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EDITORIAL: What is the course for the ship of state?

THERE’S some political sparring afoot. As readers of today’s Tribune can see, the deputy leaders of the FNM and PLP are taking potshots at one another.

EDITORIAL: Is a level playing field really the best way?

WITH the country on course to start to reopen next week, when will the borders fully reopen?

EDITORIAL: From lockdown to opening the doors

That wasn’t what we expected.

EDITORIAL: Hearing nurse Rolle shows reality of the COVID-19 fight

AS she fought a losing battle against COVID-19, nurse Bernadette Rolle recorded a voice note detailing her struggle.

EDITORIAL: The long arm of the law has a heavy hand

WHEN Deon Duverny set off to drive his cousin home, he did not expect the journey would end in a prison cell.

EDITORIAL: Does the Prime Minister have a plan?

IN just four words, former Health Minister Dr Duane Sands shows the problem with our current approach to tackling COVID-19: “What is the plan?”

EDITORIAL: The hurricane of the COVID pandemic has hit us

Wow, this is brutal.

EDITORIAL: Why do some get to show such blatant disregard?

THE news that there were another 40 cases of COVID-19 in New Providence yesterday means it looks increasingly likely that the national lockdown will be extended.

EDITORIAL: No one is immune

WE have heard often during the COVID-19 pandemic that the virus can affect anyone, rich or poor, in any part of society – and the news that both the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister are self-quarantining is as sure a sign of that as you could find.

EDITORIAL: When does a good deal become a bad deal?

BACK in July 2018, there was a bold promise.

EDITORIAL: We need to stay resolute

PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis announced the relaxation of lockdown restrictions for southern islands yesterday while disclosing efforts to add an additional 80 beds to the frontline fight against COVID-19.

EDITORIAL: US cheek to issue travel warning

IT takes some audacity for the United States to issue a “do not travel” alert for The Bahamas because of the risk of catching COVID-19.

EDITORIAL: With the national lockdown underway, the real economic risks are being made clear

THE Bahamas Federation of Retailers has warned that this could be “the nail in the coffin” that shuts the doors of a number of companies. With that would go jobs, with more than 22,000 working in the sector.

EDITORIAL: We must protect our frontline workers

TIME and again during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been reminded of the importance of the work being done by medical personnel – and the need to do our part to help protect those workers.

EDITORIAL: The battle for our lives

HIS is the moment none of us wanted.

EDITORIAL: Crime leaving residents still feeling aftermath of hurricane

IN the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian, crime was a major concern for residents of Abaco. There were fears over looting, fears over inadequate policing with officers not going out at night with no power meaning no lights on the streets.

EDITORIAL: We’ve won the first round of this fight - time to do it again

THERE is good news and bad news in the fight against COVID-19.

EDITORIAL: A man dead, and the police silent

THERE are things that should not happen in a modern democracy.

EDITORIAL: Leaders must make the hard decisions

PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis used a word yesterday that you don’t expect to hear from a government in power.

EDITORIAL: Fighting alone to earn victory together

MUCH of the focus on battling COVID-19 has fallen on the efforts of the government.

EDITORIAL: Talk to BPL - before they turn off your lights

THE go-ahead has been given for BPL to start disconnecting customers who can’t – or won’t – pay, and 16,000 could be cut off as a result.

EDITORIAL: Bold decisions at a time when they are needed

WE said it was crunch time for Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis ahead of his national address yesterday – and the stakes only got higher as the country set a new single-day record for COVID-19 cases.

EDITORIAL: Time for big decisions, Dr Minnis

IT’S crunch time for Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis when he gives his national address on Sunday.

EDITORIAL: A history of travel that could impact our future

THERE are three words that show the nature of what we are battling in this latest spike of COVID-19 cases. Those are “history of travel”.

EDITORIAL: Faking test results can harm us all

THERE are two parts to the measures we are using to prevent coronavirus. On one hand, there are the instructions on what we need to do to stop the virus spreading. On the other, there is the enforcement that needs to be done for those who break those rules.