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WORLD VIEW: Good sense on drugs absent at the U.N.

For a brief moment it appeared that good sense would prevail and the international community would ditch the failed “war on drugs” policy. But all hopes were dashed at the United Nations General Assembly special session on drugs (UNgass) last week in New York.

INSIGHT: Saints or sinners? The real story of caring for HIV and AIDS patients

After the US State Department’s report last week accused a Bahamian care institution of neglect and inadequate medical provision, Ava Turnquest, Tribune Chief Reporter, paid a visit. She gained a very different impression.

INSIGHT: National Development - Bahamians need transparency

Our attention was piqued by the National Development Plan, or better yet, the travesty that took place at the College of the Bahamas (COB) Library last week.

INSIGHT - WORLD VIEW: No quick fix in Haiti

Peace and development will be endangered in Haiti if the United States and other nations insist that the interim government holds the second round of a truncated election for a President of the republic without a verification process of the first round that took place on October 25 last year.

INSIGHT: Who is really footing the $6m bill for the IDB conference?

Stanley Cartwright says hosting the IDB conference last week at the Baha Mar Convention Centre was simple political expediency by the Prime Minister.

WORLD VIEW: The lessons of Panama and its papers

The names of persons implicated in the leak of the so-called “Panama Papers” earlier this month reads like a Who’s Who of the politically powerful in many parts of the world.

INSIGHT: Whispering campaign is becoming too loud to ignore

Cassius Stuart was only saying what many members of the Free National Movement are saying in private about the party’s leader. Stanley Cartwright suggests it’s time for Dr Minnis to do the honourable thing and stand aside.

INSIGHT: Can the magic return to the Magic City?

Richard Coulson detects encouraging signs of a renaissance in Freeport.

WORLD VIEW: Defending rights and resisting unfair practices in Caribbean banking

In January, coincidental to my assuming the Presidency of the Permanent Council of the Organisation of American States (OAS), I met, in Washington DC, the Prime Minister of Belize, Dean Barrow, who had just taken on the responsibility of Chairman of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Heads of Government.

INSIGHT: It's time for transparency

Khrisna Virgil says the Bahamas must have a non-partisan Contractor General if contentious political issues over BAMSI, the toxic city landfill and Urban Renewal programmes are to be avoided in future . . .

INSIGHT: FNM has questions to answer over Save The Bays

Today in Parliament the Free National Movement (FNM) will have to answer some serious questions.

WORLD VIEW: Informed political discourse required on immigration and trade

In the first part of this commentary on immigration and trade in politics, the focus was on the present primaries of the United States Presidential election.

INSIGHT: The FNM’s pied piper is playing the wrong tune

If the Opposition leader was trying to defend the common man at and after the Cabbage Beach protests, he got it wrong again, Stanley Cartwright says.

VIEW FROM AFAR: When some issues must transcend party politics

It was very refreshing to see the unanimous vote in Parliament on moving forward towards gender equality.

INSIGHT: Cable Bahamas rights offer disappointment

ALTHOUGH denied, it can only be a disappointment to an excellent company like Cable Bahamas that its rights offering was not fully subscribed.

World View: Trading untruths in the US presidential primaries

Trade has become an issue in the political party primaries of the US Presidential elections that holds lessons for the countries of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).

INSIGHT: Time to do what is right for women

A foreign man married to a Bahamian woman wanting to have a family gives his view of the gender equality issues facing the country

Bahamian youth awards gain royal seal of approval

The Earl and Countess of Wessex departed the Bahamas this weekend after a whirlwind trip which saw the royal couple meet scores of young participants in the Governor General’s Youth Award (GGYA).

INSIGHT: Human development key to alleviating poverty

IN a time of economic woes and of war and decline it is imperative that the world - and particularly The Bahamas - takes a closer look at sustainable development and where it intends to progress for future generations.

Is the future of cars in the Bahamas electric?

OWNERS of a Nassau car dealership who have invested in electric vehicles have received a boost with a prediction by Bloomberg News that the 2020s will be the decade of the electric car and nearly half the new vehicles in the world would have a plug by 2040.

INSIGHT: Over-the-Hill tax talks

I UNDERSTAND that some listeners to the programme may have been offended by the acerbic tones in which I dismissed Dr Minnis’ stated programme on tax initiatives over the Hill as a “joke“ and “nonsense.”

WORLD VIEW: Would the real tax havens please stand

“IT IS tantamount to an economic blockade”. That’s how Antigua and Barbuda’s Prime Minister, Gaston Browne, described the current withdrawal from Caribbean indigenous and offshore banks of correspondent relationships by US banks. His sentiments were echoed by Deane Barrow and Freundel Stuart, the Prime Ministers of Belize and Barbados respectively.

INSIGHT: Good hair, bad principles

THE Principal’s office isn’t simply for guidance and discipline anymore. In one Nassau school, for one female student, the principal became the beautician and the beast, stirring up much ire after she suggested that the young’s girl’s hair, in its natural state seemed “unkempt”.

INSIGHT: The FNM and its petty games

The Free National Movement (FNM) needs to make up its mind if it wants to be a serious contender for the next general election and stop engaging in petty political games.

INSIGHT: Playing for high stakes

WHEN the government announced the regularisation and licensing process for the gaming industry in 2014, the Bahamian people were promised a detailed vetting process that required full transparency and accountability on the part of gaming operators.