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EDITORIAL: Where are the ethics in President Trump’s cabinet?

READERS may recall news accounts of US president Donald Trump’s first full cabinet meeting. It was held at the White House on June 12. The nearly five month delay since his inauguration in January was due to confirmation delays for several of his nominees, as well as a few defections before the Republican-controlled Senate could even act to confirm them.

EDITORIAL: What are and where are the PLP’s core principles?

THE THEME of the PLP’s three-day convention, which ended in confusion on the final day, seemed to be that the country’s first political party must get back to its “core principles”. However, although everyone described much of what was lacking in today’s party, at no time during the conference did anyone enunciate the principles on which it was founded, nor where these principles have been hiding all of these years.

EDITORIAL: The media needs to report world trends

LAST week in this column, we commented on the US mainstream broadcasting media’s propensity to cover relatively trivial news at the expense of more serious topics.

EDITORIAL: What is the update on Baha Mar’s casino licence?

IN THIS column last year, we wrote that it seemed The Bahamas’ “sovereignty”, which the Christie government claimed it was protecting in the Baha Mar transaction, is more threatened today than if it had been settled by Chapter 11 of Delaware’s bankruptcy court and left in the hands of a private investor who had become a part of the Bahamas.

EDITORIAL: Putting the Great into Grand Bahama with the four T’s

IF THERE is one thing that political parties within The Bahamas and any careful observer outside the country could agree on, it is that the island of Grand Bahama has gone from shining star with rising property values and lives filled with optimism to a giant question mark.

EDITORIAL: Now time to open all Baha Mar files

DR HUBERT Minnis should not have to be reminded that one of the main tenets of his party’s political platform was to open wide government’s doors and expose the PLP’s five-year management or mismanagement of the people’s government and the spending or misspending of its finances. In some areas they have carried out their mission with great vigour, in others there is too much foot-dragging.

EDITORIAL: Bradley Roberts and his party should do the explaining

PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts has requested the press to question Health Minister Dr Duane Sands, a noted cardiothoracic and vascular surgeon, about the dual role he plays at the Cabinet table. Dr Sands is a newly elected Cabinet minister who has volunteered to continue to perform urgent and difficult surgeries on a voluntary basis should the need arise. For this generous gesture he will not be paid.

EDITORIAL: Here a Trump, there a Trump, everywhere a Trump Trump

ONE day in the American media it’s the continuing devastation from Hurricane Maria that continues to imperil Puerto Ricans. The next day dramatic stories in the New York Times expose the misbehaviour of movie mogul Harvey Weinstein. There is reporting about the worldwide refugee crisis, Venezuela, North Korea, and Iran. But there is a Donald Trump angle to every one of them. You cannot escape him.

EDITORIAL: One easy step to a prettier Nassau

MONSTROUS lettering on top of buildings, revolving electric signs that affront and assault the senses, snipe signs with skinny metal legs poked into the ground, signs nailed to poles and stapled to trees advertising services by people you would never want to call on for those services because if they don’t respect majestic trees, what makes you think they would respect your modest property?

EDITORIAL: And where has the $43 million gone?

LAST WEEK Opposition Leader Philip “Brave” Davis mocked the Minnis administration’s inability to trace $42 million of the $150 million borrowed by the Christie administration for hurricane recovery. Mr Davis had the audacity to call it the “height of incompetence” on the part of the new government for failing to trace these funds.

EDITORIAL: Importance of democratic accountability

TO FOLLOW up our online editorial earlier this week about developing events in Catalonia, we look today at the affect on democracy of globalisation and political and economic centralisation in an increasingly interdependent world.

EDITORIAL: Nassau Needs a Mayor, City Manager

NASSAU needs a mayor. We have beat around the bush long enough and pretended that somehow this historic city could just run itself. We should have known better. Its majestic Madeira trees are suffering.

EDITORIAL: Nothing should be kept from the Bahamian people

WE agree with a statement made by Dioniso D’Aguilar last year that CTFE was an “unsuitable investment for the Bahamas.” In fact, we would go so far as to say that no touristic investment — particularly with casinos attached and having the remotest connection with Macau — should be considered desirable for the Bahamas.

Small is beautiful but the law is paramount

EVENTS in Catalonia are attracting huge international attention as Spain’s most prosperous region of 7.5 million people could declare unilateral independence within days following its illegal referendum.

EDITORIAL: Some suggestions to get our crime under control

IN THIS column yesterday we commented on this country’s mushrooming crime problem.

EDITORIAL: How can today’s growing crime be controlled?

CRIME! Is there a solution? Will there ever be a solution?

EDITORIAL: Our Sister’s Keeper

AS Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis led a delegation to Dominica yesterday to view firsthand the devastation left by Hurricane Irma, we wondered how anyone could be so cold, so callous, so hard-hearted as to believe that by helping others we deprive ourselves of the ability to help Bahamians.

EDITORIAL: The balancing act of a Bahamian politician

IT IS said that “a politician is a person running for office who flip-flops on issues as the polls change.” While the politician makes promises he might not deliver on once elected, “the statesman is a person who stands by his ideals and does everything in his power to do what he believes is right for the people of his country.”

EDITORIAL: Renewed focus on future of Europe

THE resumption of Parliament at Westminster following the long summer break, together with another round of Brexit negotiations in Brussels, has ensured that the issue of Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union is once again at the forefront of the nation’s political and economic agenda.

EDITORIAL: Society must cooperate in defeating crime

“Yes, mommy, I love you too.”

EDITORIAL: The Bahamas cannot refuse Dominica

“THERE, but for the grace of God, go I!”

EDITORIAL: What US Football Can Teach The Bahamas

ON Sunday, politics dominated the football field in America, displaying a deep divide that is not unlike a quiet storm we are facing in The Bahamas.

EDITORIAL: PMH must now be brought up to an acceptable standard

ALTHOUGH the PLP government seemed to have no difficulty spending $10m in consultancy fees to set up a National Health Insurance scheme, it could not find $642,567.70, part of which was urgently needed to repair the roof of the Princess Margaret Hospital damaged by Hurricane Matthew in October last year.

EDITORIAL: Mitchell worries about legacy

WHILE Health Minister Dr Duane Sands has spent countless hours trying to discover how he is going to find the millions needed to bring the Princess Margaret Hospital up to an acceptable standard, we have Senator Fred Mitchell trying to defend the PLP’s legacy. After reading The Tribune’s front page today we are wondering what legacy there is to defend, but we leave that to our readers.

EDITORIAL: Bets on Trump not completing his first term

IT IS, paradoxically, so easy to overlook and diminish Donald Trump, despite his ubiquitous presence in the news media worldwide. It seems natural to underestimate and dismiss as a temporary phenomenon this fatuous blowhard who seems so sensationally self-absorbed and disloyal that it is a wonder he has any political allies or even business associates. Trump has proven to be a headline hog who has so debased the office of president of the United States that pundits and casual observers alike still bet privately and occasionally publicly that he will not complete his first term in office.