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EDITORIAL: Don’t talk down the economy, says Fred Mitchell

FRED MITCHELL, former Foreign Affairs/Immigration Minister, now a member of the Senate, is already tired of Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis “talking down” the economy. However, Mr Mitchell failed to suggest what part of the economy after his government’s dismal five years administration could honestly be “talked up”.


THE RECENT shake-up of the Trump administration’s communications team is a reminder of the importance, in a media-savvy world, of public presentation which can play a major role in determining the success or failure of any government.

EDITORIAL: ‘Brave’ Davis predicts 2022 win for PLP

FORMER Deputy Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis, now leader of a four-member Opposition in the new House of Assembly, is confident that given time his party will return to lead the country.

EDITORIAL: Trump blusters, while China fills void

EACH week brings a new and different Donald Trump departure from established and accepted norms. There are outrageous tweets, inconsistent and even contradictory interviews, claims that the establishment American media almost immediately brands as lies, and now, further evidence of personal behaviour that would be regarded as rude at a neighbourhood dinner party.

EDITORIAL: Five Easy Pieces, Hold the Anger

IN THE 1970 movie Five Easy Pieces that catapulted Jack Nicholson from character actor to rising star capable of portraying emotions from tenderness to fury with equal and absolute perfection, the most famous scene depicts the full range of feelings.

EDITORIAL: Cleophas Adderley achieved his grandfather’s dreams

FIFTY-SEVEN years ago, Christ Church Cathedral was filled with Bahamians from all walks of life —among them the leading citizens of the town — to pay tribute to a humble tailor considered by many to be the wisest man in town.

EDITORIAL: Mass migration in Europe and a growing threat closer to home

LARGE-SCALE migration of people from country to country or across continents is not new. America was a nation created by immigrants as was Britain in much earlier times, which, in common with other countries, also later provided a safe haven for refugees like the Huguenots in the 17th century and for threatened Jewish communities fleeing Nazi Germany in the 1930s. This was followed by the settlement in Britain of large numbers of immigrants from Commonwealth countries from the 1950s onwards who were legally entitled to enter and stay.

EDITORIAL: Beds lost in PLP sink-hole of stupidity

FREEPORT’S Dr Michael Darville, Shadow Minister of Health, has congratulated Health Minister Dr Duane Sands for his government’s plans to upgrade the Accident and Emergency and other sections of the Princess Margaret Hospital, noting that not only was it a “step in the right direction,” but that it was what the PLP had planned to do before it was voted out of office.

EDITORIAL: PMH destroyed by ‘dumb’ decisions

DR Charles Clarke, former president of the Bahamas Doctors Union and defeated PLP candidate for St Anne’s in the recent general election, took issue with Health Minister Dr Duane Sands for the way in which he handled the recent flooding crisis at the Princess Margaret Hospital.

EDITORIAL: History made in Bimini, government are you listening?

ON July 14, history was made in North Bimini.

EDITORIAL: Bahamians must concentrate on rebuilding their country

WE agree with former prime minister Hubert Ingraham that elections rather than a short time in prison settles ”scores between populations and politicians.”


IT WILL have come as no surprise to many people that last week’s G20 meeting in Germany of the countries with the world’s largest economies attracted even more media attention than is usual for such a significant gathering.

EDITORIAL: The Emperor is naked and the cupboard is bare

FOR THE first time Bahamians have been told the truth. No matter what they have heard over the years —particularly in the past five years under a PLP government— their Emperor is bare.

Leave Montagu Beach & Park alone

THE desire to create greater visitor experiences and boost the local economy by opening new entrepreneurial opportunities is a worthy goal and has its rightful place in the planning and zoning of islands like New Providence that welcome millions of cruise and stayover guests a year. But that rightful place is not Montagu Beach.


IN THESE columns last week we commented on the current uncertainty in the European Union (EU) and in Britain engendered by the start of the Brexit negotiations to determine the conditions of the latter’s departure from the bloc.

EDITORIAL: If crime is to be reduced, stiffer penalties are needed

HOW many more bodies wearing ankle bracelets are to be picked up from the highways and byways of this island before our courts get the message?

EDITORIAL: Uncertainty for Britain and European Union

DEVELOPMENTS in the European Union are under the spotlight again as the formal negotiations have now started about the terms of Britain’s departure from the bloc. These come just a year after the nation’s referendum on its future EU relationship and the surprise decision, by a narrow margin, to leave.

EDITORIAL: Will The Bahamas remain for Bahamians?

“IT should not be a mystery to us what the Chinese want: it is what all powerful countries want. It’s not about interest earned on a loan or making profits from operating a hotel. They want resources for the mother land,” so writes an “Observer” on page 8 of today’s Tribune.

EDITORIAL: Does US have foreign policy under Donald Trump?

EVERY once in a while, a story appears in a major US publication that discusses American foreign policy under Donald Trump.  Does the US president even have a coherent foreign policy?  He seems to regard international relations with the same casual disdain he accords to the truth about himself or his political opponents.

EDITORIAL: History, Sex, Drugs and Rock ‘n Roll

THE title of this article tells the whole story. Say the word history and response is akin to an invitation to watch grass grow. Say sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll and wow, try to keep curious eyes and inquiring minds from reading on to see what comes next.

EDITORIAL: Where did Truth get lost in this maze of Untruths?

ALTHOUGH Attorney General Carl Bethel has said there appears to be nothing unusual in the terms of the now unsealed document for the sale of Baha Mar, there are those who have their doubts.


THE possibility of establishing normal relations between the USA and Cuba has always been seen as a potential threat to our tourism industry here in The Bahamas.

EDITORIAL: Mark Humes knows whereof he speaks

ENGLERSTON MP Glenys Hanna-Martin seems to have assumed the role of “point guard” to protect the four-member PLP Opposition in the House of Assembly as she bobs up and down on “points of order”, interrupting the debates of various government members.

EDITORIAL: Bahamians - the future is now up to you

WE recall the colonial days when we would overhear many interesting conversations between Tribune editor Sir Etienne Dupuch and the politicians who would come to call on him at The Tribune.

EDITORIAL: No true democracy without true local government

THE Bahamas often prides itself on being the oldest stable democracy in the Western Hemisphere with a Parliamentary history that dates back to 1729.