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Airbus Perlan Mission II glider reaches 76,000 feet to break own altitude record

For the third time in a week, Airbus Perlan Mission II has set a new world altitude record for a glider, this time soaring the engineless Perlan 2 to 76,124 feet, in the process collecting vital data on flight performance, weather and the atmosphere.

Robot boat sails into history by finishing Atlantic crossing

All summer, the small boat drifted steadily eastward across the churning North Atlantic until it neared the Irish coast, where it made history by becoming the first unmanned sailboat to cross the Atlantic.

TECH TALK 09052018

• A key opponent of high-tech, automated weapons known as “killer robots” is blaming countries like the US and Russia for blocking consensus at a UN-backed conference, where most countries wanted to ensure that humans stay at the controls of lethal machines.

Tech Talk, 8th August, 2018

• A facial recognition system will be used across an Olympics for the first time as Tokyo organisers work to keep security tight and efficient at dozens of venues during the 2020 Games.

One professor working to make robots more social

Heather Knight wants to make robots more charismatic.

Navajo robotics team heads to international competition

A team of Navajo high school students from a remote town in southern Utah is building a robot to represent North America in an international robotics competition.

High-altitude balloons to deliver internet access in Kenya by Loon

A Google-affiliated company has chosen Kenya as the home of its first announced commercial deal for delivering internet access to hard-to-reach areas using high-altitude balloons.

TECH PAGE 07252018

• The surveillance system that has kept watch on students entering Lockport schools for over a decade is getting a novel upgrade. Facial recognition technology soon will check each face against a database of expelled students, sex offenders and other possible troublemakers.

For latest in orderliness, prisons look to computer tablets solution

Allowing inmates to stare at computer tablet screens for hours each day may be just the ticket for creating calm, orderly cellblocks, prison officials say.

Kroger to test grocery deliveries with driverless cars

Kroger Co is about to test whether it can steer supermarket customers away from crowded grocery aisles with a fleet of diminutive driverless cars designed to lower delivery costs.The test programme announced last week could make Kroger the first US g

SpaceX delivers AI robot, ice cream, mice to space station

The International Space Station got its first robot with artificial intelligence Monday, along with some berries, ice cream and identical brown mice.SpaceX’s capsule reached the station three days after launching from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Station

Tech Talk

• IN ONE of the world’s more unusual diplomatic encounters, Ethiopia’s new prime minister has met with a humanoid robot. The chief of staff for Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has shared online a photo of Monday’s meeting with Sophia, who has gained globa

IBM project pits computer against human debaters

IBM pitted a computer against two human debaters in the first public demonstration of artificial intelligence technology it’s been working on for more than five years.The company unveiled its Project Debater in San Francisco on Monday, asking it to m


• Apple is trying to drag the US’s antiquated system for handling 911 calls into the 21st century. If it lives up to Apple’s promise, the iPhone’s next operating system will automatically deliver quicker and more reliable information pinpointing the

Japan banks on 3D mapping deemed crucial for driverless cars

Technology companies are racing to develop ultra-precise digital maps that can guide self-driving cars within inches of where they should be — a hurdle the industry needs to clear if it hopes to deliver on its promise of widespread use of driverless

Boston Dynamics’ scary robot videos: Are they for real?

If you’ve ever watched a YouTube video of a Boston Dynamics robot, you probably remember it. But you may not know what the videos leave out.

TECH TALK June 6th, 2018.

• Georg von Tiesenhausen, the last of the German rocket team that launched the US space programme, has died at his Alabama home. He was 104.

Apple dangling more goodies, while adding tech diet options

Apple will offer more ways for people to limit the time they spend on iPhones while introducing features designed to make its products even more indispensable.

TECH TALK 15th May, 2018

• Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth — err, game.

Walking robot maker prepares to unleash its dog-like machine

A robotics company known for its widely shared videos of nimble, legged robots opening doors or walking through rough terrain is preparing to sell some after more than a quarter century of research.

Race is on to set up Europe’s electric car charging network

Charging an electric car away from home can be an exercise in uncertainty — hunting for that one lonely station at the back of a rest-area parking lot and hoping it’s working.

TECH TALK May 9th, 2018

• NASA and Uber have signed an agreement to explore putting flying taxis in the skies over US cities.

How Google aims to make your gadgets smarter with AI

Google put the spotlight on its artificial intelligence smarts at its annual developers conference yesterday, announcing new consumer features imbued with machine learning.

WALL-E and EVE on their way to Mars

NASA’s next Mars explorer is going to have company all the way to the red planet: a couple of puny yet groundbreaking sidekicks.

China auto show highlights industry’s electric ambitions

The biggest global auto show of the year showcases China’s ambitions to become a leader in electric cars and the industry’s multibillion-dollar scramble to roll out models that appeal to price-conscious but demanding Chinese drivers.