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Jailhouse wedding

On perusing The Tribune’s 22/01/2015 issue the headline story “Police failed says Nottage” and the lead story “Nottage: Jailhouse wedding discipline not down to me” on page 3 aroused my curiosity so I read them first.

Call for protection

It is with deep concern that this letter is being written, as due to the increase in the volume of theft, burglary and vandalism many persons of the General Public who exercise on a consistent basis, between Goodman’s Bay and Montagu Beach during the early morning hours have been subject to criminal violations to their vehicles and person.

Keep our country tidy

Is it me but have you noticed how many signs are up all over the place – some so old that the event has gone and the next year anniversary is taking place.

VAT and the FOIA

By your medium, I wish to ask the Radio Talk Show pundits and some of the political leaders to explain to the consumers and merchants how a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) would help them with Value Added Tax (VAT)?

Compulsory media coverage

I am unfamiliar with the laws in other jurisdictions around the world regarding the function of the media, with particular reference to The United States of America.

State of the Nation

Watching Obama’s State of the Union address tonight I hoped that ALL politicians in the Bahamas listened to his remarks particularly the later part of his speech where he was talking about the Democrats and Republicans working together.

No VAT discount for family, friends and lovers

The widely perceived  Mantra of the Progressive Liberal Party is: family, friends and lovers.

Adopt a child

I am mentally ill; and I have papers to prove that. Why do I say I am mentally ill? Because of what I am thinking, and have been thinking for years now. I am thinking (and have been thinking) that I want to be so successful in this life that I would want to adopt as many children that I can afford.

Selling to China

SINCE we are supposedly hoping to unload BEC, B’Air and beautiful downtown Nassau onto our Chinese comrades, why not also hand over the RBPF in this fire sale?

Generational unemployment

Why can’t even the most seasoned PLP MPs and even Ministers, understand that their younger MPs feel that they were being used, and now in the 2017 election fear that they will not have a chance to be elected.

Weddings in the Bahamas

Tourism this past week have been promoting Weddings in the Bahamas, 16 actually on 16 different islands. Interesting not a single one celebrated in a church... Nassau alone has 3000 churches! Hmm, Tourism gone secular.

Why so secular?

Facts speak for themselves - the much fanfared Bahamas Wedding business over the past three-four years has totally collapsed to the extent Tourism had to come up with a promotion something like 16 weddings on 16 different islands.

Well done, Quakoo Street

On the very cool night of January 8, 2015 I sat waiting quietly and comfortably in the Quakoo Street Police Station for a relatively small matter to be resolved. 

Stand with Greenslade

Recent information published in the media and statements made by the Hon Prime Minister makes it appear that the Commissioner of Police and his executive management team are being blamed for the murder rate in our country.

Stop the blame game on murders

I was somewhat amazed when reading your editorial on January 7, 2015, about the Prime Minister saying it might have been unwise of him blaming the FNM for the crime problem in our country.

Dogs and parked cars

“PM: Minnis not a threat – Christie says FNM leader has a lot of work to do.” – The Nassau Guardian.

What a load of garbage

Renward Wells, in the course of his latest evasive ramblings, claims he signed the Stellar Waste LOI to enable that company to “carry out studies” free of charge to present to the Cabinet.

An embarrassing situation

It was a sad situation to see that E J Bowe came to Freeport to deal with VAT compliance only to find out that there were many items over priced in different stores in Freeport.

Chinese colonialism concerns

Much as I admire the independent spirit and patriotism of your articulate young columnist Adrian Gibson, I fear that his recent column (January 15) verges on hysteria in his

Bank of the Bahamas

There were two letter in today’s paper (January 14) suggesting that the Government is considering using NIB funds to fund the Bank of the Bahamas. If true, that is outrageous.

What’s not funny about juicin’ jokes

A local online tabloid recently uploaded an exclusive audio clip: “The Girl Who Cried Wolf” - Freshly “Kidnapped” Girl.

Empathy for the disabled

I read a story with interest which appeared in the December 4, 2004 edition of The Bahama Journal. The caption read “Disabled Persons Hopeful”. The story espoused the struggle for disabled persons to be recognised by society, and to be given equal opportunities in mainstream society in The Bahamas. I encourage your readers to read the story. The struggle continues.

Junkanoo controversy

One Radio Station has spent three-four hours talking and talking on this today and all it confirmed the whole issue is so disorganised and pregnant that all concerned should be fired and co-op a group of people who know absolutely nothing about junkanoo as those who say they do are incapable.

Stand up and be counted (part II)

Recently, I started to write about apathy/complacency of Bahamian citizens and residents. As the article became much longer than I anticipated, I decided to break the topic into two portions to try and ensure that the newspaper would be more likely to accept and publish the presentation.

No excuses, PM

If the sip-sip is even near to correct, with respect to the Prime Minister “ordering”, “suggesting”, “cajoling” the National Insurance Board to “invest/loan/give” $200m to Bank of Bahamas, one has to wonder if the Prime Minister has taken leave of his senses.