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How Bahamians’ taxes are mismanaged

WHILE in Beijing, China, last month to attend the first meeting of the Community of Latin America and Caribbean State Forum, Prime Minister Christie announced plans to request funds from China to refinance and restructure the Bahamas’ debt.

The big secret - Bay Street’s redevelopment

WE WELCOME Mr John Issa’s return to the columns of The Tribune from which he has been absent for far too long. Mr Issa, executive chairman of Super Clubs Breezes, has returned to jotting his monthly “View from Afar”, the second column of which appears on page 7 of today’s Tribune.

Beware the promises of the national health scheme

WE HAVE been told that the report for the introduction of a National Health scheme, prepared by Sanigest Internacional, a Costa Rican firm, which was delivered to the government on October 12 last year, is not for general consumption.

Financial accounting needed on PMH Critical Care Block

BEFORE the May 2012 elections, Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham toured the Princess Margaret Hospital’s state-of-the-art critical care unit, which by then was 95 per cent complete.

Prime Minister Christie’s vote is needed

THE Tribune is pleased that Sir Ronald Sanders, has reconsidered, and is now back in the contest as Caricom’s nominee for the post of Commonwealth Secretary-General.

Where did the $47.8m go? asked Hubert Chipman

WITH Baha Mar due to open at the end of next month, the Christie government is still haggling over government’s agreement to reimburse Baha Mar in the region of $45.3m as its contribution to the road works on West Bay Street and the airport connector road.

Mitchell creating relations with Middle East

LAST year, Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell announced that he was taking a year off to create relationships that would assist in the development of business and investment for the Bahamas. His first target was the Middle East — specifically the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.

The destructive trap of ‘political correctness’

PRINCE Charles, on a six-day tour of the Middle East, kicked up a bit of a desert storm over the weekend when he suggested that persons who make Britain their home should “abide by British values”. In this context he was referring specifically to the radicalisation of British Muslims, who have turned their backs on all things British.

Bahamians want to know details of Chinese agreements

IN June 2010, there was an interesting exchange in press statements between the then Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham and Opposition leader Perry Christie. Their statements were made just after the Opposition had walked out of the House without voting on the Budget, which among other things would have decreased the salary of parliamentarians.

Festival to reflect Bahamian culture - but what level of culture?

A LOCAL wag recently quipped that all nakedness would be covered and everyone’s temperatures lowered if our junkanoo performers would in future gyrate up and down Bay Street in their pyjamas instead of the almost-there “costumes” that seem to have so many commentators — ourselves included — bent out of shape.

Bahamas sweeps up Haitians, says New York Times

WELL now we’ve done it – big time!

Condemns promotion of immodesty at carnival

ALTHOUGH the g-string clad beauties who come with the controversial Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival, did not shock PLP chairman Bradley Roberts, the remarks of the eye-brow raising president of the Bahamas Christian Council certainly did.

Like General Douglas MacArthur, Jack Hayward returned

WHEN Jack Hayward arrived in the Bahamas 57 years ago, Bahamians quickly realised that they had a different type of Englishman in their midst.

Were investors duped into doing an assessment to win a contract?

THE Renward Wells‘ $625 million contract signing with a company called Stellar Waste-To-Energy Bahamas Ltd to build a waste to energy facility in New Providence’s landfill has dragged on since early July last year — but still without a satisfactory resolution.

It’s time for Bahamian unions to face the hard facts of life

SPEAKING at a tourism symposium at SuperClub Breezes yesterday, Prime Minister Perry Christie emphasised that Bahamians are the most important asset in their country’s tourism industry.

The unhealthy influence of the PLP’s ‘political operatives’

IN 1984, a PLP party supporter made it quite clear what he expected of his party once his vote helped it gain the government.

The Christian Council and the referendum

IN THIS column yesterday, we replied to an objection PLP chairman Bradley Roberts took to an observation we had made on an earlier statement of his that Opposition Leader Dr Hubert Minnis, having “flip-flopped” on the question of VAT could not be considered a serious candidate to become the next prime minister.

Roberts wants explanation of Christie’s ‘flip-flop’

ON JANUARY 12 PLP chairman Bradley Roberts issued a statement condemning The Tribune’s editor for “shamelessly” defending “Flip-Flopper Minnis”.

Bahamas must avoid tragedy of silent majority

ON SUNDAY, joined by world leaders, France’s silent majority – 1.6 million in Paris, and at least 3.7 million across France – marched shoulder-to-shoulder to let the world know that they will not remain silent and allow muslim fanatics destroy one of their most precious liberties — the freedom of speech.

Attacks on journalists are attacks on free speech

ON Wednesday, the world was shocked and appalled by the deplorable attacks at the Paris office of the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo. Twelve men and women were murdered for expressing their freedom of speech. Sadly, it is not an isolated incident.

Bradley Roberts and 'flip-floppers'

PLP CHAIRMAN Bradley Roberts never ceases to amuse. Usually we have a chuckle over many of his comments, but so many other events crowd him out, that we let him pass. However, his “flip-flop” statement in yesterday’s Tribune was just too tempting to let slip by – at least without a second look.

Prime Minister admits mistake - but is he about to make another one?

AT LAST Prime Minister Christie has admitted that it might have been “unwise” of his party to have blamed the Free National Movement for the nation’s crime problem, the seeds of which, if Bahamians are honest with themselves, were sown and flourished during the drug years of the PLP’s first administration.

Watch for a New Look on Friday - a bigger and better Tribune

“HAS VAT blown the BIG T away!“ quipped one reader on The Tribune’s announcement that its three-year-old weekend edition had ceased publication.

Bahamians lost real Junkanoo many years ago

IF EVER there was a Bahamian who has his heart rooted in Junkanoo, it is Prime Minister Christie, who never misses an opportunity to show off his Junkanoo shuffle. A founding member of the Valley Boys Junkanoo group, the ker-lick of the cowbells and beat of the goat skin drums seem to put a renewed vigour in his step.

It is time for Bahamians to take charge of their destiny

IN A few hours time, the old year will have quietly slipped away and a new year, filled with uncertainty, will have taken its place. Bahamians face 2015 with much foreboding.