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Wrongdoing goes to the bone

Don’t mind the fancy clothes and flowery speech; some in the PLP are nothing more than “glorified –––––”. In fact, a suitable acronym for some of this “greasy” hand crew should be: Promises, Lies, Pillage.

Christie to stay?

After reading the National Review in Monday’s paper in which Mr Christie suggested he might stay on and lead the PLP at the next general elections if Hubert Ingraham returned to front line politics, I called Mr Ingraham.

The future of Christie

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Bahamians tired of BTC debate

Perhaps it will not be too far-fetched to suggest that the ongoing BTC and Cable and Wireless Communications (CWC) debate will once again be reinvigorated among the aristocratic class and the media after it was published in The Nassau Guardian that former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham sought to regain the majority of shares in BTC his government sold to CWC.

Housing for seniors

Now for the matter at hand - focusing mainly on “Housing” of the Senior citizen division of the Bahamas Social Services – It needs much to be desired. Senior citizens are not treated well, especially as related to low-rental apartments.

Crime under Christie

I having a growing concern realising that crime against public personalities seem to trail Governments led by the current prime minister.

Politicising the court system

I have never seen such a big political turn out for the Opening of the Court of Appeal as happened this year. Not only were the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister in attendance, so also was the leader of the DNA.

VAT fears loom

The way that I’m interpreting, and maybe wrongly so, the Pushing Da Envelope cartoon in today’s Tribune is that the business is going to bear the brunt of VAT where, in fact, the consumer will reimburse the business for the VAT they paid once the consumer purchases the product.

PM's civil rights claim

I read the papers and the social medias and find myself in a quandary as to why the present Prime Minister and another previous nominee for the Civil Right Walk of Fame was being honoured. I decided that I would look for the definition of civil rights.

Davis is no successor

There is a lobby within the PLP who believe that Philip “Brave” Davis would make a better prime minister than the incumbent Perry Christie. Sadly, the record suggests that neither of these gentlemen has a clue about government nor governing.

What did BTC get?

While we are all distracted by debates and discussions about what we got out of the PM’s “new deal” with BTC, we seem to be missing two key points in this whole matter.

Trust - historic or broken?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Cabinet decides on ID cards?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Overstating the deal with BTC

I have just received the document issued by Franklyn Wilson, Chairman of the BTC Negotiating Committee, giving questions and answers about the new “Majority Bahamian Owned” BTC.

Don't be distracted from big issues

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The BTC deal

Prior to today’s announcement by the Prime Minister, Cable and Wireless (C&W) was the majority owner of BTC and the Government was the minority owner.

A failure to tackle our problems

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Racism claim at hotel

THERE is an obvious solution for the recurring racism that is said to originate from some white executives in the hotel industry:

Remember Gus Cooper

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Crime and granting of bail

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Govt killing all it touches

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Blame Dem is a friend of Dr Minnis

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Is crime really down?

My reason for writing this letter is because I’ve heard the news on television saying that crime has decreased, but has crime really decreased? This is the question.

A disjointed Prime Minister

The Prime Minister arrived, late as usual, to deliver his annual address to The Bahamas Business Outlook Conference without a prepared text. He explained that he had spent seven hours rearranging his remarks the day before and that the finished text was still not ready.

PM gets tough

EDITOR, The Tribune,