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EDITORIAL: Who pays the salary of those given jobs to vote?

IN the House of Assembly last week newly elected Long Island MP Adrian Gibson accused the former Christie administration of putting at least 40 persons onto government’s payroll just two weeks before the May 10 election to influence the vote. One of the 40 was hired just the day before the election.

EDITORIAL: Confusion and intrigue in British politics

STUDENTS of British politics are normally taught that the nation’s well established electoral system of first-past-the-post is straightforward and has stood the test of time in the Westminster model of parliamentary democracy.

EDITORIAL: ‘Brave’ Davis’ ‘witch-hunt’ claim

IN the House of Assembly, former deputy prime minister Philip “Brave” Davis, who now leads an Opposition of three, seemed to have left his memory at the door when he entered the chamber last week.

EDITORIAL: All eyes on Dames and Ferreira

EVERY member of the new Cabinet of The Bahamas from the Prime Minister to the most junior Minister of State faces tough times with tight budgets to manage and largely unimaginative cultures to inspire.

Time to act

The country’s finances are in a mess, the people of The Bahamas know this. One of the reasons we now have a new government is because the Bahamian people were tired of the wanton waste of the former administration.

EDITORIAL: Victimisation at NIB – PLP style

OPPOSITION leader Philip “Brave” Davis, and PLP chairman Bradley Roberts seem strangely upset at the Minnis government fulfilling an election promise made to the Bahamian people that should the FNM be entrusted with the administration of government for the next five years, an audit would be done of all government departments.

EDITORIAL: FNM must coax the country back to fiscal health

OBVIOUSLY many PLP leaders have still not grasped the message Bahamians sent them on May 10. Having suffered the worst defeat of any political party in the history of this country, these arrogant politicians still seem to be tone deaf.

EDITORIAL: FNM must coax the country back to fiscal health

OBVIOUSLY many PLP leaders have still not grasped the message Bahamians sent them on May 10. Having suffered the worst defeat of any political party in the history of this country, these arrogant politicians still seem to be tone deaf.

EDITORIAL: Russia and health care dog Trump's presidency

DONALD Trump’s presidency seems so profoundly chaotic and different that it is hard to imagine it somehow fitting into any kind of pattern, either domestically within the United States or in the contemporary world. Perhaps the passage of time may yet weave this administration into some kind of coherent fabric. But for now it still looks dismayingly unique.

EDITORIAL: Historic Nassau - a city in desperate need of saving

WHILE a mostly jubilant public is still congratulating itself, gloating over the vote to throw out the reigning Progressive Liberal Party like a 78rpm vinyl record missing its cover, the clock is ticking quietly and dangerously on one of the most critical issues of the day.

EDITORIAL: Brave Davis' attempt to keep the PLP relevant

IN an attempt to keep his party relevant in the eyes of the public, PLP Opposition Leader Philip “Brave” Davis promises to give us a frequent chuckle.“It is also important,” Mr Davis said last week, “to ensure that the favoured few who provided fundi

EDITORIAL: Combatting the scourge of terrorism after Manchester

THE atrocious terrorist attack at the end of a pop concert in Manchester earlier this week has shocked not only the British people but also the world.

EDITORIAL: How social ties make us resilient to trauma

THE suicide bombing at a concert in Manchester, England, on Monday night has claimed at least 22 lives.

EDITORIAL: Stop saying sorry - now seize the day

THE Bahamian public is still feeding off the recent election like a remora sucking nutrients from the underside skin of the shark’s belly.

EDITORIAL: A future for one people - one Bahamas

FORMER Deputy Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis, who will enter the House of Assembly as leader of a four-member Opposition, has warned the new government not to “misrepresent or distort” the PLP’s long legacy of governance.

EDITORIAL: Changing of the political guard

YESTERDAY in these columns, we praised the Prime Minister for making a review of the public finances his first priority.

EDITORIAL: Prime Minister Minnis takes a wise first step

WE CONGRATULATE Prime Minister Hubert Minnis for making public finances the first item of business. Unless he gets the country’s finances under control and knows exactly the position of the Public Treasury, his government will find it difficult to move forward with plans for the many projects needed to increase employment.

EDITORIAL: Is US President Trump facing his Watergate?

WHEN American President Donald Trump summarily fired the US Attorney General James Comey last week, it felt like a watershed moment. Or, perhaps, a Watergate moment.

EDITORIAL: Diet for a new government, recipe for another term

THE Free National Movement has swept into office in a landslide of historic proportions with a 35-4 seat majority in the House of Assembly.

EDITORIAL: Bahamians want answers from the FNM

IN moving into the future, it is important to understand why the FNM swept the polls in last Wednesday’s general election, almost eliminating this country’s first political party. According to Leslie Miller, former PLP MP for Tall Pines, the PLP were wiped out because of the hatred for former prime minister Perry Christie.

EDITORIAL: FNM must not rest on their laurels after election win

WHILE the Free National Movement’s overwhelming victory at the polls on Wednesday has sent seismic shockwaves through the whole nation, we hope that members of the new government will not be tempted to indulge in excessive self-congratulation.

EDITORIAL: The Bahamian people have spoken

THE Bahamian people have spoken. They want a better Bahamas.

EDITORIAL: Today Bahamians decide their government

IT is indeed a tragedy when a people become so devoid of moral fibre that they can no longer distinguish between right and wrong.

EDITORIAL: Brave hearts required for a better Bahamas

NEVER has so much been at stake as it will be tomorrow when voters go to the polls in The Bahamas.

EDITORIAL: Bahamians can’t afford short memories in this election

“THE short memories of the American voter is what keeps our politicians in office,” quipped American humorist and actor, Will Rogers.