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The Freeport lady who is an excellent cook

THERE has been much behind-the-scenes muttering about the PLP government’s selection of some of the persons appointed for a year to the various statutory boards. Some of their Urban Renewal appointments have also been criticised.

Echoes from 2002 being heard in 2012

IT IS interesting to browse through The Tribune’s “dead” files only to discover that they are not so dead after all. In the Bahamas history has a way of repeating itself at very short intervals.

Mr Prime Minister, is this not victimisation?

URBAN RENEWAL, the PLP’s solution to most of the country’s ills, has many Bahamians confused as to what it really is.

Police and public should share information

WHAT started in the sixties as a deliberate effort to suppress press freedom, over time morphed into an accepted tradition — the police gave scant information to the press.

There should be no secrets from the public

WHILE Bahamians slept, a handful of rapists were on the prowl in eastern and western New Providence. They were attacking women in their homes in the early morning hours -- but mum was the word. There was no warni

Brotherhood shelves Egypt's Islamsation - for now

THE MUSLIM Brotherhood has stopped talking about its longtime dream of an Islamic Egypt and expelling Israel's ambassador to Cairo. Instead, President-elect Mohammed Morsi is hurriedly building a diverse alliance with leftists, liberals and Christians to bolster his battle to end military rule.

What is URCA's role with BTC?

THE Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) came into existence on September 1, 2009. URCA replaced the Public Utilities Commission and the Television Regulatory Authority. URCA is supposed to act as an independent body and its main purpose is to regulate the telecommunications industry.

Security experts unite for Olympics

FIGHTER jets thunder above the English countryside. Missiles stand ready. And Big Brother is watching like never before.

Obama prepping thousands of lawyers

President Barack Obama’s campaign has recruited a legion of lawyers to be on standby for this year’s election as legal disputes surrounding the voting process escalate.

Court hampers Romney's plea to Hispanics

MITT ROMNEY wants to improve his troubled standing among Hispanic voters while saying as little as possible about immigration. Events keep working against him.

Is this meeting just one big charade?

WE AGREE with Senator Zhivargo Laing that the new PLP government should get a move on rather than wasting House members' time bashing the Ingraham government.

At US hotels, Chinese tourists treated to comforts of home

MAJOR hotel brands are bending over backward to cater to the needs of the world's most sought-after traveller: the Chinese tourist.

Uruguay plan to let governent sell marijuana

URUGUAY'S national government said Wednesday it hopes to fight a growing crime problem by selling marijuana to citizens registered to buy it, and will send a bill to Congress that would make it the first country in the world to do so.

Clarification needed on Gibson's statement

SHANE Gibson's threat to demand every company applying for a foreigner to justify its needs before his department will issue a Labour Certificate has certainly stirred up a hornet's nest of resentment among the business community -- a section of the community that Prime Minister Christie is going to need if he wants to keep Bahamians employed.

G20 leaders call for Europe to fix finance woes

European leaders at the G-20 summit struggled to reassure the world Monday that they were on the path to solving their continent's relentless economic crisis, defending the pace of their response even as ma

Has Shane Gibson overstepped his authority?

WE WONDER how kindly Immigration Minister Fred Mitchell has taken to Labour Minister Shane Gibson dipping his oar into his immigration portfolio.

Bahamians first, 'but not at any cost'

IN THIS column yesterday, we published a warning from the World Bank that fears about the eurozone had reduced investors' tolerance for risk. The bank urged poorer economies -- and this includes the Bahamas - to protect themselves by reducing their debts.

Poorer countries urged to reduce their debt

The World Bank on Tuesday warned that fears about the eurozone had reduced investors' tolerance for risk, and it urged poorer economies to protect themselves by reducing their debts. In the report, a scheduled

Government's blustering not building confidence

IN THIS column yesterday, we discussed how election promises are being modified, diluted and even given a new interpretation.

The meaning of doubling the education budget

NOW THAT the election is over and reality has set in, we see some of the goldposts being moved back, election promises being explained, modified and even diluted. Some even going so far as to say: "We might have said this, but really we meant that."

Spain’s ailing banks threaten country’s finances

Spain is under rising pressure to find a lifeline for its deeply troubled banks.

Long on promises, short on delivery

A COMMENT by Prime Minister Perry Christie that he is pleased to be leading the country at this time because he feels the nation requires someone with his "temperament and personality" to bring in the levels of investment that are "quickly" needed, recalls a conversation we had with Mr Christie towards the end of his first administration as prime minister.

Time for PLP to talk tough to law breakers

UNLIKE PLP leaders, we are not so unreasonable as to blame the continuing rise in crime on either political party. We have always maintained that if one follows the trail, today's crime is a natural progression

PM Christie and his juggling act

WE THINK it is now time for Prime Minister Perry Christie to realise that he is Prime Minister of all of the Bahamas. He is no longer on the campaign trail playing to his hard core supporters.

It's all in the name of free speech, Dr Rollins

DR ANDRE ROLLINS, a new face to the political scene, does not seem to understand the difference between opinion pieces -- solely the opinion of the writer -- and objective news.