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EDITOR, The Tribune.



Will next generation get a first chance?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The party's over

EDITOR, The Tribune.



VIDEO: Moncur reaches out to help those in need

WHEN we arrived at the Grant’s Town offices of Justice of the Peace and community advocate Rodney Moncur, there were about a half dozen armed police officers at the door.


EDITOR, The Tribune.

Letter: PM should accept FOCOL plan

Executive Chairman of the Bahamas Electricity Corporation (BEC) Leslie Miller and the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) government are both determined to follow through with their pledge to offer a 10 per cent discount in their light bills to BEC customers in the not-too-distant future

Grant Peter Nygard a 30 years lease

EDITOR, The Tribune. I hold no personal or professional brief for Mr Peter Nygard.

GSSSA reverting back to their old schedule

The GSSSA, which caters to 12 junior and senior high schools, will be reverting back to their old schedule where volleyball is played first and softball is last on the agenda

Ankle Monitors

EDITOR, The Tribune.


OVER the weekend, we had an interesting, but troubling talk with two businessmen. One was particularly concerned by the confusion being caused in the business community, which had resulted in the sudden – and unexpected – drop in business.

Escapee took police advice

EDITOR, The Tribune.
Re: Girl, 13, escapes police custody.
 The Tribune, August 6, 2013.

Much ado about nothing

EDITOR, The Tribune.

No US Ambassador

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Opposed to marijuana legalisation

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Campaign finance reform

EDITOR, The Tribune.

An epidemic of nonense affecting members of PLP government

EDITOR, The Tribune.

An awesome display of national pride

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Peter Nygard and the government

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Raising taxes or prices

EDITOR, The Tribune.

PLP do not have the answers

Please allow me a short space to ask the PLP to kindly admit that they simply don’t have the answers.

Repeal seatbelt law

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Breaking the silence over BEC

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The BMC: Albatross or liberator

EDITOR, The Tribune.