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EDITORIAL: Persons are not ‘unpatriotic’ for telling the truth

GOVERNMENT’S recent statement accusing Sarkis Izmirlian of being “unpatriotic” in his attempt to inform Bahamians of what was really behind the failure of Baha Mar, brought back many memories of another disgraceful period of this young, independent nation’s history.

EDITORIAL: Dump fire lights political fuse under the PLP

WHEN the Nassau city dump erupted in massive flames on March 5, spewing thick black smoke for miles and setting a scene that from above looked like the island was on fire, no one could have predicted that what happened that day could have such far-reaching and long-lasting effects or that it could possibly swing an election and displace a government.

EDITORIAL: Brent Symonette will serve for sake of country

MR ROBERT Myers told Tribune Business on Friday that the same reason the city dump is burning “is the same reason the country is broke.”

EDITORIAL: Pressing need for new political leadership

THE LITANY of disasters surrounding the beleaguered Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) government seems to be never-ending.

EDITORIAL: Dump fires are too dangerous to trust to foreigners

THE current Christie administration rose to power on a theme of Bahamians first but when it comes to appointing people and awarding contracts, the track record has been anything but Bahamians first.

EDITORIAL: What is Bran McCartney’s plan - if not a coalition?

DEMOCRATIC National Alliance leader Branville McCartney, in an interview with The Tribune, explained that he had resigned his Senate seat to which he was appointed by Official Opposition Leader Loretta Butler-Turner because it has become a distraction to his party.

EDITORIAL: Is Justice Bain to be punished for non-recusal?

A REQUEST for Justice Rhonda Bain to recuse herself from certain cases – one of which involves the Prime Minister - coupled with her application to have her nearing retirement date extended for another two years, comes within the same time frame as government’s attempt to pass the Interception of Communications Bill, 2017. These clashing interests have now started a conversation — a conversation questioning the extent of the judiciary’s independence from that of the executive.

EDITORIAL: Bahamians have lost confidence in politicians

IN August 1992 the late Sir Lynden Pindling cut a sorry figure as he admitted — in almost incredulous disbelief — that after 25 years his party had lost the election that year because it had lost touch with the Bahamian people.

EDITORIAL: When will the animal cruelty stop?

IT IS said that you can judge a society by how it treats its animals. If that is so, the Bahamas would be judged harshly.

EDITORIAL: Bahamians find your voices before it is too late

WE have no intention of discussing Canadian Bruno Rufa’s case now before the courts — that’s a matter for the courts. However, we are concerned about Mr Rufa being denied the inalienable right of every person in a democracy to defend himself when accused. Mr Rufa is being denied that right by the Bahamas Immigration Department.

EDITORIAL: Britain’s new Commonwealth relationship

FOLLOWING last year’s referendum on Britain’s relationship with the European Union (EU) and the momentous decision to leave, ‘Brexit’ has remained top of the international news agenda because the likely effects will be far-reaching beyond Europe itself.

EDITORIAL: Dangerous ‘spy bill’ lumps innocent with terrorists

THE GOVERNMENT is considering the Interception of Communications Bill, commonly and accurately nicknamed the ‘Spying Bill’.

EDITORIAL: What is happening in our courts?

WHEN WE read the remarks last week of Attorney General Allyson Maynard Gibson in defence of the integrity of our courts and the fairness of our judges, we recalled a 2016 report in a St Lucia newspaper about a Bahamian lawyer, accompanied by a Bahamian police officer, snooping around St Lucia ostensibly investigating the background of one of the most respected judges on our Supreme Court Bench today.

EDITORIAL: Now is the time to put aside egos and unite

TODAY we make no apology for returning once again to the burning political issue facing our country - the alarming prospect that, in the face of a warring and fractured Opposition, a Progressive Liberal Party government may be returned for another five years at the general election which has to be held no later than May.

EDITORIAL: Boundaries debate now sub judice - no debate

IN DISCUSSING the government’s controversial Interception of Communications Bill, 2017, which has attracted much opposition because it is seen as an unbridled invasion of privacy, Attorney General Allyson Maynard Gibson pointed out that “the Supreme Court is charged with protecting our Constitution, our rights under the Constitution.

EDITORIAL: Senate must find its voice and stand up for Bahamians

THE SENATE has a rare opportunity to make a difference in the future of The Bahamas this week when a certain Bill comes before it.

EDITORIAL: The mouse that got caught in the trap

THIS latest attempt by government to strip Bahamians of all privacy is proof that these legislators must indeed take all Bahamians for fools.

EDITORIAL: ‘Bring ’em in, suck ’em dry and throw away the husk’

LAST YEAR, we wrote two editorials, each inviting Prime Minister Christie to tell Bahamians whose side he and his government were on in the dispute between Baha Mar developer Sarkis Izmirlian and the Beijing owned EXIM bank and its construction company.

EDITORIAL: Let the Dames Games begin

FORMER Deputy Commissioner of Police Marvin Dames, now a Free National Movement candidate for the Mount Moriah constituency, released a detailed plan over the weekend to “save the country” from the scourge of crime that has Bahamians looking over their shoulders, living behind burglar bars or gated communities and wondering every day if this will be the day their luck runs out.

EDITORIAL: Crime continues - where does the blame lie?

WE ARE 36 days into the new year and already 19 Bahamians are dead and several others are in hospital fighting for their lives.

EDITORIAL: It’s time for the Opposition to get its act together

WITH only three months away from a general election there is no unified opposition to challenge and defeat a government that does not deserve another five years in power. Already on the brink of disaster, five more years of PLP-ism will be the death knell of a Bahamas that we once knew.

EDITORIAL: Four key points for true freedom of information

FIVE YEARS after we were promised that legislation would be enacted giving the Bahamian people the right to information about how our money was being spent, how contracts were being awarded, the status of our applications for Crown Land, we still have no Freedom of Information legislation.

EDITORIAL: Are Bahamians being taken for a political ride?

AVOIDING their annual party convention for the past eight years, and after much to-ing and fro-ing as to whether one should be held at all, the PLP settled on a well-orchestrated, fun-filled event just four months before the deadline for the general election.

EDITORIAL: Press freedom in a democracy

IT IS axiomatic that freedom of expression and an independent press that is free of state interference are essential elements of democracy. The media plays a crucial role in ensuring the flow of information and ideas in order to enable the public to contribute to decision-making by governments and to seek to exercise control of them when they overstep their powers.

EDITORIAL: Will Fred Mitchell now apologise?

ON this page today, we publish in full the letter of apology written by lawyer Fred Smith, QC, for remarks he made recently at a meeting of home owners in Freeport.