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GAIN AN EDGE: Finding where the jobs are

The Lyford Cay Foundations offers three tips for students on mapping out their progress to career success.

INSIGHT: Is the horse-drawn Surrey above the law?

Ahhh, the plight of the Bahamian Surrey Horse, these road-weary beasts of burden who tirelessly pull carriages to and fro the cruise ship docks in Nassau in the hot sun.

INSIGHT: Murder most foul

The PLP’s infamous pre-election billboards in 2012 highlighted the inability of the FNM government to curb the murder rate. Nearly five years later and with an escalating death toll passing 600 under the Christie administration Malcolm J Strachan says it’s time to revise the deterrents for violent criminals . . .

INSIGHT: Davis’ spinning over Baha Mar hoodwinks no one

Graeme Davis, who will oversee the operations of Baha Mar, if and when his employer, the Chinese conglomerate, Chow Tai Fook, closes on its ownership on the property, has been in many Bahamian media outlets recently, promoting his vision of what he hopes Baha Mar will look like on April 21 and afterwards.

GAIN AN EDGE - Why I give: Scholarships and philanthropy

Each month, Gain An Edge features a guest writer who will share their views, insights and perspectives on higher education. Darnell Osborne, an alumna of University of The Bahamas, on the transformative power of scholarships and philanthropy.

GAIN AN EDGE – Affording BTVI: A world of options

During these economically challenging times, students pursuing technical education may have questions about affording tuition, fees, books and tools while at the Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute (BTVI).

INSIGHT: China’s debt trap diplomacy

Accepting promises of benevolent investment and easy credit from China are coming back to haunt developing countries. Brahma Chellaney reports from India . . .

INSIGHT: A government spying charter

The Interception of Communications Bill threatens the democracy of the Bahamas, says Malcom J Strachan . . .

INSIGHT: A way to give crime its marching orders

Conscripting youths for National Service works well in Israel - why not try it here, Sancheska Dorsett suggests . . .

INSIGHT: Why a university degree doesn’t have to cost you

With more than 40 years experience as a counsellor and educator, Cheryl Carey, Director of Financial Aid and Scholarships at the University of the Bahamas, shares her perspectives on the value of a tertiary education and how financial aid, bursaries and private scholarships are permitting students to achieve post-secondary education.

INSIGHT: The future is now

What does leadership succession planning look like for young party supporters as the election looms? Ava Turnquest canvasses opinions . . .

INSIGHT: A simple answer to a simple question - please!

The government has consistently misled the public over the sale of Baha Mar and continues to do so, Malcom J Strachan says . . .

GAIN AN EDGE – Making college possible: a parent’s perspective

From experience, Charlotte Knowles-Thompson will tell you that you can afford college with careful planning.

WORLD VIEW: Political leadership in the Caribbean

The remarks in this commentary were spoken in a television interview in Grenada on the day that Fidel Ruz Castro, the former President of Cuba, died. The discussion centred on whether contemporary Caribbean leaders lacked the courage that previous leaders, such as Castro, displayed.

INSIGHT: PLP’s triumphant show of style over substance

Malcom J Strachan has a different take on Michael Halkitis’ ‘that’s where da VAT money gone’ mantra . . .

WORLD VIEW: President Trump’s policies and the Caribbean

THE President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, is systematically implementing the pledges he made during the Presidential election campaign.

GAIN AN EDGE: Sustaining growth in higher education

Marcellus Taylor, Deputy Director, Planning and Development with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology gives his perspective on growth in and improvement of higher education.

INSIGHT: A challenge to a new generation of Bahamians

George A Smith addressed a special assembly of the Charles I Gibson Senior High School on the importance of Majority Rule last week . . .

INSIGHT: Why The Donald’s way is not everyone’s way

Richard Coulson looks at what the inauguration of President Trump might mean for the US and the Bahamas . . .

INSIGHT: Send hardcore criminals to Family Island prison

Former Assistant Police Commissioner Paul Thompson concludes his series on policing in the Bahamas by examing the rehabilitation of offenders.

GAIN AN EDGE: Why diversified education is key to social equity

Failure to have both TVET and traditional academics available in all school programmes is a disservice to our children and country, says Remiska Wildgoose, English instructor at BTVI . . .

INSIGHT: Real investment in people

Sancheska Dorsett finds the Bahamas has much to learn when it comes to progressive entrepreneurial spirit after her visit to Israel . . .

WORLD VIEW: The end of ‘wet foot-dry foot’ is a parting gift - for whom?

Tomas Regalado, the Mayor of Miami - long a hot bed for Cuban exiles - has described as a “parting gift” the decision of the waning Obama administration to end the United States’ ‘wet foot-dry foot’ policy toward Cubans seeking entry to the country. The question is: a parting gift to whom?

INSIGHT: Britain faces difficult balancing act over EU exit

Peter Young finds Britain’s future with Europe top of the agenda after a holiday in England . . .

INSIGHT: The role of police in general elections

Former Assistant Police Comm-issioner Paul Thompson explains why officers must not allow personal political preferences or associations to affect their professional duty . . .