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Big Bang and The Bible

Respected scientists around the globe theorise about how the universe began. The Big Bang Theory puts forth that there was some type of cosmic force that existed before the universe began.

Rollins on thin ice

FORT Charlotte Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) MP Dr Andre Rollins’ recent threat to divulge damning information relating to his friend Renward Wells’ signing of a $600m plus letter of intent with Stellar Waste Energy has all but eroded any vestige of goodwill that remained for him within the PLP among its leadership and its base of votaries.

Were those workers needed?

I was much exercised by the recent Tribune headline informing us that Government workers were going on strike. My first reaction, naturally enough, was “How would we ever know?” but I dismissed that thought as unworthy.

Leadership crisis

According to the online Webster’s dictionary leadership is synonymous with guidance, direction, control and management. A lack of leadership would be the opposite of the four characteristics mentioned above.

Paying for influence

Having listened to segments of the alleged debate in the Parliament on the Gaming Act and heard the explanation of the Prime Minister/Minister of Finance as to who paid for the gaming consultants etc … if you missed the explanation, incredibly the parties who, for years, that have been operating illegally were billed through their attorneys to pay for the consultation.

Troubles with simple language

It is amazing how difficult it is for most Bahamians to write simple grammar. I cringe when someone tells me he/she wants me to read a letter from a government ministry.

A respected referendum

The majority of the citizens of Scotland are ringing their bells this morning.

Sandilands patients on streets

Approximately three years ago, it had come to my attention, and I must say that I was very shocked as well as extremely disappointed that Sandilands had engaged in a policy of releasing patients into the Bahamian community despite the fact that these patients do not have a place to stay.

Call the Commissioner, Canadians

Next time, before publicising our perceived crime problems, those misinformed Canadians (many of whom are clearly enemies of The Bahamas) should check beforehand with our Minister & Commish.

PLP moves in right direction

The Gold Rush Administration, led by the Rt Hon Prime Minister, Perry Gladstone Christie, MP, PC (PLP-Farm Road), is, finally, getting its directions and priorities right. After initially fumbling the proverbial ball on any number of critical issues, the PLP government is forging ahead with doing the business of the people. Mind you, it is still too late in many cases but Rome, alas, was not built or reconstructed in one day.


EDITOR, the Tribune


EDITOR, The Tribune.


EDITOR, The Tribune.

Advice on generators

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Enshrine marriage

EDITOR, The Tribune.

A petition to the Prime Minister

EDITOR, The Tribune.

A literary work of art

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Dysfunctional governance

EDITOR, The Tribune.

No ugency to reduce murder

EDITOR, The Tribune.

None of my business . . .

We have a brand new airport. It is beautiful and will open the door to more tourist dollars if properly directed. But we are told that the government barely has the money to keep its bathrooms stocked with toilet paper. Yet they found $3 million somewhere to build a brand new freight and office building?

Say no to BEC increase

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Our leaders have lost track

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The issues of the day

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Foolish comments by Bell

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The grade D solution

EDITOR, The Tribune.