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Hold Bell to same standards as Turnquest

AFTER suffering a devastating loss at the polls in the 2007 General Elections, the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) remained in election mode throughout the five-year administration of former Prime Minister Hubert A Ingraham.

A not so quiet storm

I WOULD like to address the few persons, who seem to think that Hon Dr Hubert A Minnis is not the best choice of leader for the Free National Movement Party.

Ingraham was an inspiration and a leader

May 7th, 2012, has come and gone, perhaps painfully and disappointingly so for you and for many Bahamians, but be assured that the legacy of national pride, success and upliftment you have inculcated in the psyche of Bahamians of every walk of life, whether acknowledged or not, will be indelibly etched in our memories and in our hearts.

Police reserves

THE crime problem is indeed vexing and heartrending. We are losing by the day one potential soul for great change in The Bahamas. It is along this vein that I write. One of the greatest measures in our resolution of the country's foremost issue is being neglected. I am beginning to wonder if it is purposely so.

Not happy with national security appointment

MOST Bahamians should know by now that the fifth prime minister elect of the Bahamas is the Rt Hon. Perry Gladstone Christie. He joins Hubert Ingraham as the only prime minister in Bahamian history to serve non-consecutive terms.

Time for rebirth of the FNM

I AM not surprised at all that the Free National Movement (FNM) has been soundly defeated by the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) in the General Election. The FNM was simply destroyed at the polls by the PLP. The new official Opposition party was only able to win nine seats to the PLP's 29.

What manner of leader is Christie?

ADMITTEDLY, I was depressed about the FNM's loss, and, moreso over Ingraham's exit from active politics.

Where have Nottage's principles gone?

I THOUGHT that Dr BJ Nottage was a different kind of person and PLP. He always came across as a nice person. I remember what he used to stand for when he was head of the CDR.

Why does the church oppose gambling?

I WOULD like to comment on an article which appeared in the April 5 edition of The Nassau Guardian.

Christie's golden opportunity

Mr Christie and the PLP have a golden opportunity.

An election autopsy

THE following in my preliminary autopsy report on the May 7, 2012 general election - which resulted in the crushing defeat of the Free National Movement (FNM) party and its now deflated leader, Hubert Alexander Ingraham.

Which party has the best leader?

THE question, "Which opposition party has the better leader" was recently posed on Facebook by a DNA candidate, and I find it very interesting because the answer to the question will definitely determine the support that each party can garner and keep over the next five years leading up to the next general election.

Tough task for Christie

IT IS now 7.15am May 8, 2012, and in the words of Ryan Pinder - "It OVA!" I am proud of the way my fellow Bahamians went to the polls and peacefully casts their votes. While waiting in line, I saw many class acts that made me smile; FNM's and PLP's hugging each other, some engaged in cheerful conversation. Divided in opinion, yet united in their common love for country and fellow man.

Ingraham served us well

MR INGRAHAM, you did your best and that is all anyone could have asked of you. Your personality was such that you were either loved or reviled. As a staunch FNM supporter, I must admit that every decision that you made I did not like nor agree with, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt because it is easy to criticise when you are on the outside looking in.

The people have spoken

THE general elections of 2012 in the Bahamas are now history and for the second time in five years, the Bahamian people have changed governments. They rejected Perry Christie in 2007 and now they have soundly rejected Hubert Ingraham in 2012.

Long Island in mourning

It is very disheartening to see the staunch Free National Movement (FNM) supporters of Long Island with their heads down and tails between their legs as though they are in mourning. In fact, Mrs Loretta Butl

Rules should not cause such hurt

After having just voted, I sit in a state of total frustration to pen this letter. I am the daughter of two hard working parents, the sister of a supportive group of siblings and an Attorney-at-Law

DNA candidate's thank you

I want to express my gratitude and appreciation to you for allowing me into your homes and your lives during this historic election campaign. You have allowed me and the Democratic National Alliance to do what no other has done before.

Christie not up to the job

I WAS raised in the Christian faith and though I still believe in a power greater than myself - or the rulers of any country - I cannot be called religious.

Disgust over PLP posters

Thanks for allowing me a space in your esteemed paper to express my disgust with some PLP posters that were placed on the light poles in the vicinity of the Marathon Mall. How despicable can those who aspire to become the next govern

Residents were innocent

On Wednesday, April 18, 2012, Mr Hubert Ingraham, accompanied by a large group of FNM supporters, did a drive through of Bain Town. At one point they came in contact with Dr Bernard Nottage, the MP, and a large group of PLP supporter

Mental health of Bahamians

According to Medline Plus, an online service of the US Library of Medicine, "mental health is how we think, feel and act as we cope with life. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others

We must not try to fool God

I MUST admit that I like to attend political rallies, and it's mainly because I love politics. The occasion is also used to socialise with friends as well as to be informed first hand of what is being promised by candidates "if elected." When I can't attend, I watch on television.

Hubert Ingraham - an effective public speaker

I am always weary of aspiring leaders who try to convince us of things that they themselves cannot possibly believe. Recently, PLP Leader Perry Christie decried the "jokes" and "one-liners" contained in the Prime Minister's rally speeches. He described the Prime Minister as a comedian and unbecoming a statesman. Mr Christie is sufficiently knowledgeable about the art of public speaking that he must, in truth, admire Mr Ingraham's success in this regard. Mr Ingraham is no comedian.

Financial disclosures raise more questions

\IN THE April 20 edition of The Tribune newspaper, an interesting story was published under the heading: Money isn't Everything On The Declarations - Sometimes It's About The Plants. This of course was in reference to the financial disclosures of the 133 candidates after Nomination Day on April 17.