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Enigma machine collection recalls computer science victory

Carnegie Mellon University will hire a researcher from the Library of Congress to help it decode a collection that includes two WWII German Enigma machines.

TECH TALK April 25, 2018

• Social media is a daily way of life for many Americans.

Apple aims to school rivals with new iPad, education apps

Apple wants to play a more prominent role in education, but it isn’t willing to cut prices to make the grade.

NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity marks 2,000th day on red planet

NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity has now marked 2,000 days on the red planet.


• Self-driving car spinoff Waymo will buy up to 20,000 electric vehicles from Jaguar Land Rover to help realise its vision for a robotic ride-hailing service.

Your Wi-Fi can be hacked due to WPA2 protocol vulnerability called KRACK

The group of cybersecurity experts has recently found the greatest and unprecedented vulnerability in the security of Wi-Fi networks. The most popular security protocol for WI-FI networks – the WPA2 protocol appears to be the weak link.

White House wants user-friendly electronic health records

The Trump administration Tuesday launched a new effort under the direction of presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner to overcome years of problems with electronic medical records and make them easier for patients to use.

Electrics buzz but gas-guzzlers still shine

This year’s Geneva auto show is crowded with new cars flaunting electric and autonomous technologies meant to help unclog city streets and fight global warming and air pollution.


• Tech giants Facebook, Twitter and Google are taking steps to police terrorists and hate groups on their sites but more work needs to be done, the Simon Wiesenthal Center said on Tuesday.

Winter Olympics showcases Korean self-driving vehicles

PYEONGCHANG, South Korea (AP) — There’s a competition at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics that has nothing to do with sports, and plenty to do with jousting between automakers and tech companies over autonomously driving vehicles.

Tech Talk

• Spacewalking astronauts wrapped up months of repair work Friday on the International Space Station ‘s big robot arm.

Hockey Puck and player tracking being tested at Olympics

GANGNEUNG, South Korea (AP) — Finland players looked at the numbers and laughed.

Four robots that teach your kids to code

LAS VEGAS (AP) — You’ve seen apps and toys that promise to teach your child to code. Now enter the robots.

Tech Talk

• From 100 feet in the air, Kenai National Wildlife Refuge ecologist Mark Laker can find a piece of smoldering ash or a tiny spot of excess heat that could spark a wildfire.

Virtual-reality field trips give students advanced adventure

NEW YORK (AP) — On a February afternoon in a Brooklyn classroom, 16-year-old Taylor Engler came face to face with a cow. But it was all in her head.

Lifelike robots made in Hong Kong meant to win over humans

HONG KONG (AP) — David Hanson envisions a future in which AI-powered robots evolve to become “super-intelligent genius machines” that might help solve some of mankind’s most challenging problems.

Tech Talk

• French league suspends goal-line technology after ‘failings’

Hotels bet on technology to attract, dazzle guests

LAS VEGAS (AP) — It takes just minutes for a room service attendant to respond to a text message asking for a soda, bringing the Diet Coke on a tray with a glass of ice and lime wedges, no need for the modern hassle of placing a phone call.

Facebook improves how blind people can ‘see’ images using AI

MENLO PARK, Calif. (AP) — When Matt King first got on Facebook eight years ago, the blind engineer had to weigh whether it was worth spending an entire Saturday morning checking whether a friend of his was actually in his friend list.

BID to inject robo-cat with AI to help seniors

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — Imagine a cat that can keep a person company, doesn’t need a litter box and can remind an aging relative to take her medicine or help find her eyeglasses.

Tech Talk

• President Donald Trump’s administration is publicly blaming North Korea for a ransomware attack that infected hundreds of thousands of computers worldwide in May and crippled parts of Britain’s National Health Service.

Hybrid plane plans take off

FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) — Airbus, Siemens and Rolls-Royce are teaming up to develop a hybrid passenger plane that would use a single electric turbofan along with three conventional jet engines running on aviation fuel.

ALIV lines up iPhone X in time for Christmas

ALIV has announced that it will start selling the iPhone X in time for the Christmas holidays.

Researchers using technology to unwrap mysteries of mummy

LEMONT, Ill. (AP) — Researchers from Northwestern University and Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago are using advanced technology to unwrap the mysteries of an 1,800-year-old mummy.


•A Russian weather satellite and nearly 20 micro-satellites from various nations failed to enter their designated orbits Tuesday following the launch from Russia’s new cosmodrome, another blow to the nation’s space programme.