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EDITORIAL: How Much is a Human Life Worth?

ON Thursday, January 31, Magistrate Carolyn Vogt-Evans fined a woman $10,000 on a charge of killing a man in the course of dangerous driving and another $2,340 in additional charges related to the hit-and-run accident that took the life of 52-year-old Sunshine Park resident Malcus Ashe.

EDITORIAL: Clumsy handling of the ‘Haitian problem’

WE couldn’t believe the news that was filtering back to us from the Lynden Pindling airport on Saturday afternoon. Under court orders, Bahamian-born Jean Rony Jean-Charles, 35, was on his way home after being deported to Haiti — a land he had never visited and whose language he barely understood. He was being returned on the orders of Supreme Court Justice Gregory Hilton.

EDITORIAL: Assisting Fred Mitchell’s failing memory

ON Monday, The Tribune was sent a statement from the Office of the National Chairman of the PLP – no less a person than Fred Mitchell, who seems to have suffered a serious loss of memory.

EDITORIAL: PMH – Rx is painful medicine but it is all that will cure the patient

LAST week’s front page shocker that Princess Margaret Hospital had such a critical bed shortage it was cancelling all elective surgery indefinitely should have come as no surprise.

EDITORIAL: Politics put before patients’ beds at PMH

PRINCESS Margaret Hospital Administrator Mary Walker, commenting on the fact that the Princess Margaret Hospital has had to turn away non-emergency cases at the hospital this weekend because of a critical bed shortage due the roof not being repaired for two years, and the shortage of nurses, says that this is the “worst” she has seen the hospital in the many years that she has been on the hospital’s staff.


The ongoing drama in Washington about making the passage of a government spending bill dependent on immigration policy is difficult for foreign observers to understand. Linking these unrelated matters in order to thwart legislation by the US Congress to fund government operations seems hard to justify. The consequent shutdown lasted for nearly three full days.

EDITORIAL: Marijuana - to legalise or not to legalise

THERE was no marijuana in the Garden of Eden when the world began — but there was a special fruit. Not only was this fruit a curiosity piece, but what added to its worth — it was forbidden.

EDITORIAL: Step one for Minnis – weeding out the corruption

PRIME Minister Dr Hubert A Minnis minced no words when he spoke at Bahamas Business Outlook last week. Before a packed house at the Baha Mar Convention Centre, the prime minister won over an audience disgusted and fed up with the obstacles in the way of accomplishing the smallest required task.

EDITORIAL: Lessons from the past on US shut down

WE ALL learned of the US government shut down at midnight on Saturday. Some offices really did close their doors. But operations deemed essential, including military and law enforcement, would continue. Most observers believed the shutdown would not be lengthy. The best argument for that is what happened during the last significant shut down.

EDITORIAL: Major risk of nuclear conflict

IT is said that an error uncorrected can soon become an irreversible mistake. The recent warning of an imminent nuclear attack in Hawaii that remained in force for thirty-eight minutes before being declared a false alarm caused fear and panic amongst its 1.4 million population. Reportedly, it happened as a result of the wrong button being pressed at the time of a change of shift at the island state’s so-called “nerve centre” operation.

EDITORIAL: An accident waiting to happen

On Sunday, January 7, two small motorbikes were traveling west on Bay Street from the heart of downtown to Cable Beach. Each bike was driven by a male with a female rider behind him.

EDITORIAL: Is the clock counting down on Trump’s presidency?

It feels like Donald Trump has been president of the US for years. His administration has begun to evolve in some minds from outrageous to dangerous to embarrassing to downright wearisome. But now that his presidency has finally entered its second year, the first significant step in his potential removal from office looms in the intermediate distance. If the Democrats were to recapture the House and Senate, many feel their agenda would be topped by impeachment proceedings.

EDITORIAL: Immigration issues a global matter

This week’s televised meeting between President Trump and US Congressional leaders to discuss policy on immigration has brought the issue once again to the forefront of public discourse in America.

EDITORIAL: Changing times and marijuana

A decade ago, The Tribune would have refuted, rebuked and shunned the suggestion of marijuana being decriminalised faster than the speed of light could travel. But the culture is changing. The conversation has started locally, regionally and internationally. We can no longer pretend the issue is not on the table. It is time to give careful consideration to where The Bahamas stands and how we proceed from here.

EDITORIAL: Montagu miracle still needs to be managed

In October, 2009, Member of Parliament for what was then the constituency of Montagu, Loretta Butler-Turner, appointed a steering committee to make recommendations and spearhead the redevelopment of what was dubbed the “Montagu mayhem” referring to an area of public land and waterfront running from east of the Nassau Yacht Club to west of the Royal Nassau Sailing Club.

EDITORIAL: Trump under fire - and furious

Two relatively unploughed fields of battle have now opened in Washington, DC for America’s most adept media manipulator. While President Donald Trump’s public 2017 fights with critics and erstwhile friends were largely limited to TV and print media, the worlds of books and movies have now been added to the public frenzy that is the current US presidency.

EDITORIAL: Foreign challenges await for Trump

With a cold dose of reality after the peace and goodwill of Christmas and the resolutions of a new year, the current crisis in Iran is suddenly top of the news agenda while the simmering dispute with North Korea over its nuclear programme has taken a potentially significant new turn.

EDITORIAL: What next for the US rollercoaster?

What will the New Year bring for American politics? It’s hard to find two people who will agree on that suddenly existential question, but there is undeniably something stirring among voters in the United States. For a change, they are truly engaged.

EDITORIAL: We must have a vision for our country

Successful businesses nail down a vision of exactly what they want to be and work toward achieving that.


As 2017 draws to a close, we reflect in this final commentary of the year on the uncertainties and challenges facing us here at home, together with fears about world conflict, as we look towards a brighter future during the coming months.

EDITORIAL: Merry Christmas to all our readers

We at The Tribune take delight in using the opportunity of our last publication before Christmas Day to send Season’s Greetings to our readers, friends and colleagues.

EDITORIAL: Solution to migration starts in Haiti

Twice in recent months, small wooden sloops overloaded with Haitians attempting to enter The Bahamas illegally have managed to slip past authorities and land on shore embarrassingly close to the back yard of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force. It was easy to point fingers and say it was the RBDF’s fault.

EDITORIAL: Uncertainty in the absence of diplomacy

In the face of endless conflict affecting an increasingly uncertain world, widespread concern about international stability and even the threat of war continues to grow.

EDITORIAL: Jean Rony's story opens our eyes

In the newspaper business there is an old adage, 1000 deaths is a statistic, the tragic death of a four-year-old is news.

EDITORIAL: After Alabama, Gillibrand's star begins to rise

The stunning win for Democrat Doug Jones in last week’s Alabama Senate election represents different things to different American political actors. US President Trump, who had held a rally in support of polariSing GOP candidate Roy Moore just before the election, typically blamed everyone but himself.