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INSIGHT: A show of faith in The Bahamas over FTX probe

THE collapse of FTX – with the vast amounts of money involved – was always going to attract a global spotlight.

INSIGHT: Yesterday’s PM in spotlight for wrong reasons

WHEN considering the issues of the day, it’s often easy to look at what is going on with government.

INSIGHT: The KDK REPORT - The platinum gatekeeper

THE opportunity to age gracefully is something that I suspect all human beings long for. Where the differences materialise, however, is in the age we’d like to achieve before dying. Some say 75, while the majority respond somewhere in their 80s or 90s. Rarely does anyone say 100, thinking that it’s too far-fetched to even conceive.

INSIGHT: Sir Ronald Sanders - Travel within the Caribbean in crisis

THE closure of LIAT in 2020, without establishing air transport to fill the vacuum, has led to chaos in regional transportation, gravely affecting the movement of people and goods throughout the Caribbean region.

WORLD VIEW – NO TIME TO WASTE: Protecting school children and ending gang violence

GANG violence, particularly in schools, and directed at school children, is fast becoming a grave concern throughout the Caribbean.

THE KDK REPORT: A smile in September

IN January 2020, while getting ready for church, my patient sat in his living room chair to put on his shoes.

INSIGHT: How would the Alfred Sears of yesterday judge his actions today?

THE story of Alfred Sears and his slow steps toward admitting that he had indeed misled Parliament is a curious one.

INSIGHT: As we approach 50, what does our future look like?

THE scene on Saturday morning was beautiful to see. Crowds turned out in force to either take part or volunteer to organise the Road to 50 road race.

THE KDK REPORT: Devil in the details

BEFORE the internet became mainstream, my father owned a set of medical encyclopedias.

WORLD VIEW: Higher cost of living demands competent governments

THROUGHOUT the world, people and their governments and Central Banks are worrying about inflation, or the rate of increase in the cost of living. In many countries, this concern about the cost of living has become a prime consideration in general elections because electorates want competent governments in whose hands they commit their expectations.

WORLD VIEW – Not a moment to waste: Small island states must defend themselves

CALL me a cynic, but years of participation in negotiations between developed and developing countries have schooled me to be cautious about grand announcements and promises. The devil is usually in the detail. Experience has taught me to remain hopeful, but to be vigilant in ensuring the commitments, pledges and promises are kept.

THE KDK REPORT: Beside the dilly tree

TIM spent summers with his grandparents on the island of Andros during some of the happiest times of his life. He recalls as a child awakening to a warm, bright sunlight that boldly danced across the island sky and wrapped it in a deep red and golden yellow hue.

INSIGHT: The long walk to freedom for women in The Bahamas

THE pomp and ceremony of Parliament was on full display last week – but for the best of reasons.

WORLD VIEW: Fearless fight for climate fairness

SHOWING all the frankness that he demonstrates in his domestic politics, Antigua and Barbuda’s Prime Minister, Gaston Browne, marched fearlessly like Daniel in the Lion’s Den, when he made several demands in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt where COP 27 is being held.

THE KDK REPORT: Four feet below

WHEN obligations conflict with one another, whether it’s work versus family or friends versus other demands, it may start as little more than a slight irritation or hurdle to overcome and then quickly mushroom into what feels like an insurmountable mountain. Sometimes trying but failing to climb that mountain leads to a gut punching sense of failure where you begin to feel like there’s no way out and you’re being sucked under by quicksand. The farther you sink into the unknown, the more you feel like death is closing in and you’re drowning, just four feet below the surface.

INSIGHT: Was the House of Assembly misled?

HERE’S a name you thought might have disappeared from the political map of the world – Boris Johnson. Bear with me, though, this isn’t just about what happened in faraway Britain.

INSIGHT: Fyre, FTX and the harm to our nation

A YOUNG entrepreneur, out of his depth, losing a ton of money and injuring the reputation of The Bahamas along the way. I could be talking about Sam Bankman-Fried, whose company FTX has combusted so spectacularly in the past week or so – and I will – but let’s take a trip to the past first.

WORLD VIEW: America’s Democracy not trumped in mid-term vote

IN my commentary last week entitled, US Mid-term elections: a defining moment for the World, I pointed out that no less a person than Joseph R Biden Jr, the President of the United States of America, proclaimed that democracy is at stake in his country.

WORLD VIEW: US Mid-term elections - a defining moment

DEMOCRACY is at stake in the country that proclaims itself as the world’s bastion of democracy.

THE KDK REPORT: A Warbler in the prairie

FOR over a century, The Commonwealth of The Bahamas has been revered across the globe as a tropical paradise.

INSIGHT: Murder rate soaring - so what will we do?

I’LL be honest – I don’t really understand what the government’s strategy is when it comes to tackling crime.

THE KDK REPORT: Something in the tea

GROWING up on a remote family island with limited access to traditional western medicine led many indigenous Bahamians to find alternative natural cures for their medical ailments.

INSIGHT: Another chance for Davis to press case on climate

IT has not been a good week for the PLP government.

INSIGHT: Don’t keep your partners in the dark

AMID a falling-out between government and retailers, Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis offered a rallying cry for grocers to “partner with me”.

THE KDK REPORT: A chocolate on Sundays

THERE are certain, remote, sections of The Bahamas that are so serene and untouched that the sheer beauty of this sun-kissed landscape is utterly breathtaking.