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INSIGHT: It’s only a matter of time before we pay the price for our shameful silence

Tragically, police and Immigration abuse, oppression and brutality in The Bahamas remain systemic, ubiquitous, unreformed, unrelenting, unaccountable and unapologetic. PLP and FNM governments alike do nothing about it!

INSIGHT: Cocktail of factors leaves one in four adults highly stressed

It is recognised by regional and international health organisations that in the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health is an important metric to gauge population health and to direct governmental response and policies. The Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres spoke in May about the negative impact of COVID-19 on mental health. The World Health Organization has also raised concerns about mental health. They agree that mental health matters and should be prioritised as an “essential part of all government response to COVID-19”.

WORLD VIEW: Can Guyana stand up to this trial of its democracy?

ADHERENCE to democracy, including free and fair elections, has been on trial in the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) region over the past three months in Guyana and Suriname.

INSIGHT: The boiling point of social injustice confronts us with a new dilemma

WITH tens of thousands of Bahamians on the verge of poverty as a result of the the COVID-19 pandemic, much-needed relief is on the way. The government has moved the country into Phase Four of the reopening plan – one step closer to a life as close to normal as possible – and June 15 will see the tourism industry begin to feel its first jolts of new life.

WORLD VIEW: Salute the 'CARICOM Three' for their sacrifice

HERE are three heroes of democracy in the 15-nation Caribbean Community (CARICOM): Cynthia Barrow-Giles (St Lucia/Barbados), John Jarvis (Antigua and Barbuda) and Sylvester King (St. Vincent and the Grenadines). Their names must not be forgotten.

WORLD VIEW – The US and Cuba: Caribbean chooses cooperation, not confrontation

CARIBBEAN countries are, once again, being placed in a difficult position as they try to navigate a course between the United States (US) and Cuba – two countries of great importance to them and for each of which they have great respect.

INSIGHT: We need to tread very, very carefully however appealing opening the borders may appear

IT has been, without any exaggeration, a gruelling two months of lockdowns and curfews.

INSIGHT: Emerging from the darkness of a world where the virus claimed 1,000 lives a day

Alessandro Sarno reports from Italy as the country looks to life after lockdown.

WORLD VIEW: Attacking Golding does not change demand for a credible Guyana elections result

IN the wake of a report to the Permanent Council of the Organisation of American States (OAS) on the Guyana general elections of March 2, the Head of the Electoral Mission (EOM), former Jamaica Prime Minister, Bruce Golding, has been accused of being “exceptionally partisan” and “hostile to the nation and people of Guyana”.

INSIGHT: We can buy ourselves time but there's no fix without testing

As Biminites brace themselves for a painful 14-day lockdown, we are hoping for the best for our brothers and sisters. Knowing how taxing prevention measures have been for many Bahamians, the psychological and socio-economic collateral damage of a two-week lockdown is not to be taken lightly.

INSIGHT: 'Nine months on all we want is an answer - where is she?'

FOR many Hurricane Dorian survivors in Abaco, the process of picking up the pieces of their lives has already begun. But, nearly eight months after the deadly storm hit the island- residents still struggle to gain a sense of normalcy.

INSIGHT: This game’s been running for a long while - and it’s not over yet

THERE is no doubt politics makes for strange bedfellows, particularly in the case of former Minister of Health Dr Duane Sands and the now acting Health Minister and Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis. It is not too long ago both men were on opposing sides of a battle for the leadership of the Free National Movement. Although, at the time, Sands was positioning himself to be Loretta Butler-Turner’s deputy, his aspirations to become prime minister were widely known.

WORLD VIEW: Now’s not the time to sit quietly while others again decide our fate

Developing countries, including Caribbean Community (CARICOM) states, would make a grave mistake if, in the wake of the economic crisis they now face, they decide to diminish their foreign affairs budgets.

INSIGHT: We don’t need more meetings, false hope and promises - we need leadership, action and solutions

Life is forced to go on for residents of Abaco, sturuggling in the wake of Dorian’s devastation. But now a new cloud is appearing on their horizon - another hurricane season and no visible plan for their safety from a government some on the island feels has abandoned them.

INSIGHT: Trump's eagerness to open up could be the last thing we need

AS the saying goes: When America sneezes, The Bahamas catches a cold. Imagine what becomes of us if that proverbial sneeze is caused by a disease that has already infected more than one million Americans. Despite being armed with this knowledge and t

INSIGHT: Time for imagination as we draw blueprint for our future

The economic future of The Bahamas has become a popular conversation. This is the second time within a year that overnight we have incurred upwards of a billion dollars in losses. There is a sense of fear and uncertainty among Bahamians and this is s

INSIGHT – Q&A: Coping during the COVID-19 crisis

Surveys conducted in the British public in recent months confirmed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health will be staggering. The public is anxious and fearful. This article addresses some common questions the public may have in how to cope with the uncertainties and restrictions associated with the pandemic.

INSIGHT: We must do everything we can for ALL of those on the frontline in this battle

IF you heard last week’s announcement of 200 healthcare workers from Princess Margaret Hospital and Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre being placed in quarantine and the hairs on the back of your neck did not stand up, you aren’t considering the long-term sustainability of the healthcare system.

INSIGHT: So what happened to Luann Joaquim?

WHAT seemed to be a routine ride home resulted in total tragedy and unanswered questions for the family of Luann Joaquim.

INSIGHT: Abandoning tourism is a fool’s errand - we just need to reimagine it

AMID the seismic shift taking place in the lives of many Bahamians, there is one question most of us are asking - how long can we endure this?

INSIGHT: When the doors were ordered closed, a new world opened up for students and teachers

When Tambearly International School implemented Google for Education tools into subject area curriculum grades seven through 12 in 2017, we had no idea how valuable it would prove to be.

INSIGHT: Selfishly dicing with death - it’s that simple

COVID-19, or what some health experts and those on the frontline have begun referring to as “the beast”, has infected over a million people worldwide and taken the lives of nearly 70,000 people – a 100 percent increase in just a week. Of those dead, some of our brothers and sisters were also taken from us in another week highlighting a disregard by some of the guidelines put in place by the government to save our lives.

WORLD VIEW: CARICOM should help but Guyana must save itself

THE image and standing of Guyana are being tarnished throughout the world. Yet, a small window of opportunity remains open for the country to be regarded as democratic and for its government to be hailed as legitimate.

INSIGHT: This is only the start - for God’s sake do as you’re told and stay indoors

SINCE the country’s first case of Covid-19 was announced, while the government has done its part in implementing strict legislation to regulate the movement of people, the same can’t be said for many Bahamian citizens. It would seem as though our reaction to impending hurricanes – stocking up on everything we think we need - has given us a similar reflex response to Covid-19, which is a completely different animal.

INSIGHT: A delicate balance of minimising deaths without putting the whole country at risk

THE world, including The Bahamas, has been plunged into a state of fear, insecurity and uncertainty by the coronavirus epidemic. We congratulate our Prime Minister for taking the bold stand of setting up a curfew and restriction of movement in response to this national challenge. A leader must be informed, willing to take risks and, above all, able to exude calm. The Prime Minister fulfilled these three characteristics.