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Region facing silent debt crisis

THE Caribbean Policy Development Center (CPDC) says a silent debt crisis threatens the way of life of people in the Caribbean.


IN 2006, while sitting outside her home with family members and enjoying the cool night breeze, my patient (who’s chosen the alias Kelly) felt an urge to urinate. She dashed but before she made it to the restroom, she felt warm liquid trickling down her legs.

WORLD VIEW: The war on Ukraine is now a global war

THE people of Ukraine are the principal victims of the unjustified and unprovoked war, launched against them by Russia on February 24, 2022. But in the year since then, it has become clear that other victims - on a different scale - have been all the nations of the world, particularly the small, poor and powerless.

THE KDK REPORT: Savour every moment spent with the ones you love

WE OFTEN learn life’s lessons, whether consciously or subconsciously, through our own experiences or by learning from what others have taught us but the lessons that resonate most deeply typically come from individual trials.

INSIGHT: Govern for today, don't fight about 50 years ago

IT was a pleasure travelling around Nassau on Friday. Wherever I went, people were wearing the colours of the nation.

INSIGHT: Wait and see if CARICOM was a success

SO CARICOM came, and CARICOM went – and while there may have been some bumps at the outset, now that it’s all done, what was achieved?

WORLD VIEW: End sexual violence against women for the sake of all mankind

RAPE, and other forms of sexual violence against women in war and conflict, represent one of the great silences and suppressed issues in modern-day history.

THE KDK REPORT: Childhood amnesia; life moments forgotten but never truly gone

MOST human beings suffer from childhood amnesia. We don’t remember being born or learning to walk or speak.

NIB to rise? Prices up? ‘They’re robbing us now’

“THEY’RE robbing us now,” was the view of some Bahamians as they voiced their opinion on the National Insurance Board’s recommendations to increase the contribution rate - on top of other financial pressures such as rising prices on sugar and salt.

WORLD VIEW: Haiti at the tipping point of becoming fully hostage to criminals

HAITI continues to occupy the concerns of nations around the world, especially its closest neighbouring states.

INSIGHT: Climate change and Haiti in the CARICOM spotlight

THE great and the good are coming to The Bahamas this week - with a CARICOM meeting due to be held from February 15—17.

THE KDK REPORT: A long way down – part 2

IN an effort to combat illicit drug use amongst minors, US First lady Nancy Reagan created the slogan ‘Just say no’ in the mid-1980s, just as the war on drugs ramped up in the United States. The campaign was international and throughout her husband’s presidency, it became her mission to educate children about the danger of peer-pressure and the physical and social ramifications of drug addiction.

WORLD VIEW: Haiti and Peru biggest worries as democracy in Americas in decline

ALL the countries of ‘the Americas’ ie, those in North, Central and South America and the Caribbean are experiencing political, social and economic trials to some extent.

ROAD TO 50: What next for nation’s environment?

WITh the country’s 50th independence approaching, Tribune Business sat down with people in the environmental field to discuss their vision for our environment going into the next 50 years.

THE KDK REPORT: A long way down – part 1

THE internationally beloved movie, Mrs Doubtfire, starring Sally Field and Robin Williams, was released in 1993 and quickly became a smashing, box-office success. In it, Williams played a devoted and loving but unreliable father who temporarily loses custody of his children following his divorce.

INSIGHT: Death threats to Prime Minister must be condemned outright

TALKING politics can be a passionate business. When I sit down and talk politics, it can get heated. People believe strongly in their viewpoints. But at the end of the day, we win or we lost at the ballot box. How did we get to a place where death threats are part of our new political landscape?

WORLD VIEW: Being homosexual is not a crime - Pope Francis

“BEING homosexual is not a crime. We are all children of God, and God loves us as we are and for the strength that each of us fights for our dignity.” Those words were spoken by Pope Francis, easily the most radical pontiff that the Roman Catholic Church has ever had.

THE KDK REPORT: Not all heroes wear capes...

PSYCHOLOGISTS have long proposed that the reason we love comic book superheroes is because we all secretly desire to be the heroes of our own lives.

INSIGHT: Haiti teeters on the brink of civil war with no solutions in sight

IN Haiti, we are witnessing what appears to be the complete breakdown of the law.

WORLD VIEW: Peru troubles highlighting unease across South America

MANY countries in South America are now in a state of troubling unease. Recent events in Peru have catapulted it to the forefront of security concerns in all its dimensions. But worry also exists about other countries which are tiptoeing through political minefields that could explode overnight.

THE KDK REPORT: A house divided

SEVERAL years ago, a palliative nurse in Australia wrote a book detailing the top five regrets of individuals on their deathbed.

INSIGHT: How we can honour Kenise and help save others

THE tragic story of Kenise Darville has been in the spotlight over the past few days and many are wanting to know why we can’t do better when it comes to the care we offer our citizens.

THE KDK REPORT: In fairytales we dream

MANY beloved fairy tales were morbidly gruesome in their original connotation. Sleeping Beauty, for example, was unconscious when she was savagely raped by the king. Then, to add to the heinous nature of the act, he murdered his wife hoping to be with the woman he assaulted when she awoke. Soldiers were told to cut out Snow White’s liver and lungs to feed to the evil queen. In retribution, she was forced to dance at Snow White’s wedding in burning hot iron shoes until she died.

INSIGHT: Questions remain unanswered over Bermuda PLP trip

THE curious tale of the Progressive Liberal Party’s trip to Bermuda resurfaced in public this week – and despite it being several months on from the event, the official line has still failed to nail down all the answers.

WORLD VIEW: The fallacy of ‘President’ Juan Guaidó is now over

THE pretender, Juan Guaidó, is now finally gone. The myth that he was the President of Venezuela and had the capacity to act and speak for the country, has now evaporated.