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WORLD VIEW: No trust in Truss - general elections should be called

THE present Conservative party in Britain has now established a remarkable list of records; none of them good.

THE KDK REPORT: If the school bell cries

AT any given moment, our lives can change forever. Just the notion of how split-second fast it can happen is frightening.

WORLD VIEW: Support for Juan Guaidó has dwindled

AT the height of Donald Trump’s presidency of the United States (U.S.) when, on January 23, 2019, he anointed Juan Guaidó as the “Interim President” of Venezuela, as much as 50 countries joined him in a folly that persisted until October 6, 2022.

INSIGHT: A united front over issue of marital rape

A BREAKTHROUGH appears to have been achieved in the debate over marital rape – and it’s thanks in no small part to the University of The Bahamas.

WORLD VIEW: Join the international fight for climate justice

ON September 23, at the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne, made a clear and unequivocal statement, concerning the impact of Climate Change.

THE KDK REPORT: Deep breaths in the dark

HAVE you ever noticed that whenever you take a breath; not a shallow, routine, in through the nose and out through the mouth breath, but a deep sustained proper breath – everything suddenly gets a little better. Your mental clarity is enhanced, your posture improves and you immediately feel more relaxed and energetic.

INSIGHT: Shadow of crime never goes away

THE Bahamas reached an unwanted landmark last week – the 100th murder of the year.

WORLD VIEW: President Putin - The world should say ‘no more’

“EVERY bullet, every bomb, every shell that hits a target in Ukraine, hits our pockets and our economies in Africa.” Those were the words of the President of Ghana, Akufo-Addo, at the UN General Assembly on September 21.

INSIGHT: PLP gets its report card - a year of success?

ON September 16, 2021, The Bahamas voted in the current administration – meaning we have now had a little over a year of the PLP government.

THE KDK REPORT: Almost flew west

AT 6,500 feet, while flying a single engine plane from Nassau to Florida, my patient’s engine failed. He was alone in a cocoon of absolute silence. He knew that his survival hinged on his ability to locate a safe place to land. Fortunately, he was able to restart the engine but four other times during his one hour flight, the engine malfunctioned. At the time, my patient, hereafter referred to as AJ, was in his mid-30s and although he managed to land safely, this would be the first of many lessons he was forced to learn about remaining calm in the face of life-threatening danger.

WORLD VIEW: OAS plays significant role for democracy in elections

THERE are intermittent squabbles in the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS), concerning the controversial general elections of October 20, 2019, in Bolivia.

THE KDK REPORT: Over the mountaintop

THE last speech ever delivered by civil rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King Jr took place on April 3, 1968, and was entitled ‘I’ve been to the mountaintop’. The speech was in support of economic justice for striking sanitation workers at Mason Temple in Memphis, Tennessee but Dr King Jr also spoke about having personally faced difficult days. It would end up being the final and most memorable of his words. The man who tried to change the world through peace died by violence. He was assassinated the following day.

INSIGHT: The Queen’s passing is a moment of change

THE passing of Queen Elizabeth II was one of those moments that rings across public life. Whatever your opinion of the Queen and the monarchy, her death on Thursday marked a change. Sometimes, when such a moment comes, the best thing to do is to listen to what others have to say – so that’s what I did.

WORLD VIEW: COP-27 failing before it begins

THE most ominous sign of what the forthcoming COP-27 meeting on climate change portends for small states is that officials from a Group of 20 (G20) major economies, who met on August 31, failed to agree a joint statement at the conclusion of the meeting.

THE KDK REPORT: Above all else – PART 2

THERE are certain definitive sink or swim moments throughout our lives that define each and every one of us. Those moments, while outwardly silent but internally screaming, require hope, stamina and strength of character to survive. This necessary strength is bolstered by knowing that someday, over time and as the seasons change, life will once again become bearable and if fortunate enough, happy and fulfilled.

INSIGHT: Holes, bumps and shoddy road repairs

IS it just my imagination or are our roads getting worse and worse again?

WORLD VIEW: Another ban on leaders attending international meetings?

ONCE again, politicians in the US are entangling the internal politics of their country with US obligations to the international community.


MANY of us spend so much of our lives consumed by what’s happened in the past or what should or could happen in the future, that we fail to live in the present. Those who fall into this category aren’t truly living, they’re simply surviving day by day and hoping that their next day is fractionally better than the last. But then there are others who live in the moment. Grateful for every second of life, oftentimes because they’ve come so close to losing it.

INSIGHT: Are we really ready to go back to school?

IT’S that time of year when parents will be setting off on the school run again. Children will be wakened early, freshly bought uniforms will be put on, and out the door to school they go, with shoes that might stay unscuffed for a week and bags that parents hope will last.

WORLD VIEW: Haiti sinking deeper into catastrophe - who will save it?

HAITI has never been far from wide-scale human suffering, grave political instability, and grim economic underdevelopment. But its circumstances today are worse than they have been before.

THE KDK REPORT: Beyond the batter’s eye

THERE’S something uniquely American about baseball – its simplicity, the hot dogs and the cheering fans in the stands create what feels like a community connected.

INSIGHT: Will our politicians ever tackle the issue of marital rape?

THE issue of marital rape is one that seems to neither ever go away

INSIGHT: The law is the law - and the government should follow it

IMAGINE if you will the following scenario: You’re driving home, and the police pull you over. When you ask what you did wrong, the officer tells you that you were speeding and so you have broken the law. Not to worry, you say, I’ll change that law when I get home, and off you drive, leaving behind the officer shouting after you that you’ve broken the law right now.

WORLD VIEW: Has CARICOM reached its limits of regional integration?

SO FAR in this attempt to answer the question, “Has CARICOM reached its limits of regional integration”, it has been established that, after almost 50 years, the regional project has failed to deliver the commitments expected from the 1973 Treaty of Chaguaramas and its Revision in 2001.

THE KDK REPORT: One more day

AT 1AM, my patient receives a phone call from the police. There’s been another car accident. He kisses his wife goodbye, puts on his overalls and grabs his work bag in the garage. Within ten minutes, he arrives at the scene, tonight and often times before the ambulance on call. The road is blocked by at least four police cars and the glare from their flashing siren lights pierces his cornea in the darkness of the hour. After almost 40 years in this profession, he’ll never be fully comfortable with the nightmarish feeling that a night like this elicits.