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WORLD VIEW: Almagro - more a General than Secretary

A FURORE surrounded Luis Almagro, the Secretary-General of the Organization of American States (OAS), after the Associated Press (AP) reported him as encouraging military intervention in Venezuela to topple the government of President Nicolas Maduro.

INSIGHT: It’s not a fantasy - live younger, longer, better

Longevity. Not your concern if you’re in your 20s right? Wrong. Living to 120 or 150 years old. Sounds absurd at best, or an obsession for the top one percent of the population, right? Wrong again. What if we thought of longevity (and preventing ageing) as living younger, longer and better?

INSIGHT: Turning the tide - towards offshore solar energy

AS countries around the world wean themselves off fossil fuels, one increasingly popular alternative catches the eye: floating solar panels.

INSIGHT: The power rests in your hands alone PM Minnis

HEAVY hearts laden the country in the wake of the murder of Police Inspector Carlis Blatch, Aide-de-Camp of Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling. When the carnage in the country is localised to a bloodthirsty criminal element fixated on slaughtering each other in the streets, we simply pray not to get caught in the crossfire. However, when an innocent civilian is preyed upon, the reality that any of us can be snuffed out any time becomes a chilling revelation. It is much more alarming when it happens to a member of society whose sworn duty is to protect and serve.

INSIGHT: Shorts fired in Dealey Plaza echo in the White House today

At precisely 1pm on November 22, 1963, the 35th president of the United States was pronounced dead at Parkland Hospital Trauma Room 1 in Dallas, Texas.

INSIGHT: Enough of the blame game - it’s time to find solutions

IF I had a dollar for every time I heard a member of the government blame the previous administration for the state of affairs in the country, I would fare quite fine in our current economic climate.

INSIGHT: Facts and fiction on life at the dump

A SOCIAL media post has sparked a war of words between senior personnel in the two most recent management units tasked with oversight of the New Providence Landfill; each side staking their claim as the “group that made the difference”.

INSIGHT: Let’s open the door and grasp this amazing opportunity

You can’t fit a square peg in a round hole, the old saying goes. The same is true for new ideas.

INSIGHT: We come here for the real thing, not a plastic, vomitous Disney recreation

A letter to all Bahamians, most particularly to the inhabitants of Eleuthera. Hello. Most of you don’t know me. I have, however, endeavoured to know more of you on each of my numerous visits to this wonderful, idyllic, tiny little island in the sun.

WORLD VIEW: The CCJ - A court for the people

THROUGHOUT the 185-year history of the Judicial Committee of the British Privy Council, it has never provided access for people of little means except for a few people on death row who received free legal service from British lawyers. This stands in

INSIGHT: Dare to dream your own destiny

‘Everybody is a Genius,’ said Albert Einstein. ‘But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.’ This week, millions of students all over the world will be returning to classes to rece

INSIGHT – Try to understand, depression is a disease: it wants to kill you

Depression is an insidious disease free to strike whoever it likes at any age. Around us today, sitting near you in the office or beside you in the shop or hotel where you work, a colleague, a friend, may be silently battling with this illness which,

INSIGHT: Two sides to a story, but who’s telling the truth?

LAST week’s headlines continued to air dirty laundry at the nation’s power company. Since the appointment of a new board following the “resignations” - as purported by Minister of Works Desmond Bannister - were publicised, the Bahamian people have received a lot more insight into what may have happened.

INSIGHT: Five years of shattered dreams

AFTER waiting nearly five years for a response on her citizenship application, a Bahamas-born woman is petitioning the courts for a judicial review and constitutional relief amid allegations of abuse and harassment by immigration officers.

INSIGHT: Why won’t Washington just play fair?

Last month, Sir Ronald Sanders, Antigua and Barbuda’s ambassador to the United States, sought support in a speech before a meeting of the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) in Geneva, Switzerland. He lamented his country is “losing all hope” that its 15-year-long trade dispute with the United States will be amicably settled through private, bilateral negotiations. Sanders is, furthermore, considering asking the WTO’s head to mediate a solution.

INSIGHT: How do you pay for your healthcare?

Meet Maureen. Maureen is a single mother. She teaches at a public school in Nassau but her true calling is church mission work. Like 70 percent of Bahamians Maureen has doesn’t have health insurance. She was sharing about her situation at Church outreach seminar in Atlanta, Georgia.

INSIGHT: This pill could end up being too bitter to swallow

FACED with the crumbling of an imminent sale of the Grand Lucayan, the government’s decision to purchase the resort has polarised the public. Some Bahamians have been very vocal in expressing their bewilderment via social media and on local radio talk shows. Concurrently, others have praised the government for its decision to purchase the beleaguered resort and save the jobs of those that would have been affected.

INSIGHT: Lining up for another, unnecessary own goal

It is difficult to understand what the FNM is trying to achieve with its increasingly extreme and desperate stance on immigration. Not mentioned at all on the campaign trail, the issue has somehow ballooned into a top priority, an urgent challenge – a crisis in fact! But a crisis of their own making and the source of repeated blunders and embarrassments which must rattle so insecure and self-conscious a government to its very core.

INSIGHT – The future of healthcare is here now: be bold

Picture this: you have just been in a car accident. You’re lying on a gurney in the ambulance, sirens blaring as they rush you to the hospital. There’s a family member in the ambulance who’s grasping your hand, terrified. The paramedic asks: “Are you allergic to any medications? Has anyone in your family ever had a bad reaction to their medicine? Have you ever had trouble with anaesthesia?” He’s looking at you and glancing at the family member as he asks. What do you say? Can your family member answer his questions?

WORLD VIEW – Maintaining independence: the imperative of diplomacy

EXCEPT at time of crisis, many countries of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) credit their foreign ministries and their embassies or high commissions abroad with little value.

INSIGHT: More than a case number - the families fighting to save their homes

In the ongoing battle between the government and human rights activists over the threatened demolition of shanty towns too often the individual stories of the families involved are forgotten.

INSIGHT: Nothing’s changed - second class citizens in our own country

SHOULD we really be surprised by how quickly the government acquiesced to the threats made by the Lyford Cay Association? A letter obtained by local media last weekend that was penned by the association’s chairman, Henry Cabot Lodge III, expressly indicated that homeowners in the exclusive community would sell and leave The Bahamas. These threats were made as a result of what Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Peter Turnquest called an “unintended impact” of changing the property tax laws.

INSIGHT: Jobs for a generation - creating innovation in an age of rising unemployment

Four billion “new minds” will be connected to the world wide web in four to seven years. This means that every person on earth will have access to the world’s information in a split second and at near zero cost. So what?

WORLD VIEW – Barbados, Dominica and Ross: Debating the wrong issue

THE debate, particularly on social media, following the decision by Ross University School of Medicine to relocate from Dominica to Barbados, is about the wrong issue.

INSIGHT: A retirement dream which turned into a nightmare

AN idyllic retirement dream snowballed into a decade-long nightmare in paradise that saw Canadian second homeowner Bruno Rufa take his case to the country’s top courts to stave off an unrelenting scheme to run him out of the country.