $0.28 in 2014 to a loss of ($0.38) in 2017, and last year quarterly dividends on the ordinary shares were indefinitely suspended.

WORLD VIEW: The relevance and state of US-Caribbean relations – Part 3

THIS is the final of a three-part commentary discussing the relevance and state of US-Caribbean relations against the backdrop of a publication by the Washington-based, Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), entitled, “The Relevance of US-Caribbean Relations – Three Views”. CSIS deserves the Caribbean’s thanks for addressing the issue which has been ignored for decades by US agencies, except in the context of their preoccupation with drug trafficking and refugees.

INSIGHT: Opening Pandora’s Box

ON the campaign trail, the mantra, “they gern’ to jail” reverberated throughout the islands. While some may have seen this as empty campaign rhetoric, the newly elected prime minister’s pledge on election night removed all doubt from the minds of the electorate. He indicated that anyone in government who was found to have been misusing or abusing their office would have something to fear from a Free National Movement Government. Bahamians sat back and waited with bated breath for what would come.

INSIGHT: What do Bahamians know about cllimate change?

INTERNATIONAL experts consider The Bahamas to be one of the most vulnerable countries in the world to climate change, but what do Bahamians know about this issue?

INSIGHT: China asserts authority over Hong Kong

Following the 20th anniversary of Britain’s handover of Hong Kong to China, Peter Young offers a personal view about developments . . .

VIEW FROM AFAR: Happenings in Jamaica

OVER the decades, I have often said that The Bahamas can learn some things from Jamaica and then quickly added about what not to do. There are many mistakes we have made in Jamaica which I felt The Bahamas could avoid. However, Jamaica does some thi

INSIGHT: A 'bazaar' state of affairs

Vendors lament the economic plight for business at the International Bazaar which was once the island’s premier tourist attraction . . .

WORLD VIEW: Caribbean problems while facing a US void in policy

THE Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, DC has produced a publication entitled, “The Relevance of US-Caribbean Relations – Three Views”. The title is misleading.

INSIGHT – The PLP Legacy: Crimes and Mistakes?

“IT IS worse than a crime—it is a mistake!” These were the words of alarm from the statesman Talleyrand after Emperor Napoleon ordered the summary execution of a popular rival in France.

WORLD VIEW: Venezuela reveals flaws

AMID the finger-pointing and blaming over votes at the Organisation of American States (OAS) on matters related to Venezuela, the fundamental problems of the Organisation have been overlooked.

GAIN AN EDGE: Using the slow days of summer to fast track your dreams

Summertime isn’t just a time to unwind and relax. It’s also the perfect time to lay the groundwork for college and your future career! Whether you’re a high school student who is just starting to think about college or you’re already in the workforc

INSIGHT: A time for courage

IT has been one month since the Minnis administration has taken office, and the Bahamian people are already concerned with the actions of their new Government; or more accurately, their new Attorney General.

WORLD VIEW – CARICOM: Pride turned to gloom

THREE weeks ago, I and many other committed Caribbean integrationists, declared that the unity displayed by CARICOM countries at the Organization of American States (OAS) on May 31 “was a moment for unbridled pride”.