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EDITORIAL: Get ready, New Providence

BRACE yourselves for another lockdown.

EDITORIAL: Could the police have prevented double murder?

IT must be heartbreaking beyond belief for the family of Alicia Sawyer and eight-year-old Ednique Wallace to be left asking “What if?”

EDITORIAL: The enemy we cannot see

IT is hard to fight any battle – but it is harder still to fight an enemy you cannot see.

EDITORIAL: Extending aid scheme is the right move

THE decision to extend the government’s aid programme for COVID-19 is the right choice.

EDITORIAL: Our prison system is not doing its job

WHATEVER we are doing, it is not working.

EDITORIAL: A squabble not fit for the schoolyard

THE dispute between Minister of Education Jeff Lloyd and the president of the Bahamas Union of Teachers, Belinda Wilson, has all the hallmarks of a schoolyard squabble.

EDITORIAL: Now is the moment for Freeport

NEVER has the saying “it is now or never” felt more urgent than in the case of Freeport.

Tourism remains our golden goose - for now

THERE is a healthy dose of realism in the comments from Finance Minister Peter Turnquest about trying to diversify the country’s income.

EDITORIAL: Battling to hide documents is no sign of transparency

ANOTHER day, another setback for the government at the Supreme Court.

EDITORIAL: We'll have more questions about the prison, Mr Murphy

THE prison commissioner has some cheek. He thinks it’s none of your business whether coronavirus is in the prison.

EDITORIAL: Give our loved ones a dignified farewell

THERE is a horrific situation that has developed at Princess Margaret Hospital.

EDITORIAL: Was this consultation just for show?

When is a consultation not a consultation?

EDITORIAL: Are we out of our league?

There is often talk about trying to get The Bahamas to emulate Singapore as a financial success story – but for those dreaming of such things, the words of Gregory Pepin, of Deltec Bank & Trust, are an awakening. A rude one at that.

EDITORIAL: Planning as we wait for a vaccine

WE do not yet have a COVID-19 vaccination – that much we all know.

Editorial: No united front for back to school

IF we were hoping for a smooth start and a united front for the return to school, we have been swiftly disappointed.

EDITORIAL: What a difference a week makes

THIS week started with optimism from Tourism Minister Dionisio D’Aguilar about an October reopening. It ends with the grim reality that the doors of one of our megaresorts, Baha Mar, will not likely open until Christmas at the earliest.

EDITORIAL: Taking food out of the mouths of those in need

WE know that many people in The Bahamas are suffering incredible hardship because of the economic effects of COVID-19.

EDITORIAL: How much is the price of liberty?

WHAT is the value of a year of your freedom? How about two years? How about nine?

EDITORIAL: We're wearing our sharpest suit but with empty pockets

THE Bahamas has made its pitch for how to reopen to tourism.

EDITORIAL: Swift action to protect our environment

THE government response to reports of damage to marine life and the seabed from cruise ships sheltering in Bahamian waters has been commendable.

EDITORIAL: A high price to pay for faking being ill

A high price to pay for faking being ill

EDITORIAL: Violence in the home and no money in our pockets

FOR a long time, there has been talk of the economic effects of COVID-19. For many Bahamians, it’s far more than just talk – it’s the reality today.

EDITORIAL: Chinese workers have had enough

The shoe is on the other foot now for The Bahamas.

EDITORIAL: Just because the country's open doesn't mean the crisis is over

TODAY’s the day.

EDITORIAL: We haven't tackled obesity - and now it's proving our downfall

WHEN it comes to the fight against COVID-19, our past failings are coming back to haunt us.