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Fixed date for vote

HOW is it that no one in the PLP ever dared to broach such a subject when LOP was PM for twenty-five years? Had such a new system been in place, LOP would not have been returned after the first election because he called, I believe, two elections shortly thereafter - one a year later after the first, and another shortly after that...

Exchange control

RECENT comments arising from a public discussion at COB on Exchange Control again raises inaccurate information as to the reasonably expected consequences of the lifting of Exchange Control.

Rallies more important than the message

I HAVE attended the rallies of the Free National Movement (FNM), the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) and the street meetings of the Democratic National Alliance (DNA). All of these political parties have one quest; to be the next government of the Bahamas.

No chance for Curry

The Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) is making plenty noise in Abaco nowadays. Opposition Leader Perry G Christie and Chairman Bradley Roberts are both convinced that Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham will be toppled

Death penalty

With the murder rate predicated to surpass last year's to set a new record, I am baffled and confused as to why the government and the judiciary are still subjecting the citizens of this country to the "mercies" of the

Minister stating obvious

SUCH a profound and insightful statement from our Minister from the dwarf planet Pluto - something like saying "flames are due to fires". Als

PLP act against FNM effigy backfires

YESTERDAY afternoon, the PLP issued a statement condemning an attack earlier in the day on an elderly lady — a PLP supporter in the Farm Road constituency — “allegedly by male supporters of the Free National Movement.”

Graduation dreams crushed

I AM a long standing resident of the Exuma community, and I am writing to express my concern about the recent discussion and the decision to disallow 27 graduating students of the local high school, Livingston N Coakley, to participate in their commencement ceremony. I do understand that this decision is meant to punish these students for disobeying school rules, but must we be so harsh?

Trade union unrest

IT IS very clear to many of us that the unions' unrest is politically directed and who is the mastermind behind it...He has done it before and is seeking to do it again to gain brownie points for the forthcoming elections.

A message to strikers

I AM sitting on a plane waiting to take off and we are already over an hour late...I can see the runway and no plane has taken off or landed for the last 10 minutes. What does that tell you!

The Tribune got election date first

I WOULD like to congratulate the journalists and the Editor at The Tribune newspaper for being the first to report that the election date has been set for May 7.

An open letter to Cable Bahamas

It was some years ago when a public outcry was made pertaining to the vulgarity on BET and eventually it was removed from the cable network.

Marital rape bill is a ploy

WHAT some people will do to get a vote never ceases to amaze me! It is now being said that Bran McCartney has been "black listed" because he opposes the Marital Rape Law. Join the club McCartney, I too do not believe in passing laws that cannot be enforced.

Police on the streets

THIS admirable strategy should be introduced slowly and very carefully, thus permitting many of the senior staff to adapt gradually to the realities of actually fighting crime rather than paperwork.

Election evokes thoughts of The Last Battle

The upcoming general election reminds me of the final showdown in C S Lewis’ The Last Battle when Aslan assembles together the millions of creatures of Narnia for judgment after Father Time finally awoke from his sleep.

Gun Point base to open

TOMMY Turnquest recently announced that Gun Point, a new defence force base in the Ragged Islands, would open later this year. I read this with much anticipation and think this is a step in the right direction. It is also important to note that this area is one of the richest fishing grounds in the Bahamas.

Candidate sets out philosophy

Thank you for your kind complimentary letter published in The Tribune Wednesday, April 11 under the heading: "Ben Albury should be commended."

Why respect matters

WHAT does respect mean? Especially in the context of our being a "Christian nation", and the exercising of our democratic rights in this particular season.

Shame of charade

THE symbolic ringing of the bell which was anxiously anticipated by almost everyone finally happened on Tuesday. How could the government screw up such a routine procedure?

Simple solution?

IT'S SO exciting when an ingenious new solution is proposed for a vexing and persistent old problem.

Roadworks improving Nassau

DRIVING around Nassau, you get this gut feeling that upon completion of the road works, it's going to be a pleasure to drive anywhere in this city, regardless of what the naysayers and the opposition are saying.

Candidate turned crimefighter

AS I was catching up on my reading this week, I came across a story in which Ben Albury was cast in the light of a crime fighter. I have heard Mr Albury leading the oil exploration charge in recent weeks.

Education hiring policies

Education hiring policies EDITOR, The Tribune. I would advise the Ministry of Education to review their hiring policies when it comes to the appointment of Principals and Senior Masters. It has come to my attention that when a school experiences a prob

No man - or woman - is above the law

SHARP WORDS were exchanged last week at the Nassau Street magistrate's court complex between the police officer in charge of security and a lawyer, himself a former senior police officer, who objected to the new security measures that had been introduced just 10 days before.

It is time for drastic measures

Thank you for allowing me to address the letter by Mr Watkins. First of all I would like to thank you, Mr Watkins, for the great and special service you have given to our country as a police officer.