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INSIGHT: Serious soul searching for the right man to lead

IN the post-mortem of an embarrassing landslide election defeat, the Free National Movement is a party some would say let the trappings of governance go to their heads. Others would put the blame squarely on the shoulders of their leader, former Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis. Taken altogether, the cocktail which resulted in the loss at the polls on September 16 suggests a party, much like the PLP of 2017, that needs to do some serious internal evaluation.

The KDK Report: Shot five times at 78 - his good health helped him survive

Before moving back to The Bahamas, I trained and practiced medicine at hospitals in Canada and the US, ultimately becoming the chief resident for foot and ankle surgery at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. It was there that I was taught to inspect the operating theatre before every surgery. I learned the importance of speaking to the nurses, scrub technicians and the anaesthesiologist and to introduce myself to anyone that I hadn’t worked with before.

INSIGHT: The Rebel Seven foretold much of what came to pass

AS we reflect upon history, much will be said about the Minnis administration’s abbreviated run at the helm. Among initiatives such as making tertiary education free for Bahamians, support for small business development and a strong thrust for land ownership, most of their good deeds will be eclipsed by what many will conclude was another term of poor leadership.

WORLD VIEW: Venezuela talks – mountain went forth and produced a mouse

IT was predictable that, in an attempt to show they are capable of collaboration, the rival political groups in Venezuela would pick their spurious claim to two-thirds of Guyana’s territory as a show of unity.

The KDK Report: In sickness and in health

THE universal thread that connects each and every human being is the need to be heard, wanted, trusted and appreciated. Many people search their entire lives to find their proverbial soulmate - that one true love who makes them feel safe and wanted. Young girls start planning their wedding long before they even have a mate.

INSIGHT: Advanced poll chaos showed a lack of preparation

ALL the talk of the country being ready to run an election during a pandemic ran aground on Thursday amid the chaos of an advanced poll that showed we were far from prepared.

WORLD VIEW: Kenya’s President wants ‘steadfast leadership’ by Commonwealth Secretariat

IT is good to see the President of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta, has nominated his Cabinet Secretary for Defence, Monica Juma, for the post of Commonwealth Secretary-General.

The KDK Report: No way out

I’ve lived in three different countries and four different states and one of the many lessons I’ve learned throughout my travels is that the person who is quick to smile is the same person who is quick to cry. As diametrically opposed as the two may be, they remain two halves of the same coin.

INSIGHT: A few gestures and prayers won’t cut it for Dorian’s forgotten families

LAST week marked the anniversary of the landfall of Hurricane Dorian –- the strongest storm to ever hit The Bahamas. In the days leading up to that anniversary date of September 1, I waited to see if the government would take a break from campaign activity to memorialise those who were snatched away, leaving behind broken hearts and unspeakable trauma.

THE KDK REPORT: The world shuts down

THERE are some days when getting out of bed comes with great ease and other times when it is a hard-fought mountainous struggle.

INSIGHT: Tough decisions lie ahead and that may mean mandated vaccines

POLITICAL factions and Bahamians alike, enjoy the lead up to election day. The chest rattling vibrations of booming stereo systems accompanied by pom-pom shaking party supporters is an energy unlike any other in The Bahamas. Undeniably, election season is nearly as culturally affixed to who we are as Bahamians as Junkanoo. But soon, the music will fade and we will have to snap back to reality and the task that lies ahead.

INSIGHT: The lessons of Afghanistan should not go unheeded

The heart-wrenching scenes in Afghanistan in recent days, which culminated in horrendous terrorist attacks in Kabul airport, sent shock waves across the world and generated much soul-searching in the West. The chaos, desperation, and uncertainty unleashed in the aftermath of Taliban’s rapid take-over of the country was rightfully interpreted as a drastic policy failure of its foreign occupiers.

THE KDK REPORT: Robbed of a lifetime’s memories, slowly slipping away

I’M OFTEN asked by friends, patients and family members alike what I consider the most frightening, the most difficult or the most agonizing of all medical conditions that I’ve seen throughout my career. In every case they were, as I assume you will be, surprised to hear my response.

INSIGHT: Don’t be dazzled by the show - it’s substance we need

IF you somehow missed Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis’ announcement, then the forest of signs that appeared overnight on the roads would soon have told you the election is coming.

THE KDK REPORT: A simple test can save a life and not just leave you with memories

There is a line in Les Misérables wherein one of the characters affirms there is often a grief that can’t be spoken and the pain goes on and on.

WORLD VIEW: Are people in the Caribbean becoming architects of their own destruction?

THE question has to be asked. Are some people in Caribbean countries becoming the architects of their own and the region’s destruction?

INSIGHT: A family holiday which turned into a Bahamian nightmare

What started out as a vacation in paradise for Rui Hao and his family and friends turned into a total nightmare.

INSIGHT: We’ve got the vaccines but need to do a much better job persuading the public to take them

THE arrival of more vaccines and more assurances will bolster our supply before the year’s end is certainly good news. However, with a void the size of the Grand Canyon in the government’s communication and vaccine education machinery, vaccination hesitancy may still prevail. If it does, you can bet the people of The Bahamas will lose handily.

WORLD VIEW: Rethink full membership of CARICOM to make it effective

Almost 80 years ago, Jamaica’s Norman Manley asked a question that has been echoing throughout the 12 independent English-Speaking Caribbean countries that form the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).

INSIGHT: Vaccinations are still a personal choice - but for how much longer?

DESPITE a third tranche of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine landing on our shores last week, the country is still far behind in the race to increase vaccination uptake and fend off this third surge of COVID-19.

WORLD VIEW: In praise of a black Caribbean woman

CARICOM should be proud of the success of a Caribbean woman who was at the centre of the effort to manage the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean.

INSIGHT: Public mistrust of the Health Ministry’s leadership continues to prove a fatal mistake

IT CAN be easy for people to believe the times are not perilous. Perhaps it’s the freedom to travel to places that are either faring better in terms of vaccinations, or whose people are apt to take more risk. It may also be the fatigue of living under such strict confinement for 16 months wears you down to the point of carelessness.

INSIGHT: ‘Look at me! Can’t you see the Grim Reaper beside me?’

A gang “general” has given The Tribune an insight into the background behind the recent spate of killings which have left the blood of young men running in our streets.

INSIGHT: He’s no longer centre stage but the bite’s still there

As far as former Cabinet Minister Loftus Roker is concerned, “anything” is better at governing The Bahamas than the current Minnis Administration.

WORLD VIEW: Cuba could help US normalise relations

ALL may not be lost in the efforts to improve relations between the government of Cuba and the Biden Administration in the US, despite the rhetoric – most of it emanating from the Cuban government in the wake of protests by thousands across the island.