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THE KDK REPORT: A ram in the bush

NONE of us can recall the exact details of the day we were born so our knowledge of that day is limited to what our parents tell us. Despite this, every birthday is a cause for celebration whether someone organises it or we are old enough to do it ourselves. Some, like myself, prefer to travel to celebrate while others enjoy a quiet evening at home with loved ones. Many like to throw parties where food, cake, music and alcoholic beverages are typical expectancies and turning milestone ages like 18 and 50 often triggers the most extravagant events.

INSIGHT: No way forward for a government that lacks answers

IF the government wanted to move on from issues surrounding press access, it didn’t make a convincing case to talk about anything else this week.

WORLD VIEW: Checks and balances - is it time to change the electoral system?

THE second consecutive general elections in Barbados on January 19, at which Mia Mottley’s Barbados Labour Party (BLP) won all 30 seats in the House of Representatives, were hailed as historic. They certainly were for Barbados, but not for the English-speaking sub-region of the Caribbean.

THE KDK REPORT: Lord of the manor

GETTING punched in the eye is a different experience altogether from getting punched anywhere else on the body.

INSIGHT: Things CAN get better if only we pull together in the same direction

LAST week saw the return of students to face-to-face learning, and while there remain concerns about whether that will lead to greater spread of COVID-19, it was heartwarming to see children getting back to some form of normality.

WORLD VIEW: Democracy in Barbados fully entrusted to the new Mia Mottley government

Rejecting the accusations of bullying and despotism that were levelled at Mia Mottley, the overwhelming majority of the electorate of Barbados returned her and her Barbados Labour Party (BLP) to government for a second consecutive term at general elections held on January 19.

INSIGHT: Much A-Dubai about nothing

Dubai’s lightning explosion onto the world scene is exactly the kind of example The Bahamas needs to break out of our sad cycle of stagnation and mediocrity. Prime Minister Davis should be applauded for having the initiative and imagination to lead the way in connecting us with one of the most stunning economic revolutions in modern history.

THE KDK REPORT: When tomorrow never comes

A UNIVERSAL unwavering truth is that at some point, we will all die.

INSIGHT: One rule for Davis, another for the rest?

Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis has revealed he broke quarantine – so is it one rule for him and another for the rest of us?

WORLD VIEW: Commonwealth Caribbean countries – all republics by 2030?

BY 2030, it is more than likely that the eight independent Commonwealth countries which are still monarchical states, with Queen Elizabeth II as their Sovereign, will become Republics.

THE KDK REPORT: Lessons from a way of life

HAVE you ever noticed that members of the Rastafarian community have largely remained relatively unscathed by the COVID- 19 pandemic?

INSIGHT: Will Dubai spending bring value for money?

AS the wheels lifted on the flights taking the Bahamian delegation to Dubai for the Expo event being held there, the debate over the cost of the trip was already well underway.

WORLD VIEW: Deeper integration of CARICOM countries cannot wait

THE destruction by tornadoes of Kentucky, a south-eastern State of the United States of America (US), on December 12, has lessons for the countries of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), as 2022 dawns amid the continuing COVID-19 pandemic and weakened economies.

WORLD VIEW: Reform the OAS or oversee its irrelevance

OUR world exists today in troubled circumstances, governed by outmoded charters and laws that are no longer fit for purpose and do not respond to human needs.

INSIGHT: Making Grand Bahama’s story available for all to read

The Groves family is continuing its philanthropic legacy in The Bahamas with the soft launch of a new digital Grand Bahama Museum – the first in the Caribbean region.

THE KDK REPORT: No cage too small

There’s a stark difference between being captured and imprisoned and being born into captivity. The major difference is in the mindset of the prisoner. A man once free and then locked up oscillates between anger and depression, drowning in the loss of the freedom he once enjoyed. Someone born into it, however, simply cannot appreciate this loss with the same level of desperation and comprehension.

INSIGHT: Is Beaches and Parks Authority report a scandal or a distraction?

IN the middle of swirling questions about the government’s handling of the Christmas Carnival fiasco, what does the current administration do? Make accusations about the former administration, of course.

WORLD VIEW: Democracy Summit missed an essential ingredient

US President Joe Biden declared at the opening of a “Summit on Democracy”, which he convened on December 9, that “democracy needs champions”.

THE KDK REPORT: The enemy within

Every parent has a dream for their child. Some have intricate plans of what schools they should attend and what career they should choose. Others are less rigid, focusing more on the type of person they will develop into and the hope that they can find happiness along the way. The patient highlighted in today’s report is the mother of three children and her dreams for her second child, her only son, were shattered when he was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia at the age of 20.

INSIGHT: If this is how we do business, no wonder we’re in such a mess

WHEN Michael Halkitis took office as Minister for Economic Affairs in the new government, there were two things on his mind. The first was to stabilize the country’s finances with a national debt of $10.356 bn at the end of June and a deficit of $951.3m.

WORLD VIEW: Europe is following the road where China has already led

A television interviewer asked me if I thought Caribbean countries, and other developing territories, would benefit from the “war for influence” the European Union (EU) has launched against the People’s Republic of China.

THE KDK REPORT: A candle in the shadows

In 1992, Mike Tyson, the heavy-weight champion of the world, was charged with rape, tried and found guilty. Mae Jemison became the first African American woman to go to space, the notorious drug kingpin Pablo Escobar escaped from prison and Bill Clinton was elected the 42nd President of the United States. That year is also notable for the Los Angeles riots which erupted following the acquittal of four white police officers on trial for the beating of Rodney King.

INSIGHT: Are we ready to become a republic?

Barbados was the centre of attention last week – as the nation officially became a republic.

THE KDK REPORT: My neighbour’s keeper

In The Bahamas we have a special breed of dogs known as Potcakes. Colloquially named after the overcooked (burnt) rice at the bottom of a pot that nobody wants, these dogs are incredibly resilient. As such they appeal to those who like animals but are not so crazy about caring extensively for them.

INSIGHT: Can Pintard put the pieces back together?

ON Saturday evening the Minnis era came to an end. In the place of Dr Hubert Minnis now as leader of the FNM and Leader of the Opposition stands Michael Pintard. He faces a tough task ahead of him.