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Rewards for bad behaviour

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Kudos to Dr Minnis

EDITOR, The Tribune.

We are in need of sifting

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Arrogance in our Parliament

EDITOR, The Tribune.

This doesn't add up

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Rollins is a one-term MP

The talk of the entire commonwealth nowadays is the slap that Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) MP for Fort Charlotte Dr Andre Rollins got from Free National Movement (FNM) MP for Long Island Loretta Butler-Turner in the House of Assembly several days ago.

We must connect as one people

The negative and agonising impact of crime in our country can be felt throughout the archipelago, and – it is the number one subject among residents.

Is it better?

“ˆIt’S better in the Bahamas” — or is it?

Questions to the former and present governments

EDITOR, The Tribune.

To the person who stole our car

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Outraged at shooting of 70 year old

EDITOR, The Tribune.

DNP: Safety a critical component of Downtown revitalisation

THE managing director of the Downtown Nassau Partnership, Ed Fields, called on the private sector to get behind the police in their efforts to clean up the Bay Street area.

Sooner or later the chickens will come home to roost

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Keith Bell’s 'ill-advised statements and public gaffes'

Several of the Minister of State for National Security Senator Keith Bell’s ill-advised statements and public gaffes are an embarrassment to the Progressive Liberal Party government and Prime Minister Perry Christie and will no doubt be used as talking points by opposition candidates in 2017.

Open letter to police commissioner

EDITOR, The Tribune.I would be grateful if you would permit me to address an open letter to our Commissioner of Police through the pages of your newspaper.

Pinewood Gardens

God’s peace to you.
I feel compelled to write to you to request that you use your powers and do not allow another Pinewood Gardens to be built anywhere in the Bahamas.

Curiouser and curioser

The ongoing public spat between Algernon Cargill and the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) gets curiouser and curiouser by the day.

Delighted with baseball in the curriculum

I was elated to read in the papers that baseball will be officially introduced into the curriculum for the GSSSA this fall.
This has been a long time coming, and those responsible should be commended.

Prospering because of an open economy

It usually starts with a speech about how Bahamians are being deprived of jobs in their own land or the like.

Immigration policy

THE recent controversy over Immigration policy is clear evidence of the inability of Bahamian governments to rationally tackle the core issues that hold our economy back.

One year in office

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Who are we comparing Opposition leader to?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

PLP does not believe in Bahamians

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Open letter from Keod Smith

My attention is drawn to your Editorial, “The Bahamas - a country in meltdown” published in your edition of Wednesday, May 1st 2013.

Show us the money

EDITOR, The Tribune.