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Oil drilling

I am superstitious. I don’t want to be and try to fight it because it’s not evidence based belief.

Texas of Caribbean

Someone forgot to remind US Representatives Debbie Wasserman Shultz and Debbie Mucarsel-Powell that The Bahamas is a sovereign nation, like the United States of America.

Why I backed Donald Trump

The Republican Party’s standard bearer President Donald Trump only secured 217 electoral college votes compared to President-elect Joe Biden’s 290, paving the way for the former Delaware Senator to become the 46th president of the United States. Obviously upset at the election results, the Trump camp continues its stone walling tactics, not willing to concede defeat to Biden.

Managing anger in the time of COVID

I am not a medical practitioner so my opinions are just that – my opinions.

Entry requirements

My wife and I are and have been permanent residents of The Bahamas for the past 23 years.

It’s up to us over COVID

The world is desperate to find a weapon to destroy COVID-19, to which nature has given free reign to cripple, if not destroy mankind. Prime Minister Minnis is seemingly being blamed for not knowing what to do to halt the pandemic’s spread in the Bahamas, which is expected to get a second and even stronger life to take us humans down. It is up to us as to who wins this battle.

Drilling will destroy us

The Bahamian people have become accustomed to being shafted. Since time immemorial there has been secret deals where the people have been given the “stinking end of the stick”, an unenviable position.

Embracing Hinduism?

The Economic Recovery Committee’s recommendation that the Free National Movement administration decriminalise Indian Hemp (aka marijuana, ganja and cannabis) is a sign that the central government is understandably desperate for a new source of revenue. Committee members seem oblivious to the dire spiritual implications of recreational marijuana, apparently not realising that such a legislation would amount to nothing more than a formal embrace of Hinduism.

Take no joy in seeing suffering

Chief Medical Officer Dr Pearl McMillian’s announcement to the press that The Bahamas has experienced a decline in COVID-19 infections at a 50 percent rate between October 10 and November 5 is good news for a beleaguered nation.

Poor communication

Communication etiquette is certainly in the toilet these days, particularly if one is trying to communicate with people in government, who are theoretically “Servants of the people”. We have gone from the never answered telephones, to the voicemail expeditions, to email which sometimes will elicit a response and can be programmed to confirm receipt or even opened. No proof of reading, of course, and certainly none of comprehension.

It’s not about you, Mr Mitchell

Because of his decades of service to this country Darrell Erwin Rolle was deserving in death of the full glorious tribute and sendoff we typically give.

GB solution

I read in your paper that the business community do not have any ideas to improve the economy of Grand Bahama. There is a very simple solution.

The flaws in travel regulations

I am writing both as the operator of a travel agency in Ottawa, Canada, and the owner for a long time of a holiday home in The Bahamas. I regularly follow your news, especially now in the tourism sector.

It doesn’t add up

COVID19 entry regulation change

Time for tourism to rise again

“IT’S better in The Bahamas”! There was a time when we all truly believed this and it showed as the world marked the manner of our bearing. It’s time to believe again.

GB off the beaten path? Is that all?

Last week, the Government rolled out the “come work or study from the Bahamas for a year” invitation. A commendable idea to stimulate the struggling economy.

Two pandemics face the nation

Fundamentally there are two forms of criticism – destructive and constructive.

Freedom of speech in debates

“THAT the Freedom of Speech and Debates or Proceedings in Parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any Court or Place out of Parliament.” This quote from Article 9 of the United Kingdom’s Bill of Rights is the foundational law for the principle of freedom of speech in democratic legislatures.

Confusion: The new normalcy?

I have long held that the most seasoned businessman and visionary within the FNM administration is the Hon Dionisio D’Aguilar (FNM-Free Town), our erstwhile Minister of Tourism. I still hold to this belief and I was very impressed by his address to the nation this past Saturday and the fact that he actually took any and all questions from the media.

Atheist Nation

It’s really sad that the Christian community has nothing better to do but to suggest who is or is not an atheist.

COVID strategy

The US adult obesity rate stands at 42.4 percent which is a 26 percent increase from 2008. Vietnam has the lowest obesity rate of 2.1 percent. Vietnam currently has 35 deaths from COVID-19 while the US has 232,834 deaths due to COVID-19.

Fighting the virus

We have made a complete mess. Our government does not understand that lockdowns are not a panacea, and refuses to learn from the experiences of others.

Unwieldy rules

We are holiday home owners in Nassau coming from Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, for many years.

Atheism and the FNM

It would be discriminatory of evangelical Christians and other theists to single out Acting Financial Secretary Marlon Johnson for harassment and disenfranchisement for his atheism.

Johnson’s views

It should matter to nobody what Financial Secretary Marlon Johnson’s views (or lack of them) on religious matters are. What should and does matter is that he and his political masters continue to pursue and justify fiscal and economic policies that have made The Bahamas among the most unequal places on earth and continue to needlessly dampen its economic prospects.