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Happy Christmas from The Tribune

THIS WEEK’S e-mail brought a Christmas card message with a great depth of meaning. It was a hillside scene of a furry little lamb looking down onto the peaceful scene of Bethlehem. On a nearby hillside a lone shepherd stood guard over his sheep while a brilliant star illuminated the whole.

The Bahamas is no long Number One in tourism

TODAY Tourism Minister Obie Wilchcombe thinks that the US’s lifting of the embargo on Cuba provides an “excellent” opportunity for the Bahamas to “focus on improving the quality of our tourism produce”.

What contempt has the Police Commissioner committed?

THE Bar Association president has recommended that the courts should ”seriously consider” holding Police Commissioner Ellison Greenslade in contempt of court for stating the obvious — that as fast as police arrest a hardened criminal and deliver him to the court, he is back on the streets and the chase starts all over again — all thanks to what is now being called the “court’s revolving door”.

An unhealthy storm against the Bahamas is brewing

UNFORTUNATELY, as we wrote in August last year at the time of the beating of Cuban detainees at the Carmichael Road Detention Centre, our Foreign Affairs Minister is not a diplomat.

A failed economy and no accurate information

“IF it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” We wish we could find at least one nook or cranny in our country today that we could walk away satisfied that it was functioning so well that it needed no “fixing”.

And who is Fred Smith, QC?

“WHO IS dis Smith fella…let’s pick him up!” bellowed an angry Loftus Roker in a Side Burns cartoon published in The Tribune on August 21, 1986.

What future has BEC?

BAHAMAS Electrical Workers Union President Paul Maynard announced a work-to-rule for his members last Tuesday. Two days later, he quickly reversed his decision.

BEC Union says no more overtime – rostering now needed

GONE are the days when unions could demand that they would negotiate industrial contracts with no one but the prime minister.

Bahamians want lower rates: unionists want more pay

BAHAMIANS from all sides are crying for their electricity bills to come down. Today too many Bahamians, unable to pay their bills, are forced to go without electricity.

Must have humane solution to Haitian problem

YES, the Bahamas has a problem, a major problem that started slowly many years ago but has grown to such proportions today that sound decisions have to be made to contain it. Bahamians call it “the Haitian problem”.

Atlantis unfairly blamed for jet ski operators

RECENTLY, the US Embassy warned of increased incidents of sexual assault in New Providence, some of them linked to the “loosely regulated” water sports on Paradise Island.

Why are the Constitutional Bills being delayed?

PRIME Minister Christie, who in 2002 successfully led his party to defeat the FNM’s referendum that would have given equality to Bahamian women, boasted at the time that Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham could not get such a referendum through, but he – Perry Christie — could and would.

A life without purpose is the greatest tragedy

DR Myles Munroe, with his wife, Ruth, and two leaders of his ministry, was killed when his plane crashed Sunday afternoon as it prepared to land in Freeport during a rainstorm. Dr Munroe, and the eight passengers in his Lear Jet with him, was on his way to Freeport to open his 2014 Global Leadership Forum.

US crime alerts reported in NY Times

SO ANXIOUS to win the 2012 election, the Christie government promised the Bahamian people that if elected it would reduce, if not eradicate, the country’s escalating crime. The PLP claimed to have had the answers.

Many misfortunes for the Bahamas

WE recall years ago when many Bahamians bitterly complained that the banks would not grant them unsecured loans to build their homes and start small businesses. At the time the PLP encouraged them in their demands, and the belief that the purpose of a bank was to help the little man get on his feet. No solution was offered as to what would happen to the bank when too many “little men” failed.

The Public Accounts Committee has been hijacked

“THE Committee of Public Accounts,” says May’s Parliamentary Practice – the practitioner’s “bible” for the Westminster system of government – “is empowered to examine the appropriation accounts and such other accounts laid before Parliament as the committee thinks fit.

A humane solution has to be found to the Haitian ‘problem‘

“Grant that I may not criticise my neighbour until I have walked a mile in his moccasins,” says an old Indian prayer.

Time to open the books - Bahamians want an accounting

A FRIEND of ours told us of an incident that occurred a few weeks ago to illustrate the depth of agitation in the community of government’s seemingly mindless spending of their taxes.

Will Mt Fitzwilliam be ignored by the Press?

SINCE the release on Friday of the strict code of behaviour expected of the press when called to “cover” Government House, a jesting Bahamian wanted to know if we had indeed installed the Queen at Mount Fitzwilliam.

When will Bahamians be instructed in Ebola protocols?

EARLIER THIS month, health officials assured the public that protocols were in place to adequately take care of an Ebola-infected patient should one arrive on our doorstep.

FNM must select best candidate to defeat PLP

BAHAMIANS today who offer themselves for leadership in government must be prepared to subject their personal ambitions and consider what is best for the Bahamian people and this nation called the Bahamas.

Health Ministry breaks Ebola silence

SINCE July, the Ebola story has dominated the international airwaves, especially in the United States when it was learned that a Minnesota resident returning home to his Minnesota family collapsed after getting off a plane in Lagos. He later died in Lagos. He had been infected with Ebola in Liberia where he had worked as a top government official in the Liberian Ministry of Finance.

DNA hits a raw nerve with Mitchell

FOX HILL MP Fred Mitchell’s complaint that the Democratic National Alliance paid demonstrators to go to Bay Street Wednesday to protest against government, sounded like the exclamation of an incredulous child seeing a movie for the first time.

Government abdicated its responsibility

IN a recent interview with The Nassau Guardian, FML Group of Companies CEO Craig Flowers criticised those who were trying to “kill the government” for making decisions.

It is now that the Bahamas needs wise leaders

PETER Turnquest, FNM MP for Grand Bahama, finds it a “bit obscene” that the government would consider agreeing to a foreign entity not only redesigning, but actually owning much of downtown Nassau – the very centre of our government.