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INSIGHT: Think we’ve learned the lessons of Dorian and are better prepared? Think again.

With all we have gone through since the start of the pandemic, the least we should hope for is that we emerge wiser from it. This is especially true when it comes to what we expect from government.

INSIGHT: Unravelling the knot of the government properties being left to rot

Insight would have started by saying the silent saga continues on the previously featured government-owned high end houses, however, there appears to be slight movement due to the spotlight being placed on them by this column.

WORLD VIEW: Small states might benefit from the rivalry of larger nations for 21st century dominance

US President Joseph Biden’s address to a Joint Session of the US Congress on April 28 was strikingly different from the speeches of his predecessor, Donald Trump.

INSIGHT: Tunnel vision and myopia are too heavily guiding decision on vaccinations for travellers

THIS past weekend, the requirements for fully-vaccinated travellers to provide evidence of a negative COVID-19 RT-PCR test before being permitted into the country were officially dropped.

INSIGHT: Is anyone listening – why are we letting millions slip through our fingers?

“Star Acres”, its gargoyles and neighbouring luxurious government-owned Prospect Ridge properties, join “La Playa” in its grandness of yesteryear and the rotting wood, crumbling walls and overgrown foliage of current times.

Police Advice: Watch for the warning signs which show a child is being abused

Parents, it is imperative to remember your children are gifts from God.

WORLD VIEW: Less outrage at U.S. caution on travel - more action to open economies

IN Antigua and Barbuda and Barbados there is outrage in some quarters that the US Embassy, accredited to these countries, has listed them as “Level 4 – very high” for risk of infection with the coronavirus. Under this categorisation, the US Embassy cautions their citizens and residents not to travel to these countries.

INSIGHT: Has the government jumped the gun in easing travel restrictions?

THE landscape of COVID-19 is ever-changing, as science continues to uncover more about the virus. Now, it seems, there are indications vaccinated people who do contract the virus have a much slimmer chance of transmitting it to others than earlier projected – another boon for global confidence.

INSIGHT: Why on Earth is this jewel being allowed to fall into ruin?

THE government is being accused of ignoring all efforts made by developer Paul Wynn to take the $3.5m “La Playa” off its hands. Meanwhile the once regal building continues to deteriorate and is now an eyesore of West Bay Street.

INSIGHT: What’s really being done to address what puts a young man’s finger on the trigger of a gun?

ONE of the main campaign positions of both of our last administrations has been an emphasis on eradicating the scourge of crime. As record murders were set under both the Ingraham and Christie administrations, our politicians, in hopes of engendering confidence in the electorate, claimed to have the answer.

INSIGHT: The PM’s party house - a white elephant or a lost opportunity?

Recently, much ado has been made over the government-owned, once majestic home located right beside the Goodman’s Bay recreation area. The grubby fingers of politicians are being pointed across the Parliamentary floor casting sarcastic remarks as to what the building is for, all the while totally missing how much tremendous wastage it represents. A whopping $3.5m’s worth of wastage.

WORLD VIEW: Small countries need an IMF that is a lender of conscience

AS undesirable as it may be, governments of Caribbean countries that are not in International Monetary Fund (IMF) programmes are being pushed in that direction.

INSIGHT: Mixed signals sent by large gatherings have put campaign season in the crosshairs

IT has been more than a year since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and with possibly less time before the next general election, political parties have been faced with a conundrum. When they would typically be pounding the pavement and filling up parks and town halls across the country, they, too, are at the mercy of the emergency orders – or at least they should be.

INSIGHT: We must proceed with caution - now’s not the time to shoot ourselves in the foot

JUST a few weeks into the first jabs going into the arms of Bahamians, reports of increased cases of COVID-19 since January have shown the urgency for citizens to get vaccinated.

INSIGHT – BEHIND THE WALLS: An ex-con and his 15 years in Fox Hill prison

The familiar scent of human filth permeating the air is what Charles Rolle remembers as a constant during his 15-year stay at the Bahamas Department of Corrections (BDC).

WORLD VIEW: No, the idea of CARICOM is not dead

A commentary, published on March 8 by Camillo Gonsalves, a Minister of the Government of St Vincent and the Grenadines, was headlined “Every Island for itself’. The first line was unequivocal in stating “The idea of CARICOM died on December 16, 2020”.

WORLD VIEW: Time running out to stop Haiti falling deeper into the abyss

AT a meeting of the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) on March 17, I said that “no resolution is perfect, and no resolution satisfies every country, but we cannot sacrifice achieving good on the altar of desiring perfection”.

INSIGHT: The long road to creating a billing system for hospital

For decades, thousands of people have used the Princess Margaret Hospital and other health facilities without ever being sent a bill creating the perception for many that we have a “free” public health service.

INSIGHT: The road back has begun but there’s a long way still to go

A year ago, countries all around the world were in lockdown as governments scrambled to make sense of their pandemic responses.

INSIGHT: We have the vaccine – now it’s time to win hearts and minds

WITH the arrival of 20,000 doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, there should be a sense of relief after a full year of a global pandemic. However, worries persist over the need to convince the community to take the jab.

INSIGHT: Global problems such as COVID cannot be solved by adhering to national boundaries

It was on March 15, 2020, that the first COVID-19 case was confirmed in The Bahamas. More than a year has elapsed, and the pandemic shows no signs of abating. The situation is no better in most countries of the world. One of the few known ways to combat the coronavirus is the COVID-19 vaccine, developed simultaneously by many companies and countries across the world.

WORLD VIEW: Small states diplomacy pays dividends on ‘de-risking’

IT was an odd law into which to place it, but new and welcome directives on “de-risking” - which has plagued Caribbean countries - has become law in the United States.

INSIGHT: Delays and frustrations but the end of the tunnel is in sight

THERE was a sense of relief among Bahamians on social media when it was announced the first vaccines would arrive in the country today. When this news was followed by an update that the vaccines would be delayed until Wednesday because of “logistical issues with the airline overseas”, that relief shifted to weary cynicism.

INSIGHT: A million dollars for a smart new complex - now tear it down

AN estimated $1m of taxpayer dollars has been wasted in the part construction of a new building on the campus of Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute which is now “just sitting there out back waiting to be demolished”, Insight can reveal.

POLICE ADVICE: Learn to listen and avoid conflict

Conflict is a normal and necessary part of healthy relationships. After all, people aren’t expected to agree on everything at all times. Therefore, learning how to deal with conflict—rather than avoiding it, is crucial.