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INSIGHT: Without literature how can we develop successful 21st century citizens?

In its struggle to gain a secure foothold in today’s global village, The Bahamas is ardently seeking models of success, particularly from the super states which control the lion’s share of the world’s wealth.

INSIGHT: The FNM must recommit to the principles upon which they ran for office

This article, the second in a two-part series, deals with initiatives to strengthen rights and privileges of individuals and communities. The first instalment, ‘A few words of advice to help a government off course’, published on October 29, addressed the need to upgrade our economic system for the 21st century.

INSIGHT: We need a solution to our energy crisis now – not later

AMID what has been deemed an energy crisis by some, public outcry over the increasing electricity costs has become commonplace in our society. Similarly, the lackadaisical response from our elected leaders has been disheartening. Indubitably, Bahamas Power and Light has become our nation’s greatest failure.

WORLD VIEW: Identity and dignity lost with the CCJ

THE referenda, held individually in Antigua and Barbuda and Grenada, on replacing the British Judicial Committee of the Privy Council with the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) on November 6, were lost for the same reason that Brexit succeeded in the United Kingdom.

GAIN AN EDGE: How a culinary arts education can help in a thriving tourism market

“Cooks and chefs are the backbone of the hospitality industry in any market and especially a thriving tourism market, where customers travel from far away to experience a relaxing vacation while dining on the local specialties. A major trend taking place currently in the hospitality industry worldwide and in The Bahamas is Culinary Tourism,” says chef J Desmond Keefe the executive director of Culinary Arts and Tourism Studies at University of The Bahamas.

INSIGHT: If I was running a sham like this I’d avoid the hard questions too

IT HAS been almost 18 months since the Free National Movement became the Government of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas and many of us are still struggling to figure out just who this government is. What is their brand of governance? What will we remember them for? Will it be for taking a savvy campaign catchphrase and turning it into a punchline? Or as the government that unabashedly increased the tax burden on its citizenry?

INSIGHT: Don't be fooled, 'prove your status' makes us all Jean Rony

The Social Media frenzy about the identity of Jean Rony Jean-Charles for him to have to “prove who he is” promotes a serious threat to the presumption of innocence in The Bahamas. Targeting Jean Rony puts everybody’s freedom and presumption of innocence at stake. We are all potential Jean Ronys.

OAS - no long fit for purpose

IT’S time for a Caribbean Secretary-General of the Organisation of American States.

INSIGHT: What is a politician’s word worth?

Prime Minister Minnis’ tenure has not been short of blunders and contradictions - as any cursory search through his soundbites would reveal. A host of his campaign postures have since been walked back in some way or another. Dr Minnis, shortly after being sworn in as prime minister, made a bold proclamation to his ministers that reverberated throughout the nation. He cautioned his ministers against corruption, conflicts of interest and any unethical behaviour.

INSIGHT: A few words of advice to help a government off course

Over the past several months, a theme has emerged in public commentary suggesting that despite near universal high hopes following the landslide victory of May 10, 2017, the Minnis Administration has strayed badly off course and is haemorrhaging support on a daily basis.

GAIN AN EDGE: How BTVI’s teaching gave Valentino the chance to climb the ladder of success

Before Valentino Burrows enrolled at the Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute (BTVI), he admits to “floating through life.” He began his post-secondary pursuits at a local institution of higher learning, but it was not a good fit for him. It was not until he began classes at BTVI that he began soaring.

INSIGHT: Remember Minnis’ words then compare them with his new reality

LIGHTHOUSE Point has been at the epicentre of intense debate over the past few months. And the government’s approval of Disney’s proposal to invest $400m into yet another cruise port is both the culmination of an emotionally-charged campaign and, perhaps, the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back.

INSIGHT: Climate change is coming and we have to prepare - now

A STARTLING new report says harmful effects of climate change will be experienced at a lower temperature than previously anticipated, all while the world runs out of time to do something about it.

INSIGHT: All we've got to do is think BIG and be BRAVE

Bahamians need a “come to Jesus moment” on national development. Those who advocate employment opportunities at more risk of destroying thousands in the future, amounts to a deal with the devil At the same time, environmentalists must understand that people have to live, and they can’t eat sand.

INSIGHT: A fair process? I don’t think so. Just a Disney roadshow with the government playing dumb

Three days. That’s how old I was when I first became a part of Eleuthera, after my mum and I were discharged from PMH. I was raised on Eleuthera until the early 1980s when, like so many Eleutheran families, the financial and educational realities forced my family to move to Nassau. I was lucky with scholarships and received a graduate degree with a focus on economics. I returned home to Eleuthera to get married and we take our children there at every possible opportunity.

INSIGHT: Time for the PM to stop following Trump’s playbook

In recent weeks American media outlets exhaustively covered the US senate confirmation hearing of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Allegations of sexual assault that took place more than 30 years ago came to the forefront and led to mass protests throughout the hearing, as many people believe he is not fitting for the office of the US Supreme Court Justice.

WORLD VIEW: Strongman-ism in the House of the Americas

In one year and eight months’ time the present holder of the Office of Secretary-General of the Organisation of American States (OAS) will end his current term. Judging from his recent utterances, Luis Almagro, might not offer himself for a second term although he has not said so specifically.

GAIN AN EDGE: From intern to mentor in seven short years

Seven years ago, Krista Newbold began a journey to help students become college-ready. Little did she know that during the process, she would also become a student, learning invaluable lessons that would shape the way she teaches and connects with her students.

INSIGHT: When The Bahamas sailed off to war

On November 11 this year, heads will bow around the globe to mark the centenary of the end of World War One.

INSIGHT: There will be a heavy price to pay if we’re treated like children

IT is no secret that political factions within our country expect a level of loyalty from members of Cabinet in government. Often, when Members of Parliament who express feelings or views that conflict with the executive, the electorate may assume some discord within government. So it is at present within the governing Free National Movement, where it seems there are a few disgruntled backbenchers.

WORLD VIEW: Gay people are citizens too

A REGRESSIVE 19th century law, that is a legacy of British rule, continues to exist in ten of the 12 independent Commonwealth Caribbean states.

INSIGHT: Fat, food, fatigue and brain fog

The 2018 HEALinc Future Health Innovation Summit (www.healincfuturehealthsummit.com) is days away.

INSIGHT: Would you invest here with declarations like this?

The PM’s edict that work permits are to be reduced simply because too many have been issued is nonsense and pure economic suicide.

INSIGHT: Hutchison must be laughing all the way to the bank

THERE are bad deals and then there are ones that are historically egregious – those that leave us perplexed how one could possibly agree the terms involved. The raw deal made for the Grand Lucayan definitely fits the bill as one of the worst set of negotiations ever performed by a Bahamian government.

INSIGHT: Disney’s plan ‘no cause for alarm’

The people of Eleuthera are truly one of a kind.