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The legacy the PLP can’t deny

No matter how hard they try, the PLP can’t shake Peter Nygard’s dubious legacy. Always bragging about how much money he contributed to their campaigns, Nygard has become inextricably connected with the party in the mind of most Bahamians.

Mockery of Crown Land

In recent months and weeks there have been several “staged” demonstrations and protests by so-called activists and their allies over any number of issues. First we had blockages and demonstrations at the foot of the Sir Sydney Poitier Bridge relative to access to the beaches at Paradise Island. Several persons were locked up for promoting an unlawful assembly, inter alia. I believe that the charges were dismissed, but I stand to be corrected.

The current system is not working

I am writing in support of the many people writing letters to The Tribune about the difficult entry requirements for The Bahamas. I am not only a timeshare owner in Nassau but have operated a travel agency here in Hartford for many years.

Ban oil drilling in Bahamas

Following is a contribution by a Bahamian citizen concerning proposed oil drilling in The Bahamas. It brings to light what is happening in The Bahamas. I agree with its contents and wanted to share it with you. Please read it and demand that your representative do something about it. Remember, this is our country that God gave us to hand onto our children.

Spill would be a disaster

I was a rabid supporter of Bahamas Petroleum Company’s (BPC) bid to drill for oil in The Bahamas until I discovered that the Bahamian government would only be compensated a paltry $5 billion over a ten year period, which is equivalent to 225 million per year.

A plea to our justice system

I write this as the Stena IceMAX oil drilling ship is heading here to The Bahamas. I write this as a plea to the last people who seem to be able to stop this madness. Given what we know today about the use of fossil fuels, I wonder how we have gotten to this point. There is now an abundance of evidence that the use of fossil fuels is doing terrible damage to our planet, most especially our climate. And, most critically for us, threatening the very existence of The Bahamas. Yes, it is the eleventh hour. And, I do wish the decision not to drill came sooner. However, it now seems to be out of the hands of the scientists and those voices of reason who object to this very risky and dangerous venture.

Foreign oil drillers

There has been much said about the availability of crude oil deposits, deep underground in this country. And without an iota of proof. We have been approached by the group, about their desire to drill. I do not know how this country became one of their targets, but I suspect some Bahamian group made the initiation.

Five-day rule is not workable

For those Bahamians who agree with your Government’s five-day rule for entry I would suggest they quickly need a reality check.

Who wants to be a petro-state?

Petro state: derogatory, “a small oil-rich country in which institutions are weak and wealth and power are concentrated in the hands of a few”. Collins English Dictionary.

Buying citizenship?

A couple of weeks ago there was talk of allowing long time foreign residents to purchase Bahamian citizenship.

Oil won’t improve our lives

Bahamas Petroleum Company continues to roll out its “friendly Bahamian face”, otherwise known as James Smith, to parrot the dodgy slogans by CEO Simon Potter and the rest of the outside interests looking to make a quick buck by striking oil in The Bahamas.

Ill timing over Ferreira

Last week, The Bahamas learned the sad news of Environment Minister Romauld Ferreira’s 14-year-old son’s tragic and sudden passing.

BPC doesn’t care

I note with extreme interest the anxiety of BPC to endanger the Bahamas while exploiting the people for their insatiable breed.

Death knell for tourism

Our family have regularly visited The Bahamas for many years and have liked it so much that we purchased a vacation property. We keep abreast of events there by reading The Tribune online.

Zimbabwe corruption

Corruption has been grown, cultivated and nurtured in Zimbabwe and the effects of such high level political dishonest, fraudulent conducts, embezzlement of funds and bribes in civil servants, ministers, judges, prison officers and ordinary people.

It’s right to hunt for oil

After careful and extensive research into the oil industry and the safety measures available to ensure that there would be minimal possibility of an oil spill during the drilling of a sole exploratory well by your firm in Bahamian waters, I and my assorted nonprofit organisations, Common Cause and The National Republican Arena (ARENA) have decided to publicly support your efforts.

We can do better

Feudalism declined in Europe from 12th century to 15th century. In the 1300s the bubonic plague swept across Asia and Europe.

Raise taxes on property

I am, among other things, a real estate attorney. As such I work with realtors every day. Like many realtors,

Biden’s Cuba policy

Under President John F Kennedy, the United States placed a crippling economic embargo on communist Cuba, then led by Fidel Castro, a rabid loyalist of the USSR, in 1962 – 15 years into the geopolitical tension between the two countries dubbed the Cold War, which began in 1947.

Congratulations to Joe Biden

I AM glad that Joe Biden was elected to be president of the USA and effectively beat Trump who had repeatedly said Africa was a shit hole.

Is Bahamas becoming a dictatorship?

WITH the November 24 declaration of a third state of emergency by Governor General Sir Cornelius Smith, Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis now has constitutional authority to impose additional restrictive measures for another six months.

The wisdom of Simon Potter

Thank you for allowing me to respond to the breathtaking wisdom of Bahamas Petroleum Company CEO Simon Potter, who has once again demonstrated that he knows what is best for Bahamians, far better than we ever could.

Don’t ruin this beauty

The American astronaut, Scott Kelly, fell in love with the Bahamas from space.

Turnquest falls to political cannibalism?

It is noteworthy that only Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis, National Security Minister Marvin Dames, St Anne’s MP Brent Symonette, Free National Movement (FNM) Chairman Carl Culmer and former FNM Leader Tommy Turnquest are the only prominent FNMs, to the best of my knowledge, to issue public statements to the media regarding the resignation and legal issues of former Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Peter Turnquest.

Stay alive

If you live long enough, you will have a story to tell.