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Caribbean warneD: Get a handle on corruption

ALTHOUGH The Tribune reported Prime Minister Perry Christie’s attendance at the January 26 Caribbean Energy Security Summit meeting in Washington, it missed a most important message. The message was a warning given to all Caribbean leaders by US Vice President Joe Biden.

Face has been lost of the $3.5bn Baha Mar resort

THIS IS no longer a dispute between two giant investors. This matter is now of national concern, a worried Bahamian told us recently. Too many Bahamians, he said, encouraged by government to believe that Baha Mar was the Promised Land, have given up good jobs in anticipation of improved employment in the new hotel. Almost every profession has been affected and is represented among this staff-in-waiting, including a former police officer.

The most courageous act: Speak Out!

MARATHON MP Jerome Fitzgerald, himself a lawyer, is upset that through Facebook his lawyer wife has been unwittingly drawn into the secrecy surrounding the fuel leak controversy in her husband’s Marathon constituency.

Suggest ‘Brave’ Davis gets his friends to complete Baha Mar

IN JANUARY, Prime Minister Perry Christie announced his intention to request funding from China to support the Bahamas’ national budget, and refinance and restructure the country’s debt.

Why Panama before The Bahamas, Mr Deputy Prime Minister?

WE WERE surprised – rather we were shocked — on reading that our deputy prime minister was in Panama a few days ago celebrating the regional opening of China Construction America’s Latin American Regional headquarters while that same company has left so much unfinished business here in the Bahamas.

How Prime Minister Christie can earn his legacy

SPEAKING to a group of aspiring journalists at the College of the Bahamas at the end of March, Prime Minister Perry Christie declared that his government’s performance will not be matched “in the history of this country”.

House Speaker urged to assist PAC in completing its report

HOUSE SPEAKER Dr Kendal Major, like the rest of us, is baffled by an unsigned document from the Attorney General’s office, which purports to give a legal opinion on the powers of the Public Accounts Committee. The obvious intent of that opinion is to curb the traditional powers of that committee, which, apparently, is now trespassing on sacred ground — Urban Renewal.

Urban Renewal heads urged to co-operate with Public Accounts Committee

HOUSE Speaker Kendal Major was not the only person shocked by the so-called “leaked” document from the Attorney General’s office that purports to question the manner in which the Public Accounts Committee is investigating how tax payers’ money is being spent on Urban Renewal’s small homes repair project.

What is more destructive - an A-bomb or a welfare system?

YESTERDAY a colourful photograph flashed across our computer screen. A powerful mushroom shaped cloud lit up the dark sky as its funnel stretched earthwards. It was “Little Boy”, the first atomic bomb to be dropped to end a war.

The Bahamian economy and responses to global economic shifts

SCOTIABANK Bahamas recently announced that it would close or consolidate up to eight of its branches in The Bahamas. The bank reported that about 50 employees would be affected.

Why strengthening the Freedom of Information Act is so important

PRESIDENT Obama has routinely promised greater transparency within the federal government. Now, Congress is making strides towards achieving this critical goal.

Is The Bahamas soon to be the gamblers haven?

IF ALL of the web shop licences applied for are granted by the Gaming Board, the Bahamas that the late Prime Minister Sir Lynden Pindling did not want to be known as a gambling resort, won’t be able to escape the label.

‘Where there is no vision the people perish’

LAST week, the Gaming Board announced that any objections to the applications submitted to it by the nine web shop companies for gaming licences must be in before 5pm on April 10 — that was Friday, just two days ago.

How many Bahamians are willing to take the gamble?

IT WAS April Fool’s Day, but Sebas Bastian, Island Luck’s CEO, was not playing an April Fool’s joke, he was gambling big time – and he was dead serious.

We should have read the tea leaves better

TALKING as a labour unionist, which he is, but not as the statesman that he should be, Labour Minister Shane Gibson expressed disappointment that in the consolidation of its business, Scotiabank (Bahamas) is focusing on financial gain rather than on the lives of the 50 Bahamians to be laid off within the next six months.

Public contracts should go to the most qualified bidder

ON June 13, 1925, the late Sir Etienne Dupuch, the second publisher of this newspaper, entered the House of Assembly for the first time at the age of 26 to represent the Bahamas’ two most southerly islands — Inagua and Mayaguana. He won his seat by two votes.

PM Christie’s ‘to hell with them’ remark

“To look at the paper is to raise a seashell to one’s ear and to be overwhelmed by the roar of humanity,” wrote Alain de Botton, a Swiss writer, philosopher, and television presenter.

Attempt to make Mayaguana administrator the ‘fall guy’

“SHUT mouth catch no flies,” the old folks used to advise. However, on Tuesday after much pressure from the press, Mayaguana Administrator Zephabia Newbold, ignored the advice and opened his mouth in his own defence. In doing so, he caught more than a fly. It would seem he has unwittingly jeopardised his job.

The PLP try to turn off the faucet opened in the Sixties

IT WAS interesting to hear State Minister for National Security Keith Bell blame the country’s crime challenges on a growing gang culture left unchecked by the Ingraham administration.

FNM not ‘worthy of comment’ says Gray

QUESTIONED by the FNM about what part he might or might not have played in influencing the decision of Mayaguana’s administrator, acting in his capacity as island magistrate in the case of one of MICAL MP Alfred Grey’s constituents, Mr Gray virtually told FNM chairman Michael Pintard to “go take a hike!”

Bahamians have lost their moral compass

ABOUT 1,445 years before the birth of Christ, a book of laws was written by Moses for the Israelites giving them guidelines as to the way in which God expected them to govern their lives. The book of Leviticus contains the laws “for all-time throughout the ages.” It told man that he must decide “between the saved and the profane and between the unclean and the clean”.

Time for a truce between BEC chairman Miller and unionist Maynard

“I WILL never let the opportunity pass to remind BEC’s management and staff of its deficiency until the public is reasonably sure that the corporation can provide reliable service,” said the PLP minister.

BAMSI fire exposes system needing investigation

“THIS is a lot deeper than y’all realise,” Audley Hanna told our reporter on Thursday when vowing to rebuild at his own expense the burned out Bahamas Agriculture and Marine Science Institute’s dormitories for which he was the contractor.

Baha Mar could be government’s undoing

THE CHRISTIE government seems to have put all of its eggs for the country’s economic recovery into Baha Mar’s large basket.

January 2016 - unlikely date for NHI launch

WITH the implementation of National Health Insurance only 10 months away, the proposed health scheme is still drifting around in clouds of indecision.