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INSIGHT: Blue Holes reveal today’s hurricane activity is nothing compared with the past

HURRICANES and Blue Holes? You may be wondering about the connection. Well, The Bahamas has the greatest concentration of blue holes in the world with “valuable long-term record” of the Atlantic hurricane activity dating back over five centuries.

THE KDK REPORT: The North Star

GROWING up and living on a remote family island offers a wealth of peace and tranquility few outsiders can comprehend. With a small population, everyone on the island is either a family member or neighbour and there’s a genuine sense of community throughout the entire land.

INSIGHT: Out of order, Madam Speaker

THE Speaker of the House took centre stage last week – and not in a good way.

At last, faith in regionalism reignited by the crisis upon us

THE “Agri-Investment Forum”, held in Guyana from 19 to 21 May, was arguably the most successful engagement by CARICOM leaders in the last 15 years.

THE KDK REPORT: This new horizon

WELL-KNOWN for its beautiful beaches and world-class museums, Niteroi is a city in the southeast region of Brazil, facing Rio de Janeiro and just across from Guanabara Bay. It is also the birthplace of one of my patients, who like so many others, has had to overcome more than her fair share of challenges.

INSIGHT: US supplies the guns but it’s our people who won’t stop using them

The most obvious thing in the world to say this week is that America has a gun problem.

INSIGHT: The invisible wave of COVID

A FRIEND tested positive for COVID-19 last week. He had to take a test ahead of travel, and hadn’t expected a positive result – but there it was. He was fully vaccinated, had the booster, and hadn’t felt ill at all, but still somewhere along the way he picked up the virus. It was, in his case, almost an invisible illness.

THE KDK REPORT: A wrinkle or two

THROUGHOUT the course of history, we’ve all inherently benefited from the immeasurable sacrifices of our forefathers. Men and women who, through their contributions to the betterment of mankind, have made our lives infinitely easier.

WORLD VIEW: Wise heads should prevail at Summit of the Americas

THE Summit of the Americas, scheduled to be held in Los Angeles from June 8 to 10, should be regarded by all the Heads of Government, as a golden opportunity to address the many challenges now confronting the hemisphere.

INSIGHT: Time for our own regional song contest?

ONCE a year, a unique occasion captures the world’s attention. The Eurovision Song Contest is a weird, camp, remarkable music event that manages to be both ironic and wears its heart on its sleeve all at once.

WORLD VIEW: Abortion is a woman’s right - legalise it

(The writer is Antigua and Barbuda’s Ambassador to the United States of America and the Organization of American States. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London and Massey College in the University of Toronto).

THE KDK REPORT: Even bright stars fall

THROUGHOUT the course of our lifetime, there is an unwavering and universal truth that we must all accept.

INSIGHT: Minding my own business while the world’s a mess

SOME days I just sit and try to mind my own business. It isn’t always easy.

WORLD VIEW: Standing up to Daniel Ortega’s excesses

LARGELY unreported by the media in the Caribbean and making no headlines, a very serious blow was delivered to diplomacy and international relations on Sunday, April 24.

INSIGHT: The money has to come from somewhere

THE debate about taxation got ugly last week – with arguments in the House of Assembly and Shanendon Cartwright MP risking being thrown out by the Deputy Speaker. So, what’s the issue?

THE KDK REPORT: Through thick and thin

RELATIONSHIPS, both romantic and platonic, are often complicated and even ones that have lasted for years can begin to wane beneath the pressure of distance and time.

WORLD VIEW: The rejection of military aggression - a CARICOM achievement

CARICOM states led the way in the Organization of American States (OAS) on April 21, 2022 in an historic vote to suspend the status of the Russian Federation as a Permanent Observer to the Organization.

THE KDK REPORT: The sound of silence

ALL musicians, spanning the breadth of history, can attest to the fact that music has the power to heal. There is a song for every heartache and one for every celebration. No matter the genre, every melody, chord, tune, lyric and sound is capable of touching the soul and jarring or soothing our every emotion.

INSIGHT: Blood on our streets

KEVIN Andrews was reportedly standing at a fruit and vegetable stall in Gamble Heights when he was shot and killed on Thursday.

WORLD VIEW: Developing countries also victims of Ukraine war

IN the words of UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, the war on Ukraine by Russia “is fast becoming a matter of life and death for vulnerable people around the world”.

WORLD VIEW: Those who damage legal international order must be held to account

OVER the last few weeks since the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, the world has witnessed the greatest weakness in the machinery entrusted with maintaining international peace and security.

THE KDK REPORT: What lies beneath

THERE was a time growing up in Nassau, and perhaps many places, when finding out someone had cancer was so rare that it was considered shocking. The island gossip mills churned for weeks on end with callous disregard and absolute bewilderment by the mere occurrence and in some cases friends of the newly diagnosed quietly shied away out of fear that it might be contagious.

INSIGHT: Cautious but confident in this COVID lull

YESTERDAY marked a moment when things seemed to get back to normal for many Bahamians.

INSIGHT: Back to normal, or building back better?

THE latest step in removing COVID restrictions is perhaps one of the most significant for Bahamians. The removal of the need for COVID tests for inter-island travel is more than welcome – it makes us able to travel freely within our nation. No longer will there be the hassle of arranging a test or the worry of what happens if it shows up positive before we go and visit our family members on different islands.

THE KDK REPORT: As the orchids bloom

A POPULAR theory amongst gardeners is that the lunar cycle can affect plant growth. It follows that as the moon’s gravitational pull alters the rise and fall of ocean tides, it also directly influences the amount of moisture in the soil. In doing so, planting seeds in the right moisture conditions will allow the seeds to germinate much faster and accordingly yield bigger, healthier plants.