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We have a Freedom of Information Act - put it to work

IN THE House this week, Tourism Minister Obie Wilchcombe stated the obvious: “To find revenue we have to tax.”

Why hide FATF’s advice to the Bahamas?

PHEW! Doesn’t it seem complicated! Makes one want to find the nearest armchair to sit down to take it all in!

Will BAMSI be another Hatchet Bay or BARTAD?

BAHAMAS Agriculture and Marine Science Institute (BAMSI) has been described as an autonomous body located in North Andros and scheduled to open on September 29. It was announced that it will offer accredited associate degrees and certificates through its partnership with The College of the Bahamas.

Australian judges thanked for reducing Bahamas court calendar

THE Supreme Court case of Ms Marva Moxey, daughter of recently deceased Ed Moxey, renewed our interest in the five judges from “down under” who flew in from Australia in 1999 to assist the Bahamas in clearing its overburdened court calendar.

Government needs Miller to do the dirty work

ACCORDING to Phenton Neymour, former state minister for the environment, the Christie government has “shown weakness” by not firing Leslie Miller as chairman of BEC.

'Mother' Pratt calls for 'draconian' measures to fight crime

CYNTHIA “Mother” Pratt, a national security minister in the first Christie administration, conceded yesterday that “draconian measures” were now needed to bring this country’s crime under control.

A frightened society now speaks its mind

A FEW days ago a person commented that they didn’t understand all the fuss being made about constitutional changes to give women equal rights in their marriage if after all these years none of them ever raised their voices in protest to get it for themselves.

No welfare state - use imagination and create jobs

THE much-feared Value Added Tax (VAT) bill was rushed through parliament this week — and the only persons who seemed proud of the achievement were government members who, in the words of Labour Minister Shane Gibson, had to find money to pay government’s bills.

The importance of the referendum to our freedom

IT IS unfortunate that so many Bahamians — feeling they were duped by the recent failed “referendum” on gambling — have vowed to shun all future referendums.

The FNM were ahead of the times on women's equality

“‘YOU SETTLE it…’ and they picked up their geordie bundles and came home for Christmas!”

One woman prepared to stand alone

THERE IS little wonder that Bahamians have no confidence in their leaders. The behaviour of politicians in their attempt to guide the constitutional referendum bills through parliament have exposed some of them to having more interest in winning their seats in the next election than ensuring that Bahamian men and women have equal rights in this country.

Stop playing politics - give women their constitutional rights

“WHERE there is fear and doubt, then there is disaster,” said Opposition Leader Dr Hubert Minnis in the House yesterday as he seemed to back away from his party’s promised full support of the constitutional reforms needed to give Bahamian women equal civil rights with their men.

Make it simple, but get it done

TODAY, government is to debate the issue as to whether gender discrimination is to be eliminated from the constitution so that Bahamian women can have the same rights as Bahamian men, especially in their family life.

What Facebook did not say about flag burning

YES a flag was burned, but it was not the Bahamian flag, nor was it a real flag. The Constitution was also burned with the perpetrator vowing that the ashes would be sent to then Prime Minister Sir Lynden Pindling “as a reminder of how our country is being destroyed”.

Anthony Newbold's words prick consciences

AS ANTHONY “Ace” Newbold took his place at the lectern of Holy Trinity parish church on Friday, he looked down on the draped coffin of his friend of 30 years, then donned the mantle of a Marc Antony come to bury his Caesar. This Bahamian Anthony, like that Roman Antony, and his Caesar, was determined not to let the good that Edmund Spencer Moxey, 80, had done for his people be interred with his bones.

The day Ed Moxey’s ‘vexation was yucked up’

THERE was much discomfort in the official pews at the state funeral on Friday of Edmund Spencer Moxey when Anthony “Ace” Newbold recalled with sarcasm how “our leaders said Edmund was ambitious and had to be stopped and punished – and so they did… and our leaders were all honourable men.”

The Prime Minister dreams of a bright future

SPEAKING to reporters at the opening of Bahamas Agricultural and Industrial Corporation’s executive offices last Thursday, Prime Minister Christie exuded confidence in a buoyant economic future for these islands.

Public loses confidence as politicians juggle figures

THE Department of Statistics is now being dragged to the Mad Hatter’s Ball. First it was the crime statistics, now it appears that the Department of Statistics and National Insurance are out of step with the score sheet set for them by the politicians.

A fine woman is remembered - Mallie Lightbourn

MALLIE Lightbourn – mother of Michael, Richard (MP for Montagu) and Timothy – was not only a remarkable woman, but an extraordinary Bahamian.

Fred Mitchell - ‘my country right or wrong’

IT WOULD appear that our intrepid foreign affairs minister is putting up his dukes in preparation for another unpleasant Cuban-American exchange over the treatment last year of Cuban refugees in our Carmichael Detention Centre. In fact, his words on Sunday seem to invite a quarrel.

To be or not to be - Bahamians want answers on VAT

BAHAMIAN businessmen are becoming more agitated as the date for the implementation of VAT nears with only reassurances from legislators that draft legislation as to what it will mean to them is on its way.

Government members unnerved by US investment report

THE US government’s 2014 Investment Climate Statement on The Bahamas has certainly shaken the establishment as one by one PLP ministers come out of the woodwork, dragging their red herrings behind them, to discredit the statement.

PM Christie should take note of US warning

PRIME Minister Christie is disappointed with the US government’s 2014 Investment Climate Statement on the Bahamas, finding that it reflected the opinion of the opposition rather than giving a fair and objective assessment of his government.

Damian Gomez is expected to keep his promise

DAMIAN Gomez, Minister of State in the Ministry of Legal Affairs, presented the Juries Amendment Act for debate in the House of Assembly yesterday.

Without financial help, Ranfurly Home faces closure

“RANFURLY must raise $400,000 or close its doors forever” read the headline in Friday’s Tribune.