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Hateful speech

I would like to add some comments to the excellent letter in Monday’s Tribune from Saskia D’Aguilar in reference to the letter from Kevin Evans in Friday’s Tribune. Evans’ letter in essence says homosexuals are the devil’s children who will spend eternity in hell.

Our islands, our future - no drilling

I have no words for what I saw with Dorian.

Environmentally friendly oil drilling?

It is sincerely to be hoped that, once he becomes Prime Minister, opposition leader Brave Davis will revisit his position on oil drilling in The Bahamas.

Go home, BPC, you’re not wanted

Bahamians have tried to diplomatically convey that we have nothing to gain and everything to lose by drilling for oil in The Bahamas. Nevertheless, Bahamas Petroleum Company (BPC), which is not Bahamian, refuses to listen. So here we go again.

Rules are not working

We have spent the winter months in The Bahamas for several years since my wife and myself retired. Every year we look forward to coming back and escaping our harsh winter here on Long Island east of New York city. A short trip by air and we are in warm Bahamas. However this year it is looking more doubtful due to your Government’s difficult rules.

A response to hate

In response to Kevin Evans’ bigoted and hateful letter published in your newspaper on Friday, please see below an article that was published shortly after the tragic shooting at a Pittsburgh Synagogue in 2018. I have highlighted several lines that are particularly relevant as a response to Kevin Evans’ myopic view of his fellow man (and woman).

Unworkable rules

I have been coming to Nassau for most of my life. I came first as a schoolboy when my late Father worked for the Bahamas Government civil service. Our family have returned regularly because we like the surroundings, the lovely weather and the friendly and welcoming Bahamians.

Why follow the Pope?

According to Wikipedia, the Catholic Church, with its estimated 1.3 billion members around the world, is the largest branch of Christianity.

Too hard to get to The Bahamas

I have operated a travel agency in Winnipeg, Manitoba, for over 45 years. We have consistently and with enthusiasm sent clients regularly to both Nassau and the Family Islands during all this time. Our family have regularly visited and my wife’s family now own a vacation property. It was always easy to book people on the flights from our area with the easy connection through Toronto. The Bahamas was the prime destination for our clients. especially in the winter.

FNM is bigger than Turnquest

Regarding the troubling allegations of fraud concerning Alpha Aviation Limited, Advanced Aviation Limited and Deputy Prime Minister K Peter Turnquest, the East Grand Bahama MP should be given the full benefit of the doubt by the Bahamian people.

Oil drilling concerns

I am a concerned Bahamian citizen who is very concerned with the potential for grave and permanent damage to our country inherent in your drilling for oil. After reading the comments by James Smith, I was very concerned about a conflict of interest, as he is a director of the company and is listed on the company’s website as a major shareholder (11,475,630 shares and 1,500,000 options, the currency is not listed).

Citizenship by investment?

I write in response to the article in your daily (Wednesday, November 25) featuring an interview with the Hon Mr Elsworth Johnson, Minister of Financial Services, Trade and Industry, and Immigration, in which Mr Johnson indicated that the Government is “looking at” citizenship by investment as an option for economic stimulus. I find this unacceptable.

Eroding Bahamian ownership

Some months ago, I predicted that the Economic Recovery Committee would (in part on account of its composition) do little more than repeat and amplify some of the same misguided ideas that got this country into the mess exposed (though not caused) by Hurricane Dorian and the COVID-19 crisis.

Dangers of oil drilling

I recently read with interest the comments espousing the multiple advantages with very few disadvantages of drilling for oil in our pristine waters.

Trump and racism

There was a letter earlier this week in The Tribune from a black conservative praising Trump as a non racist and alluding to the reason why Trump lost the election as being due to the Black Lives Matter movement.

Views of an oil shareholder

I am a shareholder in Bahamas Petroleum (‘BPC’). I am not part of a PR agency, specialist interest group, employee, or supplier. Just an ordinary shareholder with a relatively small amount of shares out of the four billion plus on issue.

Driving visitors away

The main economic drive of the Bahamian economy is tourism. The role of the Ministry of Tourism is to promote the country and bring as many visitors as possible. The opposite is currently happening as entry rules for the needed visitors are so difficult that few can complete them.

Not as bad as I feared

I expected returning home to the Bahamas was going to be a tedious experience, judging by what I’ve heard from a couple of my fellow Bahamians.

An oily Bahamas Christmas

An Oily Christmas in The Bahamas before 2020 is out, in a matter of weeks, foreign oil interests calling themselves Bahamas Petroleum Company (BPC), are poised to begin drilling for oil in Bahamian waters. For those unfamiliar with Bahamian waters, they are hard to see. Why? Well, these waters are hard to see because they are so clear and clean.

Tourism requirements

Exciting articles in your newspaper the past week about the imminent rebound of tourism with hotels reopening and new easier tests are absolutely unbelievable considering the harsh entry requirements. Who will fill the hotels and resorts if they cannot gain entry? It is like a fairy story.

Ban oil drilling in Bahamas

Government enacted lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic have forced Bahamians to stay home, crushed the economy, and destroyed Bahamian businesses. Meanwhile, Bahamas Petroleum Company (BPC) – which is not Bahamian – has been allowed to forge ahead with its plans to drill for oil in The Bahamas.

Black Friday temptation to travel?

BLACK Friday is one of the biggest shopping days in the United States, along with Cyber Monday and Super Saturday.

Water and Sewerage and leaks

Thank you for allowing me the space in your newspaper, to address several points of national concern, I appreciate it.

The political Arena

As we approach the electoral period it is important that the major political parties vet; select and groom potential new candidates to offer on behalf of the respective entity. Hitherto we have seen the spectacle of the actual nomination and election of assorted candidates over the years who would have been elected on the ticket for one party only to turn renegade and switch to another party after falling out with his/her original party.

The state of the judiciary

I hold that the main stream media does not always portray the truth of the status quo of most governmental agencies and bodies as it relates to the dispensation of services expected by citizens. Two cases in point. Even before the onslaught of the pandemic it was difficult for litigants to file documents in the Magistrates’ Courts and/or to obtain timely trial dates.