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INSIGHT: The tail wagging the dog

Questions, more questions. Malcolm J Strachan pleads for answers from the government over the Baha Mar creditors process . . .

INSIGHT: Goodwill gesture by Chinese is a sideshow

Richard Coulson explains why the $100m ‘gift’ to Bahamian creditors is doing nothing to advance Baha Mar’s revival . . .

INSIGHT: Has Perry Christie saved Baha Mar?

After all the legal manoeuvres, rhetoric and agreements, Richard Coulson doubts any progress has been made on the stalled mega resort . . .

INSIGHT: How many firms does it take to spin a lie?

Stanley Cartwright says no amount of public relations trickery - all at taxpayers’ expense - can hide the government from serious questioning over the Baha Mar deal . . .

INSIGHT: New British PM strikes positive notes on ‘Brexit’

The real work negotiating Britain’s exit from the European Union starts today with the return of Parliament, says Peter Young . . .

INSIGHT: Water torture - the drip, drip of Baha Mar dealings

Surprise, surprise. After 20 months of waiting the Government has announced a Chinese carve up of the stalled Cable Beach mega resort, Malcolm J Strachan says . . .

INSIGHT: Radio Ga Ga – URCA slammed for issuing licences like 'confetti'

Tribune Radio Ltd (TRL) has hit out at the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA), calling the agency’s “excessive and ill-advised” issuance of over 40 FM broadcast licences and its subsequent plans for a retroactive shuffling of a station’s position on the FM (frequency modulation) dial as an “outrageous and irrational abuse of power”.

WORLD VIEW: Trump’s Mississippi miscalculation

On June 26, 2011, 47-year-old Craig Anderson was on his way to celebrate his birthday when he was attacked and murdered by ten white teenagers in a parking lot in Jackson, Mississippi.

INSIGHT: And then there were none

Neko Grant’s announcement that he will not stand for re-election next year means it is now only a matter of when and how the FNM’s ‘Dissident Six’ will meet their political demise, says Malcolm J Strachan . . .

INSIGHT: All Bahamian lives matter - a solution

Terry Goldsmith, who has extensive experience in working with this country’s youth, calls for a national initiative - which would include curfews and gun amnesties - to fight the lack of respect and lawlessness dogging The Bahamas today.

INSIGHT: Ambassador gives the Haitian view on changes in immigration

The Bahamas recently changed its approach to immigration including introducing a belonger’s permit. Haitian Ambassador Jean Victor Geneus spoke to The Tribune’s Ava Turnquest about those changes and how they are failing to tackle the immigration problem . . .

INSIGHT: Where has fight in developing countries gone?

THE ease with which developed countries appoint heads of international and multi-national organisations (sometimes in the guise of an election) is not their achievement alone; it is also the fault of developing countries who let them.

INSIGHT: A simmering constitutional crisis ready to erupt

Frederick Smith QC says the separation of powers between executive and judiciary is being threatened by ‘capricious’ parliamentarians over the Save The Bays email row . . .

INSIGHT: Ingraham’s financial analysis is tragically wrong

There can have been few sadder sights in recent years than the almost nightly displays whereby former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham gets on local TV apparently determined to lose all of the credibility earned over a successful political and governmental career.

WORLD VIEW: IMF exposed over selective approach to Europe and Caribbean

The International Monetary Fund (IMF), which has tormented small Caribbean economies for five decades with austerity measures and fierce conditionalities, has been exposed as adopting utterly different standards towards Europe, especially the countries of the European Currency Union. That is except for Greece which, throughout its economic crisis, the IMF treated like a third-world country.

INSIGHT: Business as usual post-Brexit

How is Britain after the momentous vote to leave the European Union? Six weeks on, Peter Young detects a mood of calm and optimism . . .

INSIGHT: Conventional wisdom hard to find at home and abroad

This week’s Free National Movement summit will thankfully be open, unlike Trump’s annointment in Ohio, Richard Coulson says . . .

INSIGHT: ‘Toilet man’ is being let down by an uncaring system

Three weeks ago, Tribune reader Deno P Ellis expressed his concerns for an elderly man living in straightened circumstances in a converted toilet. Here he responds to the Department of Social Services “investigation” into the matter and bemoans a lack of action . . .

INSIGHT: Call to educate Bahamians on issues ahead of election

AS ELECTION season kicks into high-gear, non-profit action group Organization for Responsible Governance (ORG) today launches its own campaign to educate Bahamians on national issues and the critical need for reform.

INSIGHT: The role of Opposition forces

New political movements prove the health of democracy in the Bahamas but won’t unseat the PLP as divided factions, Malcolm J Strachan says . . .

INSIGHT: Planting the seed

As I quietly walk through the mangrove forest, all around me I observe an eco-system teeming with life.

INSIGHT: Tony Blair’s legacy in ruins after Iraq war inquiry

A long overdue report reveals the former British Prime Minister deliberately exaggerated the threat posed by Saddam Hussein in justifying going to war, Peter Young says.

WORLD VIEW: Haiti’s power-seeking politicians are running out of time

Luis Almagro, the Secretary-General of the Organisation of American states (OAS), has told political stakeholders in Haiti, including the interim government and parliamentarians, that it is imperative that they fully assume their responsibilities towards the nation.

Q&A with US Charge d'Affaires Lisa Johnson

LISA JOHNSON, the US Charge d'Affaires in Nassau, answers The Tribune's questions about her country's views of Bahamian issues, from the gender equality referendum and the continued ambassadorial vacancy to crime, government accountability and Chinese investment.

Promises, promises

The PLP needs to deliver on its 2012 charter for governance before the next election, Tribune Chief Reporter Ava Turnquest says