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A missing element in the VAT equation

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Sun, sand and sea is stale

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Price of a plagiarist

EDITOR, The Tribune

If Christie can't fire Wells, maybe it's time to fire Christie

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The green holes of debt

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Airport road a disgrace

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Where is the flip flop?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

DNA gives a lesson to the FNM

EDITOR, The Tribune.

PM failing to address important issues

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Shocked by salary demand of $400,000

EDITOR, The Tribune.

What now for Rollins?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The battle for 2017 votes is on

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Malaria death

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Smith's $400,000 a year folly

EDITOR, The Tribune.

A man of substance

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Counting the cost of crime

In The Tribune dated June 19, 2014, it was reported under the headline “62 murders – but major crime down”: “Although 62 murders have been recorded for the year so far, statistics show that most major crime categories have decreased significantly, National Security Minister Dr Bernard Nottage announced yesterday.”

In response to Tada

So Terneille Burrows, aka “Tada”, recently said that she is a part of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) community.

Minnis has PM on the retreat

I have been reading with more than slight interest the catfight that certain media interests are trying to stimulate between the Leader of the Opposition, Dr Hubert Minnis and his Deputy, Loretta Butler-Turner.

Questions for the PM

Please allow me space in your columns to address two questions to our illustrious Prime Minister, the Rt Hon. Perry Christie:

Squandered opportunity for Rollins

We have all heard the old adage, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”. This describes the current situation of Andre Rollins. A young politician who portrayed an eagerness to make a difference for the betterment of our country, but is clearly on a path to self-destruction.

When Dr Minnis was undermining Turnquest

Life is strange. I see Dr Hubert Minnis going around trying to call disloyal others in the party who have a right to express their views and who have a right to seek whatever office they choose in the FNM. He keeps talking about how FNMs should be ever so faithful to him personally as the Leader of the party.

Minnis coming into his own

I have listened and watched with great interest the ongoing attacks on the leader of the Opposition Dr Hubert Minnis by The Nassau Guardian editorial, National Review, Simon Front Porch, etc.

BEC - what a disgrace

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The horses at BASH

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Rollins: Ignorance or arrogance?

On Tuesday, Dr Andre Rollins got his wish for a headline-grabbing story complete with a coloured head shot when he threatened to name names if Renward Wells is fired.