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Stand up and be counted

Why is it that apathy and/or complacency are so predominant in our society today? Is it like the recent Sideburns cartoon illustration where it was mentioned that the nation has an average “D-” in maths and thus are unable to comprehend VAT? However, many of the issues I raise below are not solely targeted at the uneducated or uninformed – these are issues where the educated middle-class should be hollering

VAT prices

All-inclusive pricing with VAT included is giving the impression of considerable retail price increase.

Please save Bennetton

I have been a satisfied customer of The United Colours of Benneton since I was nineteen years old.

All hail to the Chief

I was happy to see my friend and fellow “Dalton” Frank Sweeting “smelling the roses’’ before he departs this world i.e being inducted into The Bahamas Hall of Fame via baseball.

50 years

TODAY marks the 50th anniversary of my call to the Bahamas Bar, which at that time I heralded as ancient and Honourable and which I expressed a great pleasure and pride in joining.

Minimum wage raise a mistake

Dr Hubert Minnis’ promise to “incrementally increase” the national minimum wage if the FNM wins the next election will be a big mistake.

Gasoline and VAT

It is the position of the Minister of State for Finance Michael Halkitis that valued added tax should be applied to gasoline. The transition to VAT has not been a seamless one.

Gomez and his frustration

Today’s National Review places the MP for Central and South Eleuthera, Damien Gomez, front and centre in the continuing implosion that aptly characterises the current climate within the PLP administration.

VAT and gasoline prices

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Impossible price rises

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Haitians - Mitchell's diplomacy and xenophobia

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Who watched the PM's national address?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

It's up to You, the Government

EDITOR, The Tribune.

We must not be divided by political colours

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Calling to account

EDITOR, The Tribune.


EDITOR, The Tribune.

Half full or half empty

EDITOR, The Tribune

Cleanliness next to Godliness

Season’s Greetings Bahamas. Once again we approached the end of yet another year and what a joy to be alive.

The cost of eggs

Thank you, Mr Rupert Roberts for explaining why eggs have rocketed up and incredible thanks to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Minister for causing us to pay through our throats for as simple an item as eggs.

Junkanoo bleachers

Junkanoo was great! However, I slept three times before I knew who won (and I’m still not really sure if what I heard is correct).

Some tips for the year 2015

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Poor choices by government

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Fencing and bleachers

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The lot of the Commissioner

Clearly finally Bahamians are understanding that to have Law and Order it is difficult, but when you reform the Police and equip them, send two excellently qualified candidates for Commissioner away for a year with the Royal Canadian Police and eventually choose who you consider the better of the two and he gets to work fighting this cancer in our communities, if the Police side is working and the court side is letting everyone down, please stop blaming the Police.

Promotion in the RBDF

Sir, first of all, let me start out by saying that for the past 23 plus years, it was a pleasure for me to serve the government and the people of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.