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EDITORIAL: A legacy to live up to

TOO often in this column, we lift our pen to criticise – with justification – many of those who fill our political landscape today.

EDITORIAL: Time to stop the rot at BAMSI

THE long wait for answers over what has been going on at the Bahamas Agriculture and Marine Sciences Institute (BAMSI) goes on.

EDITORIAL: Don’t get caught by surprise on plastics deadline

The start of January next year will be the end of an era of destruction to the environment.

EDITORIAL: Stand up for the victims

PEOPLE would do well to pay attention to the words of Bishop Simeon Hall today.

EDITORIAL: Harbour Island project doesn't smell right

WHEN it comes to analysing the project under way in Harbour Island, it seems to fail the smell test in a number of ways.

EDITORIAL: Montagu needs to be safer

THE Easter Monday shooting that left five people in hospital has left many in the Montagu Beach area voicing concerns – and with good reason.

EDITORIAL: When will we learn to treat people as humans?

IT is hard to imagine how much worse the government could have treated Douglas Ngumi.

EDITORIAL: A lie has speed, the truth has endurance

GOSSIP got out of hand, it seems, at SC McPherson last week.

EDITORIAL: "You can’t get lost in the animal rights talk." Oh yes you can - and must.

The swimming pigs have become globally recognised as a part of the Bahamian tourism market.

EDITORIAL: Will the Bahamas become America’s Taiwan?

THE fiery response from the Chinese Embassy to the White House Press Secretary’s statement that President Trump “looks forward to working” with The Bahamas and other Caribbean countries to “counter China’s predatory economic practices”, should at last open the eyes of the American government to what we have been predicting for some time in this column - China is flexing its muscles in the Caribbean basin - America’s security moat, both on the Atlantic and Pacific side.

EDITORIAL: A knife has no place in a schoolbag

WHEN our children walk out of our doors to go to school on a morning, we want their bags to be packed with the things they need for school.

EDITORIAL: Lessons must be learned from near collision

Things could have been so much worse.

EDITORIAL: Turning dreams into reality

IT was the words – as well as the art – of Keith Thompson that caught the attention yesterday.

EDITORIAL: What’s wrong with the constitution?

IT’S hard to disagree with Rohan Kerr.

EDITORIAL: Cool tempers down at WSC before they boil over

ALL the water at the Water & Sewerage Corporation must be boiling over considering how heated things are getting over there.

EDITORIAL: Citizenship changes must clarify for both sides

PROPOSALS to make changes to citizenship and immigration laws in The Bahamas have already caused some concern – not least among those who are directly affected by the changes to come.

EDITORIAL: Two steps forward, one step back

Just when we thought things were looking up for Grand Bahama, the island suffers another blow with the collapse of a crane working on the Oasis of the Seas cruise ship at the shipyard.

EDITORIAL: A man cannot be allowed to just disappear

Where is Marvin Pratt?

EDITORIAL: Lucayan deal brings back the magic

The Grand Lucayan Resort saga seems, at last, to have a happy ending in sight.

EDITORIAL: The challenge of tackling knife crime

THE death of student Perry Louis in a stabbing yesterday is a tragedy that will resonate with every parent across the country.

EDITORIAL: A little more substance please, Dr Minnis

LAST night was the second of Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis’ national addresses – and while we welcome any increase in communication from the government, we do wish there was more substance to what he had to say.

EDITORIAL: The health of a nation, is the wealth of a nation

IT WOULD appear that Prime Minister Minnis is unwilling, embarrassed or unable to muster the courage to address the “pink elephant in the room”. While some may be relieved to learn it is not an Immigration, U.S. crime warning, OECD black listing or global pandemic spread by some highly infectious disease, in reality it is a far more deadly, insidious and immediate threat to our country.

EDITORIAL: A chance to change the police for good

THE latest round of senior police officers being told to go home – and more to follow – is no surprise given the top-heavy nature of the force.

EDITORIAL: The question's there - is the prize enough?

THE tabling of the Heads of Agreement for the Disney deal in South Eleuthera gives us all the chance to see the devil in the detail.

EDITORIAL: Fishing for the truth about Oban

IT is more than a year now since the much-heralded Oban Energies Heads of Agreement was signed – a year in which the leaders of the project have changed and government enthusiasm has wilted in the face of revelations about those they were dealing with.