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EDITORIAL: Voters deluded if they choose failed PLP again

BY THIS time next week, the outcome of the general election will be known and the die will be cast. Either this country will be condemned to five more years of the same old tired and corrupt politicians of a flawed Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) government or we shall be embarking on a different and hopeful path with new political faces leading us perhaps to a better, less corrupt, more honest and more prosperous future.

EDITORIAL: Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Trump’s first 100 days

DONALD Trump is on the back foot now, scrambling as his presidency hits the 100-day mark to build some record of fulfilling campaign pledges in the wake of repeated setbacks and failures.

EDITORIAL: The real reason Fyre Festival went up in flames

IT IS easy to blame organisers for the debacle that was supposed to be a glam-packed Fyre Festival and instead went up in flames, becoming the non-event, empty tent city with pictures that went viral and fury heard round the world.

EDITORIAL: Police to be paid, but how much?

AT a PLP rally on Thursday night, Prime Minister Perry Christie threw the Royal Bahamas Police Force a half-chewed bone — at last they will receive their court-ordered overtime pay. But how much will be paid is still a mystery.

EDITORIAL – Wanted: Politicians with integrity to end corruption

WITH LESS than two weeks until the general election, the outcome remains hard to predict in the absence of any meaningful testing of public opinion in advance by pollsters who are so much a part of the political scenery in America and Europe.

EDITORIAL: Surely Bahamians would not be so foolish

“WE KNOW that there are those of you who are looking for jobs, who are looking for security, and who feel that more could have been done,” Prime Minister Christie told a Progressive Liberal Party mini-rally in Marathon recently.

EDITORIAL: Two old antagonists command the world stage again

DONALD Trump and Vladimir Putin have managed to push other world leaders and most unrelated news from the front pages of newspapers for significant parts of the past eight months, since the first information about Trump’s business ties to Russia and possible Russian interference in the US presidential election began to leak out last summer.

EDITORIAL: When power is uncontrolled, tragedy awaits

TWO WEEKS before voters go to the polls to determine the course of history for the Bahamas for the next five years, the governing Progressive Liberal Party is throwing rallies, dancing in the streets, passing out t-shirts, food and promises, ignoring the reality that should be hitting its supporters smack in the face.

EDITORIAL: Baha Mar - grand show of ‘smoke and mirrors’

IT was indeed a grand affair. At last Baha Mar, scheduled for opening in December, 2014, was open. However, in the context of Baha Mar the word “open” has a very special meaning.

EDITORIAL: World tensions rise to danger level

WHILE our immediate priority is next month’s general election, the well-publicised current world tensions should be of no less concern to smaller nations than to the major players directly responsible for resolving them.

EDITORIAL: Behaviour and attitudes at the airport have to improve

THE year was 1981. President Ronald Reagan was only six months into his presidency when America’s air traffic controllers called a strike, demanding higher salaries, a shorter work week and better working conditions.

EDITORIAL: Parties ignoring the looming economic issue place a nation in peril

THE countdown to elections, 21 days away, is driving up the speed and lunacy of promises by the Progressive Liberal Party and threats from the Free National Movement.

EDITORIAL - Finger-pointing must stop: Important issues must be settled

IT WOULD seem that the PLP election strategy is to focus its attacks on FNM leader Dr Hubert Minnis instead of dealing with the issues– at least that appears to be the tactic of PLP chairman Bradley Roberts. However, this election must decide the future of this country, which involves settling important principles of government, not finger-pointing and childish nit-picking.

EDITORIAL: Have Bahamians returned to ‘Ten, ten, the Bible ten’?

“LET us by our conduct in the general election campaign that officially starts today prove ourselves worthy of the great democratic traditions of free, fair and peaceful elections that have made our country the marvel of nations around the world,” said Prime Minister Perry Christie in a televised address on Tuesday as he announced the end of the 2007-2012 parliament.

EDITORIAL: May 10 election offers chance of national unity

AT THIS time of the year, celebrating Easter as a time of redemption, forgiveness and hope of new beginnings, and with a general election just around the corner, we return to the theme of good governance and national unity in a modern Bahamas where love of country is too often superseded by selfishness, greed and political divisiveness.

EDITORIAL: Where is the anger over the missing $191m?

BAHAMIANS have an incredible tolerance for official villainy.

EDITORIAL: Donald Trump forced to tone down his rhetoric?

WHATEVER happened to the blustering Donald Trump, who promised to show the world how he was going to put an expansionist China in its place and make “America First” again? Of course, we did not realise that America was not first, but that is the gospel according to Trump — a gospel, which, after only 40 days in office, we have decided to ignore.

EDITORIAL: Integrity, honesty and fairness will be key elements in the election

IN ANTICIPATION of the fast approaching general election, we analysed in these columns yesterday the poor performance of the ruling Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) and called for unity amongst the opposition parties in order to bring about political change in the Bahamas.

EDITORIAL: A country crying out for political change

WITH THIS week’s announcement of the dissolution of Parliament on April 11 and a general election just around the corner, there is already a palpable growing sense of relief that political change is imminent.

EDITORIAL: Bahamians have a right to know PLP succession plan

AS LONG lines formed at voter registration centres yesterday following Sunday’s announcement by the Prime Minister that he would dissolve Parliament on April 11, paving the way for the national election, the question on many minds was obvious - what is the date of the election?

EDITORIAL: Baptist ministers think now is the time to speak

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up. A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance. A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing. A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away. A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak - Ecclesiastes 3:4”

EDITORIAL: Bahamians deserve better

BAHAMIANS deserve better.

EDITORIAL: A ‘boogeyman’ chasing ‘Brave’ Davis?

SPEAKING at a PLP town hall meeting last Monday, Deputy Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis warned his listeners that the return of former deputy prime minister Brent Symonette to frontline politics was proof that the FNM was now representing the interests of the “Bay Street Boys” – not that of the people.

EDITORIAL: The frightening consequences of labour amendments

MAKE NO bones about it, the political season is upon us.

EDITORIAL: Don’t blame your foolish decisions on God

IN OUR March 13 editorial we made an error that our readers – always on the ball– were quick to let us know about!