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Consumer rip-off over kerosene

EDITOR, The Tribune.

'Advantage' criminals

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Why an alchemist is needed in the Bahamas

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Keep the bad boys locked up in Fox Hill

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Tourism product is out of date

EDITOR, The Tribune

Daphne Campbell

EDITOR, The Tribune

Haitian activists speaking out on the Bahamas

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Distortion will not work

EDITOR, The Tribune

Cuba move and its effect of the Bahamas

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The role to be played by journalists

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Concern over bank

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The cost of VAT

EDITOR, The Tribune.

A story for Christmas

EDITOR, The Tribune.

A word to the wise

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The failings of the justice system

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Why the fuss over Minnis?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Banking scandal

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Recognition for Sir Nicholas Nuttall

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Mitchell and 'misconceptions'

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Re: Mitchell in talks in US to clarify immigration ‘misconceptions’.
 The Tribune, November 19, 2014.

IN the late 1600’s, Sir Isaac Newton’s third Law of Motion determined that “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”. It is now time our Immigration Department learned that simple fact. Bull-in-a-china-shop immigration actions in the past have produced reactions that now need to be reconciled and explained. Hence, the PM is rightly concerned about a “backlash” and Mr Mitchell has found it necessary to go to Washington, hat in hand, to meet with The OAS and CARICOM to explain away their “misconceptions”. In short, and in light of our past heavy-handed public immigration actions, others just don’t seem to trust us. Now we have to prove to the outside world that we can indeed handle the problem in a rational manner which is humane and fair. Hopefully, we can rely on our chief diplomat, Mr Mitchell, to be successful in restoring a measure of credibility to this country.

December 15, 2014.

Propaganda over bailout of bank

The PLP propaganda machinery continues in full force.

LP gas rip-off

Propane is created with crude oil, butane, and gasoline. I started this letter by noting the contents of propane gas commonly known as LP gas (liquefied petroleum) because many years ago the price of LP gas went up a few times over the years and each time the reason for the increase was due to the rise in the price of oil by the barrel and it went up again in 2012 if I remember correctly.

One error in a fine article

I enjoyed reading Saturday’s recounting by Jim Lawlor (in his Writing to Remember column) of the story of Lloyd Johnson, the Harbour Island constable killed by an escaped prisoner many years ago. Mr Lawlor’s writings are always insightful and interesting forays into Bahamian history, inspired and informed no doubt by his father-in-law, the late ‘Brilander and Historian, Dr Paul Albury.

LP gas 'rip-off'

EDITOR, The Tribune.

What does FNM vote tell us?

If Hubert Ingraham had thrown his hat into the race Hubert Ingraham would have beaten Hubert Minnis by the same number as Minnis beat Butler-Turner. This to me was a victory of the Ingraham faction of the FNM.

Put your name to it

IN THE paper this morning is a letter defending the Government in answer to your Editorial yesterday.