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FNM has to hold watching brief on finances

IN yesterday's Business section of The Tribune, Standard & Poor's --an international credit rating agency-- urged the Bahamas and the Caribbean nations to improve their national savings rate, and reverse the decli

Will not oppose for the sake of opposing

UNLIKE the United States where winning power at any price seems more important to many politicians than passing laws for the good of the nation, newly elected Opposition leader Dr Herbert Minnis has promised that under his leadership the FNM will “not oppose for the sake of opposing.”

A speech high school principals should give

THIS WEEK, several persons have e-mailed us a speech, which has been recommended as the opening speech that every American high school prinicipal should give their students so that they will understand their educational objective.

Standards, not money, needed

EDUCATION Minister Jerome Fitzgerald, speaking with a Tribune reporter, confirmed at a Government House reception yesterday that the Christie government planned to honour its election commitment to double the Bahamas’ education budget.

Code of ethics must be enforced

IN VIEW of the PLP's past record and the public's criticisms of its various scandals over the years, Archbishop Drexel Gomez urged the Christie administration to quickly establish a Code of Ethics to which the new governme

Supporters impatient for results

THE PLP recognises that crime is quickly escalating and that the duty of a government is to keep the public safe, "but my God, give us some time!"

Did the PLP hoodwink the voters?

PLP GOVERNMENT members can wipe that look of doe-eyed innocence from their faces when they express alarm at what they claim they are just discovering about this country's deficit.

Has the PLP gone soft on the criminal?

WHILE for the first time in this country's history, US authorities have announced that these once peaceful "isles of June" have a "critical" level of crime, the new Christie administration plans to review the last government's mandatory minimum laws because the criminal has complained that they are too tough!

A reckless promise that might founder

TUESDAY’S first cabinet meeting of the newly-elected PLP government, marked Day One of its first 100 days of governing, Prime Minister Perry Christie announced. Day One was also marked with a warning salvo from Moody’s Investment Services, one of three major credit rating agencies.

All must join in the fight against crime

FOR THE first time yesterday, we heard a PLP Minister come close — the closest that any of them has ever come in the past five years — to admitting that no government can completely eradicate crime — certainly not the type of crime that has changed our way of life.

Can the country afford Christie's Cabinet plans?

WITH THE Bahamas experiencing the most serious economic slump in living memory, the new Christie government has appointed the largest cabinet in Bahamian history with the promise of additions to be made at mid-term.

PLP's first promise - to curb crime

WE ARE glad that Prime Minister Perry Christie has put crime at the top of his agenda. He and his party always blamed the rising crime on an inept Ingraham government, claiming that it was his PLP party that had all th

How much did bribery influence the election?

IN AN interview, Alfonso Quinonez, OAS Head of Mission, whose team was invited to the Bahamas by the Ingraham government to observe Monday's election, hit the target when he observed that lack of regulated election funding fuelled talk of corruption.

PM Christie faces a daunting task

RETURNING TO the helm of state after five years to ponder what went wrong in his first five years in office, Prime Minister Perry Christie has promised to do his “very best.”

Bahamas has lost a great leader

BAHAMIANS went to the polls yesterday and showed the depth of their ingratitude to a man who had dedicated 35 selfless years to their service.

Today the Bahamian people have their say

AT LAST the day has arrived when Bahamians go to the polls to exercise their democratic right to say what political party they want to govern them for the next five years.

Bahamians decide their future on Monday

LAST WEEK, a young Bahamian came to see us. He wanted to talk. It was about the election, but, according to him, it was mainly about his future, which the outcome of the election would determine.

The shifting sands of Bahamian politics

LADY PINDLING'S appearance at the PLP's Clifford Park rally Friday night - to "set the record straight" for her "PLP family" - brought back many memories of the upheaval created by the Commission of Inquiry into drugs. It also highlighted the shifting sands of politics.

Christie was never Sir Cecil’s choice

LADY PINDLING took to the podium at the PLP’s Clifford Park rally Friday night to set the record straight. Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham, she declared, was not chosen by the late Sir Lynden Pindling to be his heir.

FNM decisions lessen economic hardships

ONE of our readers does not believe that enough focus has been given to the human impact of some of government’s policies and accomplishments in downtown Nassau.

National Security Minister congratulated

THE $4.6 million contract signed yesterday by Minister Tommy Turnquest to install 243 Closed Circuit Television cameras in strategic locations in New Providence is indeed a "critical milestone" in government's efforts to fight crime.

Will drilling for oil decide this election?

ACCORDING to the talk, the PLP are now busy making promises to the unions of how much better off their members will be under a Christie government.

How yellow changed to red in Centreville

AFTER a second tour of Bay and Grants Town Saturday, Prime Minister Ingraham said yesterday he is confident that the FNM will win the once PLP stronghold – turning it from a stream of yellow to an ocean of red.

Hollande victory could impact US markets

A strong showing by Socialist candidate François Hollande in the first round of France’s presidential election Sunday may rattle US and global financial markets in the coming weeks.

Thanks for cancer donations - more needed

WE WANT to thank those who over the past several weeks have so generously donated to the campaign to raise funds for a much-needed up-to-date digital mammogram machine for the Princess Margaret Hospital. The $500,000 fund-raising goal was achieved and the machine is now on its way.